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Talkin' Smack

My favorite time for a wrestling company is when its roster is in transition. Afterall, the Attitude Era would have never occured had the E not had its roster completely raided by WCW.

Exit Rey Mysterio with a knee injury. King Booker drops the World Heavyweight Title to Batista.

The young and hungry talent is banging down the main event door. Now there's a 16-man "Beat the Clock SmackDown! Sprint" where literally any one of these guys can end up in the main event of Royal Rumble. Life is indeed good in the "SmackDown!" kingdom.

Last night saw the first half of the "Beat the Clock" challenge and we were treated to three smark fantasy matches and a solid Kane VS. Chavo match. Honestly, I never thought I'd see London VS. Kendrick, King Booker VS. Gregory Helms, and a Mr. Kennedy VS. Chris Benoit main event all in one evening.

In fact, I thought I'd never see Booker VS. Gregory Helms ever. The longest reigning champion in the E against the man that ruled "SmackDown!" for the better part of six months - plus both guys are heels. Storylines were tossed out the window and it was all about competition last night.

The London and Kendrick match was a classic chain wrestling move/countermove clinic. Although a segment of the "SmackDown!" crowd chanted "boring" during the beginning of the match, it was a breath of fresh air for those of us who still long for Ric Flair/Ricky Steamboat circa 1989 style professional wrestling. No fire, no barbed wire, no gimmicks. Just a purely scientific wrestling match where the only storyline that exists is that one man wants to defeat the other. Finally!

Which begs the questions: Is the "Beat the Clock" challenge an experiment? Is the E testing out the idea of competition for competition sake? Are they testing the market for a more MMA shoot style brand? We know damn well that's not happening on "Raw" with K-Fed in the main event spot. And who the hell knows what's going on with "ECW"?

But could the E be using "SmackDown!" as a testing ground for a more reality based brand? We've already discussed how the "SmackDown!" brand features simplistic storylines in the past. Perhaps they are trying to take that formula a bit further. Just some food for thought.

Speaking of shoot style and legit competition, how about the burns suffered during the Inferno Match to the back of MVP? If those burns were indeed legit, it was down right brutal. Not Joey Mercury brutal, but damn close!

During the MVP segment, I realized that it is pretty much set in stone that barring any serious injuries, MVP will eventually become WWE/World Heavyweight Champion. He's got the psychology, the talent, the look and that infamous "it" factor the likes I can't remember since The Rock himself. Mark my words, this guy is going to make the history books.

Another future World Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Kennedy had an outstanding match with Chris Benoit, ultimately pinning the United States Champion. How about the senton spot where Benoit lifted his knees? Kennedy impresses me more and more every week. There has to be a silent rivalry going on between Kennedy and MVP to see whose star will shine brighter in 2007.

It's a sure bet that one and most likely both of these guys are going to rule the "SmackDown!" and/or the entire WWE kingdom by year's end. It's also a matter of time before Kennedy turns babyface. The chants have already begun. A Kennedy/MVP program would be off the hook as they've already hinted at it in the past.

Overall, it was a very strong "SmackDown!" despite the inexplicable Boogeyman/Gregory Helms feud that's beginning to fester and a luckluster Diva match. But, with a locker room full of young breakout stars on the cusp of completely shattering the glass ceiling and the implentation of legit competition, "SmackDown!" has kicked off 2007 with a damn solid performance.

Next week Taker, Matt Hardy, Finlay and MVP all have a shot at knocking off Mr. Kennedy for the number one contendership at Royal Rumble. Predictions?

4 comments: on "Talkin' Smack"

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it'll be Kennedy. After all, he does hold the 3 victories over Batista, so creative could go somewhere with that. I'll also agree, that the BTC was pretty friggin entertaining. I don't quite buy MVP quite yet, but I'm getting there, so if it's not Kennedy, it'll be MVP. Finlay is my darkhorse though.

Also, why, why, WHY dammit, would they ruin Gregory Helms reputation with a program with the BoogeRman? He is like JBL said Smackdowns best kept secret.

Anonymous said...

I am with you 100% but i have to go for kennedy keeping the best time this is not the the first btc match in the e 50 points to who ever can call the when and what for here is a hint it was on raw and shelton in classic form held the rope just so cena could loose

Anonymous said...

Oh, how things have changed... Smackdown overthe past few months has became the best wrestling program on tv... yes even better than our beloved TNA... and its on free tv... which is good cause knowing the cable company i wont be able to the other 3 shows for another month... but I dont quite see the correlation with MMA, maybe my brain is too tiny

Next Man, i slightly remember the event you were talking about... and I see Kennedy pulling the same stunt and going on to the Rumble to face Batista... where Batista will retain his title

But, back to the great program... it was a great chance for me to explain the ART of wrestling to my new roommates...

Was Helms not impressive against the former champ? what an awesome match... and Booker's new sidestep intro with the pinky finger extended is classic... he has to win this year's KOTR again... this character has to stay, he's never had a character to run with necessarily, but hes taken this all the way

screw RAW, screw Kfed, and screw Trump, (if you havent read its in the works to have a battle of the billionaires program where both represent a wrestler at the rumble)
as JBL says every week SMACKDOWN is the flagship program, where quality wrestling reigns

Anonymous said...

Indeed like I said, MVP isnt there yet.

WAS the other BTC around NYR last year wasnt it? For the elimination chamber match? I'm probably wrong but I know they had BTC for those.

THE I do think that a wrestler he manages against a wrestler Vince manages could be money. It couldn't be established guys though, it'd have to be up and comers, in my opinion.