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K-Fed Needs A Job

I think I'm actually a Kevin Federline fan. Now, of course, you'll never see me shelling out a penny for one of his albums. Nor do I believe this guy will ever make it as a...well anything actually. EXCEPT maybe a WWE personality.

No, he'll NOT get over as a wrestler, of course. Even though he DOES officially own a pinfall victory over John Cena...can't complain about that. (Just thank God they didn't David Arquette the guy last night! Not even I want Cena to lose his championship that way).

But K-Fed has proven he can be more than a half-decent mouthpiece in WWE. Now that he's "gotten over" as a TV personality in the E. Hell, weeks and weeks of promotion for last night's match will do that. Why not give the guy a spot?

Here's why:

K-Fed is in a better position right now than say...Rob Conway. Conway was both squashed and humiliated last night on "Raw". Furthermore, he hasn't been involved in an even a half-important angle since his days with La Resistance. Now, he's been officialy FIIIIIRREEEDD by Vince McMahon.

Imagine Federline aligning with someone like Conway. A wrestler who truly NEEDS some sort of partnership with a legitimate bad guy. K-Fed works because he has legit heat with the crowd. Even I booed silently at home upon seeing him on WWE TV for the first time. Knowing full well that his only claim to fame was knocking up Britany Spears a couple of times, I wondered, "what has this guy done to deserve a spot in WWE?".

And now I know. I've mentioned it before, but the guy knows how to use America's supposed hatred for him in his favour. His allowance to pit himself as a heel in WWE shows both his humble side (if that's a sensible way to put it) and his intelligence. "Fuck it, let them boo me, just pay me!" is what I pretty much figure his logic is.

Now, Johnny Nitro - who has done a great job in helping the "K-Fed is the company's biggest heel" angle - doesn't need a mouthpiece. He's not done bad for himself on the stick and furthermore, he has Melina, who can also hold her own.

Remember Victoria joining the announce team for the Melina/Maria match last night? It puzzles me how she can lose touch with her character so easily. She's supposed to be a 'crazed bitch' right? But when she gets on the mic for more than 30 seconds, she becomes her natural self. Her demeanour calm, her speech melancholy and quite honestly, dry. Her commentary really didn't help evoke much emotion. It's not the first time she's done it either.

Now Victoria is deserving of holding the WWE Women's Championship...because she can wrestle. But a good talker she's never been. K-Fed is the kind of "talker" that can help wrestlers in Victoria's position. Not that I think these two would be a good pairing at all...but isn't it WWE's job to get an angle over with the crowd? Make the sheep cheer this guy and boo that guy?

As far as I'm concerned, Kevin Federline has done his job to a tee. As I write this, I seriously can't believe how much it seems I'm marking out for his work. So if Kevin Federline is done with WWE after last night's "Raw" it'll be a shame. I mean, what else is going to do? Go on tour in support of his album? Notice no one really mentions that he even has an album out?

If I'm K-Fed, I'm asking Vince for an extension. He could literally help some other deserving wrestlers catch a little of the spotlight that Rob Conway was HOPING he'd attain in 2007.

Speaking of Conway again...what are they going to do with him now? Can anyone say "ECW"?

Either way, I expect New Year's Resolution this Sunday to be another Johnny Nitro pushing-affair. The guy's about to compete in a Steel Cage Match with O-master, Jeff Hardy. Even another loss would help propel Nitro to main event status depending on his in-ring performance. I'm predicting this bout to contend for 'match of the night'.

And will the new year really be a happy one? Umaga as WWE Champion may not be that unlikely as we all once thought.

Nevertheless, Happy New Year to all O-sters. You have another week or so to join Tha O League's WWE Fantasy Game challenge. If you haven't joined yet, sign up at I wonder if K-Fed will be available for choosing in the game.

10 comments: on "K-Fed Needs A Job"

Anonymous said...

im far from upset that i missed RAW last night... sounds like a real stinker...

Anonymous said...

Didn't Coach say that if Umaga and John Cena came in contact aside from being booked in a match together, that Umaga would lose his title shot? Did I miss the memo wherein he dropped that clause, or am I just nitpicking in a business that would fall apart if its nitpicked too much?

fallen0ne said...

I guess the no DQ stip nullified that. RAW wasn't all that great last night, although DX going serious is a well received change.

Anonymous said...

acording to wrestling law umaga wins this sunday history shows that who ever is on top at the last public showing usually looses at the ppv

Anonymous said...

I agree. K-fed is more over than a good bit of the "talent" on the E's roster. He could definently help out Rob Conway, but I hope that they can use his "firing" to get him into an angle. K-fed could help out a few people, not to step on your toes, and I will be doing a little backtracking, but these are the ones I'd like to see him pair up, or even pull a Bobby the brain Heenan with.

Conway-Val Venis(who is the most talented guy not being used on TV, the guy could be a champ)-Lashley if they indeed want him OVER-Snitsky-The Worlds Greatest Tag Team, that ones a little odd, but I think it would add alot to that gimmick, and thank God it's back.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

A K-Fed led stabled of heels sounds like money in the bank to me.

Anonymous said...

I hate to mark out for him, but damn, I really think he has it. Not in-ring like we've all agreed on, but within 30 seconds of being on TV he was more over than...hell, more over than ECW as a hole.

Anonymous said...

I bet after Rob Conway's crushing and embarressing defeat he'll go to ECW and beat up all the 'originals'

Also I felt I was the only one impressed by Federline's (oh god I can't believe I'm going to say this) talent. Its great that if I'm crazy for it, than theres a whole website of lunatics too!

Anonymous said...

K-Fed is SO over, and yes ECW is a hole. And I hope Conway doesn't go to ECW, because that shit irritates the hell out of me. ECW has been turned into a hole. That's been stated. Also I hope that La Resistance is reformed. Just not Conway and Pat Pattersons buddy. I'd like to see Dupree and Conway back. Tag teams are making a comeback and that one would definently help on smackdown. Who doesnt love that Vince wants to keep the Hardyz and MNM seperate though?

Brian "Bones" Maloney said...

I think the WWE did a great job with the K-Fed angle. At first I was shittin on it. My thoughts went to Arquette/WCW and that WWE was headed down the shitter. But over time I warmed up to it and thought they did a great job building up to it. Because come RAW i couldnt wait to see Cena beat the shit out of K-Fed and end this thing! Nitro was greta with him. The build up was great, and the fact that K-Fed won? Even better(I know I was pissed when it happend). I think WWE did a great job of working this, and even left it open to maybe a return down the road.