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Danyah Does Devine's Dungeon

As soon as I heard Johnny Devine was opening a wrestling school in Oakville, Ontario, I knew I had to continue my training under him for several reasons. Not only was he trained by the Harts in the Dungeon in Calgary, not only does he have over a decade of experience under his belt, not only is he as gifted technically as he is in the air, but I was most drawn to his knowledge of ring psychology and his ability to work a crowd.

I met Devine in September 2005 at a PWA show in Goderich, Ontario. He was wrestling Jesse Jones in the main event, and I was wrestling my third match ever in a women’s tag. What stood out to me most, was once Devine changed into his gear, he proceeded to sit down in front of the monitor backstage and watch the entire show. As wrestlers exited the ring and came backstage Devine would call them over and critique their matches.

After my match happened, he called me over, and gave me a list of what I did wrong. He wasn’t doing this to belittle me in any way, but I took everything he said to heart, and used it to improve. After the show, I thought to myself: “Damn, I would really like to continue my training under Devine.” But alas, he was living in Winnipeg at the time, and I was in Toronto.

Skip forward to October 2006. I’m surfing around on MySpace, I click on Devine’s profile, and behold! I read the following: “Since there have been many who have asked if I would be running a school again, I have given it some thought and found a location perfect for a wrestling school. Prime Time Fitness, at the corner of Jones and Lakeshore Road West, in Oakville, Ontario will be home to the new Devine Dungeon.”

To say I was excited would be an understatement. I quickly sent him an e-mail, and within a few days, my tryout date was set. Yes, I said tryout. “There will be assessments made upon application as to fitness level, competence, athletic ability and heart. I do not promise to train everyone, as I don’t believe everyone deserves to train to be a wrestler. I am of the opinion that because someone "paid" Joe Schmoe to train them, and have completed said Schmoe training course, that doesn't make them a wrestler. That makes them a moron, for paying some Schmoe who doesn't deserve to call themselves a wrestler, let alone trainer.” Did I also mention that I respect Devine’s brutal honesty and his passion to protect the business?

After a gruelling tryout that was comprised of squats, push-ups, crunches, various core and neck exercises, as well as a one-on-one chaining session with Devine, I was accepted as a student.

On November 1st, 2006, the Devine Dungeon opened, and the first class was underway.

Where as many other wrestling schools are mostly hands-on and in-ring, Devine holds classes that are purely based on psychology, and makes his students question every move and transition. He also hosts “tape nights” where students bring in tapes of their favourite matches to watch and critique. Where as other schools teach students the “how,” the Devine Dungeon puts huge emphasis on the “why.” I asked Devine what sets him apart from other trainers. “In the over-flooded "training" market I ofer two things 90% of other schools do not: 1.Experience. 10 years and over 1200 matches. WWE, TNA, ECW, England. And 2. Connections. Why train with someone who's been nowhere, and done nothing. How can they help you go anywhere?”

When in-ring, the classes are physically demanding. A typical in-ring class begins with a warm-up (or blow up) session, depending on one’s level of fitness. A word to the wise here: If you choose to train at the Devine Dungeon, it is highly recommended that you show up in some sort of physical shape. After the warm-up, students get in the ring. Classes vary in terms of techniques covered. One class may consist of chaining, the next of pins, the next of strikes and so on. Classes are aimed to make each student well rounded in all areas of wrestling.

As a trainer, Devine treats each student as an individual, and takes the time to pinpoint and correct areas of weakness. He is able to pick up on the tinniest flaw in technique, and make students that much better. He also doesn’t tolerate any crap, which I take to be a great quality. If a student makes a mistake, they learn pretty quickly not to repeat that mistake again.

What does Devine hope to give to his students? “I hope to instil the respect and admiration for the wrestling business that I got training in the Dungeon in Calgary. As well as give students an expert grasp of the fundamentals and basics that are sorely lacking in today’s Indy wrestlers.

My hope is that each one of my students will go on to achieve their individual wrestling goals whatever those may be, and that they pass on the respect for the biz to others through example and leadership.”

‘Nuff said.

For those of you interested in training with Devine, contact him at or you can check out his myspace at

You can also visit me at

6 comments: on "Danyah Does Devine's Dungeon"

Anonymous said...

I didnt know Devine was training I live in Hamilton and have been looking for a school but I want to know if there is an age limit because I am 17.

Anonymous said...

Danyah is hot as hell......

Anonymous said...

i 2nd that danyah is hella hot ~kc starr~

Anonymous said...

Can I train with Danyah

Anonymous said...

I wood kick devine's ass to get some of danyah

Anonymous said...

Can you horny bastards stop objectifying her? It's like you've never seen a woman before.