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Royal Rumble Predictions

Royal Rumble is one of the most original and intriguing wrestling pay-per-views of all time.

As they's every man for himself...and anything can happen. Over the years, fans have witnessed this marquee event become one of the greatest spectacles in the business.

Part of the 'big four' PPVs (including WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series), it can be argued that the Rumble is the second biggest pay-per-view of the year (sorry SummerSlam).

Not only because of its once-a-year unique battle royal main event (the sheer anticipation of seeing who comes out next is half the fun!) but because of its significance.

The winner, of course, goes on to WrestleMania to fight for a World Championship of his choice. The stakes could be no higher. Who will this year's winner be? Here's what Tha O Show thinks:

Hardys VS. MNM

Dan-e-o says: These two teams are embroiled in an awesome rivalry. We, as so-called smarks, often discuss how so few feuds in modern-day pro wrestling are ever given enough burn. Well, this one between the Hardys and MNM has been going on for months...and I love that there is actually a 'legitimate' reason to have it continued - that being the smashing of Joey Mercury's face via a ladder at Armageddon. The Hardys seems to always come out on top during their battles against each other so I expect MNM to finally exact their revenge on Sunday.

Winners: MNM

Ben Boudreau says: This has to be the best match on the card (except the Rumble of course). Have these two teams ever had a less than amazing match? Look for both teams to go all out as this will most likely be their final encounter. I'm going with MNM on this one, though it could easily go either way. The fans will be the real winners in this match.

Winners: MNM

Brian Plunkett says: This is the only match of the night that does not have a ton of WWE Fantasy points riding on it for me. Mercury is back and clean, Nitro is a budding star, and Matt Hardy will never get a push even if he were to sleep with Stephanie. In short, the two guys from MNM are going to be getting pushes soon, so it makes sense that they win.

Winners: MNM

Big Daddy Donnie says: Since each of my colleagues has picked MNM, I figure I should try to take the opposite stance. The Hardys are still insanely popular and would really pop the crowd - especially if this jerks the curtain. Here's the problem. This win leads to nowhere for either team, since partners from both are on separate brands. The only place this win can logically go is towards a rematch for the IC title for Nitro. I disagree with Plunkett's assessment that Nitro and Mercury are both inline for pushes. Nitro yes. Mercury is lucky he hasn't been cut. Therefore, I can't stick with The Charismatic Enigma and the guy who earned ZERO points in the WWE Fantasy Game this week.

Winners: MNM

ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley VS. Test

Dan-e-o says: I honestly have no idea why Bobby Lashley has received the push he has. You know something is wrong when a black guy can be considered 'vanilla'. Extreme, he is not. But in this era of shove-'em-down-your-throats champions, Lashley is the king of ECW. Oddly, Test winning the title would actually be worse. I remember reading in one of Mick Foley's books that he jokingly could hear Terry Funk moaning in pain somewhere the day Test first won the WWE Hardcore Championship. Imagine the dismay of both these hardcore legends if Test actually became ECW Champion.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Ben Boudreau says: I look for Lashley to retain the ECW strap in what has to be the weakest match of the night.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Brian Plunkett says: The only real purpose of ECW right now is to somehow make Lashley a star. That and keep RVD under contract so he can't go south. Even on a subpar show like ECW, Test would make a horrible champion. Gotta go with Black Lesnar.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Big Daddy Donnie says: I would be beyond shocked to see Whitby, Ontario's finest (cough) bring the ECW title back to Durham Region. Test has had a decent run, but WHY THE HELL did he job CLEANLY to Lashley on the last episode of ECW on Sci Fi?! This concerns me a little when it comes to my prediction. If this was standard run of the mill WWE booking, it would guarantee a title for Test. This still sounds too insane to me... especially when you recall that this is the SAME guy who blamed Vince McMahon for killing Eddie Guerrero.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

World Heavyweight Champion Batista VS. Mr. Kennedy

Dan-e-o says: I have to consider the outcome of the Rumble match when thinking of this one. In recent memory, underdog babyfaces have won the big match (as in the cases of Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio). And if a heel wins, it becomes his opportunity to become face (as in the case with Batista). My point? - A babyface is likely to go over in the Rumble - so the World Champion at WrestleMania should be a heel. My guess, though (or maybe just my hope) is that heel will be Umaga - and John Cena will be vying for the WWE Championship.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. By my logic, I'd be picking Mr. Kennedy to win this match. I would love for him to, but something tells me the E isn't gonna strap the gold on this dude just yet. He may still get himself involved in the main event (like Shawn Michaels did with Benoit and HHH) if say, The Undertaker wins the Rumble - so that a heel is still present in the title picture mix. But again, I'm getting ahead of myself and making my thoughts on this prediction extra long. I'll make up for it by being super short in my next few predictions as they all seem to tie into this one. I see Kennedy and Taker and Batista in the World Title match at WrestleMania. With Kennedy costing Batista the title - that goes to Undertaker. So Batista holds it for now.

Winner: Batista

Ben Boudreau says: You all know where I stand on this one. Mr. Kennedy will become the World Heavyweight Champion. Look for outside interference by Taker setting up his match with Batista at Mania.

Winner: Mr. Kennedy

Brian Plunkett says: The Royal Rumble is a bad night to have the title change hands, especially for the first time in someone's career. I would liken this match to John Cena VS. Brock Lesnar at Backlash 2003 as far as the storyline behind it. Batista wins to give him some extra push heading into Detroit.

Winner: Batista

Big Daddy Donnie says: I'd LOVE to see Mr. Kennedy pull this one outta the fire and pick up a massive win. That being said, I don't see WWE taking the titles off their two top babyfaces in the same night, and I've got bigger fish to fry with The Marine.

