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New Year's Revolution Predictions

It's 2007. Have you made your New Year's resolutions yet? Or have you already broken the ones you thought you'd be sticking to throughout the year?

Here's hoping WWE has made some New Year's resolutions to make their product even stronger. And of course, what better place to start with tonight's pay-per-view - the first of the year - New Year's Revolution?

Here's Tha O Show's predictions for tonight's event:

Carlito VS. Chris Masters

Big Daddy says: What the hell happened to Carlito? Six months ago, we all thought he was poised for a main event slot. Instead, he's jerkin the curtain against a guy he had beef with at this time last year when they were tagging together. It seems like whenever creative is stuck for something for Carly, they just toss him in with the big juice monkey. By the way, anyone else notice that a lot of Masters' trademark mass has returned recently? Maybe time for a follow up pee pee test. Carlito will win this match and continue to toil in obscurity.

Winner: Carlito

Ben Boudreau says: This one seems a little thrown together for my taste, but look for Carlito to go over the Masterpiece.

Winner: Carlito

Dan-e-o says: Is it just me or have these guys been feuding forever? Weren't they a thrown-together-tag-team-turned-enemies like a year ago? WWE really needs to find storylines befitting these dudes, especially young Carlito who has a ton of charisma and the in-ring abilities to match. If Carly Colon is going to be part of the main event picture in '07, he not only needs a decisive win tonight...but a better feud to be a part of next pay-per-view. Could Carlito possibly win the Rumble?

Winner: Carlito

Ric Flair VS. Kenny Dykstra

Big Daddy says: Here's the million dollar queston. Does Ric Flair have another title run in him? Many a smart mark would like to say he does. Flair has dropped two straight to "The Dude" Kenny Dykstra, and I don't see K.D. going 3 for 3. I'm a big fan of the 20 year old Phillies fan, but I just can't see WWE giving this match away for free on TV twice, just to give us the same result on a PPV.

Winner: Ric Flair

Ben Boudreau says: I have to go with Flair in this one due to the back to back losses against Kenny for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully it will be done in a manner that continues to showcase Kenny's ability.

Winner: Ric Flair

Dan-e-o says: New Year's Resolution SHOULD represent Kenny's coming out party. If the kid is going to get any type of meaningful push this year, he'll need to prove that he can win fair and square. And who better to beat than Ric Flair? (That rhymed folks). For all intents and purposes, that WOULD make Kenny "The Man" right? I think the problem with making predictions is that we too often think about what SHOULD happen and not what will probably happen. Knowing the E, Kenny won't be allowed to pin Flair three times in a row.

Winner: Ric Flair

Women's Champion Mickie James VS. Victoria

Big Daddy says: I'm willing to bet the farm on Victoria taking the title. Mickie is great and all, but if Victoria doesn't win it, where does Mickie's character go leading into WrestleMania? I think it'd be too soon for Nattie Neidhart to come in and take that spot. I'm counting on Victoria taking the title, with a rematch at Mania.

Winner: Victoria

Ben Boudreau says: The two top female WRESTLERS in the E go at it in this one. It should be a stiff match that could easily go either way, but I'm predicting a title change tonight. I'm going with Victoria.

Winner: Victoria

Dan-e-o says: Mickie James and Victoria are the only ladies in WWE who can be legitimate Women's Champions. With the current storyline pitting Victoria as the angry, unstoppable looks like she'll get to wear gold again tonight. It might make sense since now that our girl Nattie has been signed, having a heel Women's Champ gives Ms. Neidhart a belt to chase...and the belt another potential legitimate owner.

Winner: Victoria

Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy VS. Johnny Nitro in a Steel Cage Match

Big Daddy says: Hardy will retain. Why? Because some of the babyfaces should win tonight... so I figure he will.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Ben Boudreau says: This one is worth the 40 dollars alone. I predict a match of the year candidate with Hardy keeping the IC Title. The fans will be the real winners here.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Dan-e-o says: Prepare for an O-fest. Hardy and Nitro are the unsung heroes of WWE right now. They are both more than deserving of the spotlight and tonight they will shine. The possibilities are endless in a steel a Senton Bomb of the top of it! There's nothing Jeff Hardy won't do for a good solid "O". Nitro is proving he's no slouch either. But Jeff deserves to keep his IC reign alive.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

World Tag Team Champions Rated RKO VS. DX

Big Daddy says: It doesn't make any sense at all to put the titles on DX. They're a "super-team" that has already decimated the entire "Raw" tag division, other than the current champs (who are a 'dream team' of their own).

The only way I could see DX winning is if it was to set up a face turn by Edge or Orton, OR if it was to set up a program with The Hardy Boyz. Since Vince McMahon doesn't want the Hardys together on a full time basis, I'm going to trust my instincts and say Orton and Edge retain.

Winners: Rated RKO

Ben Boudreau says: Look for Rated RKO to go over DX. They're long overdue for a decisive victory over HHH and HBK. I think tonight is the night.

Winners: Rated RKO

Dan-e-o says: I only see Rated RKO winning because DX doesn't need nor do they seem to want the Tag Team Championship. In fact, have they even mentioned the titles one single time? Contrary to what many say, I don't believe having the straps on either Rated RKO or DX is a good idea.

Teams who don't care about being champs shouldn't be champs. This feud is about something else all together. It should make for a good match...but a title switch doesn't seem likely. My guess is Orton and Edge keep the titles...but with the 'rage' involved in this angle, I'll go out on a limb here and say they get disqualified.

Winners: DX by DQ

WWE Champion John Cena VS. Umaga

Big Daddy says: I'm not sure if I'm thinking with my head or my heart here... but I'm really feeling like this could turnout to be a hickup for Cena. I'm going to follow the WWE booking pattern and say, since Cena got the last laugh on "Raw", Umaga is taking the gold tonight. Plus, I've become an Umaga fan.

This guy can actually work. Like so many other legendary Samoans, he's a huge man that can move like a much smaller one. His gimmick, and his manager are WAY over, and he is the only legitmate "monster" in WWE right now. Plus, let's face facts...a heel champion at WrestleMania with a super baby making the challenge leads to a much more fan-friendly finish.

Winner: Umaga

Ben Boudreau says: This one could go either way, but I have to side with the Champ on this one.

Winner: John Cena

Dan-e-o says: My heart says Umaga becomes the new champ. My gut says I'll be disappointed as usual. Will WWE make Umaga the new Yokozuna? I hope so. It would make sense to have Cena chase the title at WrestleMania. It would make more sense for him to retire. Screw it, I'm just gonna go ahead and use wishful thinking to make my prediction here.


1 comments: on "New Year's Revolution Predictions"

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I can say it on here, but WHAT THE FUCK kinda bullshit ending was that? That's not a title match. Thats a talentless piece of shit with good mic skills being shoved down our throats even more. I wish I'd never have bought it, and I probably won't buy anymore RAW only ppvs.