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Tha Hitlist: "iMPACT!" & Marquis Cor Von

Editor's note: This article contains a TNA spoiler in its final paragraph.

Tuesday night saw the debut of Monty Brown on ECW as Marquis Cor Von. So far, it seems as though no one likes the name due to the reasons behind the name change, as well as how bad of a name it is.

Then, a day after reading all the hate for it here at Tha O Show, I find out one of the biggest reasons why Vince decided to change his name. Ready for a good one?

He didn't want people to do online searches for the name "Monty Brown" and uncover information about TNA.

Vince, face facts. People know about TNA - it is no longer possible to keep it a secret from the WWE marks.

Yes, that's right, Vince, even the braindead marks that you rely on to actually cheer for Cena and boo Edge know about TNA! Acting the way you do only furthers you from your fan base. When Stone Cold saved you and your company's ass back in 1998 and 1999, he was portrayed as a character who the fans could connect to in some way. Lowest common denominator, baby!

Now, you have John Cena, who is not, nor will ever be close to, Hogan, Rock or Austin. The people who are supposed to connect to him hate him; the people who cheer for him are the ones who cheer for him because they are told to. Yet you still try to package him as the man who will be the next big thing simply because you want to.

Now is a bad time to act like you walk on water and think that you have the kind of stranglehold on the wrestling industry that allows you to put out whatever you want. That is, unless Jerry Jarrett struck a dirty deal with Vinnie Mac last year and TNA is already the property of WWE.

Now, as for "iMPACT!" itself, I'm going to sum up the program in five simple words-What the hell was that?!

Christian Cage and Kurt Angle could be a big money feud. It could honestly be one of the most successful storylines that TNA has ever run. However, instead of doing something to make it good, they decide to center the feud around Cage having hired a friend of Angle's as a personal psychologist. Wow, compelling.

Then they decide to toss Samoa Joe into the mix. I realize that right now his leg is kind of tender and that he is taking it easy, but there are still better things to do with him. He just got out of a feud with Angle - it makes no sense to immediately tack him on to another Angle storyline.

Abyss is stuck in a horrible storyline, and now they've taken away his mouthpiece. Although I suppose he could do without Mitchell - I mean, did you see that sick promo that he cut? Seriously, I have never been brought to tears so fast than last night by Abyss' moving, heartfelt wails of "NO! NO! NO!". Mick Foley must be so proud. I honestly do not blame the fans for turning on Sting with chants of "bully" - both guys should be ashamed of this lousy storyline.

Editor's note: The following paragraph contains a TNA spoiler.

By the way, for those of you who can't wait to hear the startling surprise, Abyss fired three shots into the back of his dad's head and knocked him into a coma, which he eventually came out of. Jesus, if you're gonna have a deep, dark secret built up like that, couldn't they have at least made him kill someone?

The rest of "iMPACT!" does not really even deserve much comment. Huge step backward for TNA so far in January.

2 comments: on "Tha Hitlist: "iMPACT!" & Marquis Cor Von"

Tim Haught said...

Abyss confessing to starting the fire that killed the Undertaker and Kane's parents (despite the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever) would be priceless. I know it's not what they are going for, but I would laugh my ass off, and to me that's a better reaction that what I have had towards TNA over the past few months which is blatant indifference.

I have been suprised for a while now that with the nostalgia that surrounded Hulk Hogan a few years ago, Sting has never once reverted to the bleach blonde surfer look.

Monty Brown in WWECW is Marques Cor Von. Monty Brown in WWECW with a peice of ham and cheese on his head is Marques Cor Von Bleu.

John Cena, while not a great worker, elicits a great reaction. That is why people read about him every f'n day on this blog. WWE is drawing live crowds and selling merch with him as champion. Vince won't change until there is a change in the bottom line. I think he likes having a really controversial champion that still makes money, because it keeps people talking. No one said shit when Benoit had the strap.

Anonymous said...

Kip is his real name, or middle name or some shit, but if I'm going for wrestling character with meaning, Kip's on the bottom of my list, right beside Terra Rizing, and Jimbo Von Oberholsenstein.

Also, you guys are being way to harsh, during Abyss' troubled childhood he himself was banged in the head, so how in the world would he distinguish the difference between the semi-automatic paintball gun, the marshmellow shooter, the bazooka, and the glock?

I didnt care for Monty much in TNA and I won't in the Double Double E. Although they could put him in a fued in with John Cena...that shit would sell. You would have the PPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUHHHH, period!!!!! Wanting and getting some, since of course the champ is here. On a side note, I the the pounce period would be much better with someone with a speach impediment. A stutter, or mixing R's and W's, who wouldnt love the pounce piwiod?