That being said, I do believe Ken has a LOT more upside that Batitsa (ya I spelled that right) and they should try to protect him. I'm calling for a schmoz ending, likely with Undertaker stepping in.

Winner: Ken Kennedy by Disqualification

WWE Champion John Cena VS. Umaga (Last Man Standing Match)

Dan-e-o says: Trying to stick to my word here, I'm going to quickly choose Umaga as the winner of this match. The Last Man Standing stipulation allows for some devious tactics to ensue to secure the Samoan Bulldozer the victory. No roll-up will help Cena now. But considering that EVERYTIME I predict Cena will lose...he doesn't. It's my fault - I'm the jinx. So here goes...

Winner: John Cena (I hope this works).

Ben Boudreau says: This one will be stiff. Umaga will definitely take it to the champ, but I'm going with Cena by knockout in this one.

Winner: John Cena

Brian Plunkett says: Umaga was a short-lived gimmick. I believe that Cena will win tonight and spark the end of Umaga's push in WWE. By year's end, the Samoan Bulldozer will be no more. This is where the burial starts.

Winner: John Cena

Big Daddy Donnie says: What the fuck? Screw you guys and your Cena picks. UUUUUUUMAAAAAAGGAAAAAAA. If the plan was simply to set up a feud with Khali, why didn't they start that program after the NY's PPV? Khali was there. Cena was there. All they had to do was move Umaga onto someone else. I do think Khali will be dancing with Cena at Mania, but I think Umaga will be carrying the title with a spinning fish. Jinx be dammed. I refuse to pick that no selling son of a bitch. He could be facing Barry Horowitz and I'd still bet against him. Screw you Cena.

Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Umaga

30-Man Royal Rumble Match

Dan-e-o says: Based on my logic in predicting the Batista win and the need for a heel (Kennedy) in the title match at Mania, I'm going with The Undertaker. The storyline prediction is a longshot...but the rumours of Taker winning plus the fact that he damn-well deserves another title run before retiring PLUS the fact that he is already in a somewhat-feud with Kennedy who cost him the chance to be fighting for the title at the Rumble...tells me that ten years after winning the championship at WrestleMania 13, he'll do it again. (Man, I would mark out for that).

Winner: The Undertaker

Ben Boudreau says: I'm thinking it's either going to be Shawn Michaels or Taker that walks away with a main event spot at Mania. If I had to pick one I'll go with Shawn Michaels. This one is extremely difficult to call. I love the Rumble!

Winner: Shawn Michaels

Brian Plunkett says: It comes down to four guys - Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Edge and Undertaker. Edge spent most of 2006 feuding with Cena, so him winning is unlikely. Randy Orton isn't over at all compared to the other guys, so him winning is also unlikely.

According to dirt sheets, creative doesn't want a face VS. face match for Cena if the other face isn't Triple H, so Michaels can probably be scratched as well. I've got this lingering feeling; I doubt they would put Undertaker (in his dead man gimmick) into this match unless they intended on having it go somewhere. I'm gonna go with Mean Mark for this one.

Winner: The Undertaker

Big Daddy Donnie says: There has been a hell of a surge from the internet community for Taker. Amazing to me, because this icon who has never won this match appears to have more support from the IWC at the age of 42 (43 in March) than he ever has had before. I think there are a ton of possibilities. Shawn Michaels has to be considered. The 10 year reunion of his last Rumble win and in the SAME building! Then there's Edge. They've already laid the groundwork for a Rated RKO split and this could launch him to the main event. Of course, it's logical to think Randy and Edge will eliminate each other. If anyone from ECW wins, I'll never make a prediction again. This is really hard to call, but I'm going to go on a limb...

Winner: Shawn Mikes

11 comments: on "Royal Rumble Predictions"

Anonymous said...

Sorry Big Daddy but you've had one too many canadian beers if yoou think ANY belts are changing tonight.

Anonymous said...

I like most of the predictions. I too think that MNM will win that match tonight.
I don't know about the ECW "title" match. Maybe I'll feel the urge to go to the bathroom during that one.
Cena will of course stay on top. I may cry, but it will probably happen.
Roidtista will beat Kennedy most likely with Taker's involvment.
I think either Taker or a dark horse will win the Rumble. According to the dirt sheets it's near impossible to pick a clear winner. We may even have double triple-threat matches for the belts at WRESTLEMANIA, maybe even triple triple-threats with the ECW as well.

Anonymous said...

Because I don't check my e-mail as often as I predictions are ;





Winner of the Rumble; Orton

After a lot of thought, I decided the man for the main event spot is Randy Orton. He has no steam at all and he's not over, but after a win tonight, he will have the momentum.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Hey Frank
Happy Birthday

Anonymous said...

Im just hoping for some intriguing matchups heading toward WRESTLEMANIA --- which I WILL BE ATTENDING. BOO YA!

Anonymous said...

thanks Donnie

Anonymous said...

Hardys won
Lashley won
Batista Won
John Cena will win
King Booker will win

Anonymous said...

Why do we even watch Cena matches? I swear to God there is no difference if you played RvS07 in that stipulation and were Cena. My mom who is the biggest Cena mark ever next to my youngest sister called the match, and Cena's spots. What's special about this is that she has no real wrestling knowledge. It was however hilarious when at the end of the match she said, "damn, that was kind of dumb." She went on to ask what's going to happen to Umaga. In response I said he will be wiped off the face of the company within 2 months. And maybe, just maybe they'll repackage Jammal again.

Rumble was THE shit. The match itself that is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last time Michaels and Taker were in the ring mano e mano was it not Rumble '98 in the casket match?

Anonymous said...

Taker now is the only person to win at number 30. And can he continue his Wrestlmania streak?

Anonymous said...

Or a fatal 4 way elimanation.

Anonymous said...

Or a please, just somebody get that fucking belt off Cena match.