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Crappy New Year!

New Year. Same old shit. What was I thinking actually predicting that John Cena would lose his title last night at New Year's Revolution? In truth, it was more of a hope than a prediction (it always is)...but damn did this pay-per-view ever end horribly!

In fairness, it was a pretty well-performed card. But what else would you expect when John F'n Cena is in the main event? Seriously, I would love it if anyone...ANYONE can explain to me how the roll-up ending to his title match with Umaga was a good finish!

A roll-up? A friggin' ROLL-UP?!

You mean to tell me that after months and months of compelling fans to believe that Umaga is an undefeated, unstoppable monster - who can send Kane off to "SmackDown!" and can squash Ric Flair on PPV without retribution (something Rated RKO couldn't get away with) - that he can be pinned by a simple lame-ass roll-up?

A kick to the stomach...and then a roll-up??? Has the point not yet been made clear people? John Cena is living, breathing, walking, talking wrestling garbage! In truth, I blame the writers as much as I do Cena for such a pitiful excuse for a main event title match.

I knew something was wrong when Umaga was dominating the match for so long. I knew, that in classic John Cena-fashion, he would pull out a bullshit out-of-nowhere victory...probably with his signature F.U. In this case, I would have actually preferred that! The roll-up finish was not only the most anti-climatic way to end a pay-per-view ever but also does NOTHING for both competitors.

For Cena - and let's talk 'character' here - it shows that he can't legitimately defeat Umaga. As well, the cheap roll-up pin was so heel-like, it didn't make any sense booking-wise. How did this finish help John Cena to maintain his mighty babyface overcome-the-odds status? I would imagine that even Cena fans would have to think that the match had a cheap-ass finish.

For Umaga - it destroys his undefeated streak in the lamest of ways. I suppose a simple roll-up is all that was necessary to pin the Samoan Bulldozer. Silly wrestlers...all this time they were actually trying to use wrestling ability to beat the man...what were they thinking?

The so-called main event was truly a disappointing end to an otherwise solid pay-per-view. As expected, Jeff Hardy and Johnny Nitro put on a hell of a match. I was shocked to see that it opened the card! How often does a Steel Cage Match BEGIN an event?

Either way, kudos to the two for coming up with some inventive never-seen-before spots. Nitro's off-the-top-of-the-cage Sunset Flip into a Power Bomb was beyond sick! A double "O" in my opinion. Anything that gets an "O" during its replay should be referred to as such.

Amazing finish as well. Very original idea to have Johnny Nitro attempt to push the cage door shut with his feet by hanging on the outside of the cage - only to have Jeff Hardy kick it open to send Nitro plummetting crotch first into the top of the door! Probably the match of the night.

The DX/Rated RKO match wasn't short of O's either. It looked clusterfuckish at certain points - especially when Randy Orton entered the ring to give a chair shot and then inexplicably retreated without delivering a blow.

And poor Triple H. After delivering a spinebuster, his right knee gave out seemingly tearing the very quadricep that was repaired five years ago! It also seemed that the finish was changed as a result. In what appeared to be a "no contest" decision - even though HBK did punch out the referee - the end of the match left me with a "what the?" type feeling.

Can't complain though. The post-match antics were insanely O-riffic. Trust Shawn Michaels to deliver the O of the night in the form of a flying elbow off the top rope to a bloodied Randy Orton on - what else? - the Spanish announce table.

The Tag Team Turmoil Match was a nice surprise. First, it helped remind the audience that contrary to what the DX/Rated RKO feud has communicated, the World Tag Team titles are still worth fighting for. Second, the match helped showcase some true tag-team talent...mainly in the form of Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin and Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.

The World's Greatest Tag Team should have won though. What better way to prove they deserve their name than to go through four other teams (and since when is "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Super Crazy a tag-team?) to win a match? They were also the most talented team in the match...and God knows Haas and Benjamin could use something resembling a push!

Cryme Tyme winning a shot at the tag titles may be a little premature. They're funny and all...but honestly...not so hot in the ring. Is it just me or does JTG seem to know how to do nothing but get his ass kicked? Shad ALWAYS has to make the save, and the eventual pin. Sure, JTG lends some needless help with their finisher (which JR hasn't seemed to properly name yet - calling it a 'tandem neckbreaker' or something along those lines) but they don't seem title worthy just yet.

And what was up with Chris Masters defeating Carlito? Where oh where has Carlito's push gone? And what was up with having this match go second last on the card?

Victoria NOT winning the Women's title was also a surprise. But perhaps, even more surprising was having all of the "Raw" Divas (that's about five in total) become involved in this match. And I'm all for it. Not for the regular "it never hurts to see some titties" excuse I might usually throw out there - but because the angle makes sense.

Firstly, it's nice to see the female contingent of WWE actually have an angle to speak of at all. But second, to involve each lady that was on Victoria's hitlist in the decision is smart writing. Now a 'chase' for the title can still exist and a reasonable feud between the ladies can continue. It'll be interesting to see how WWE's new Divas play a role in it all.

I also like Kenny going over on Flair. Although I predicted otherwise, I believe this decision too makes sense. As Kenny said himself, he's 37 years Ric Flair's junior! AND as Jim Ross commented, four of Flair's 16 World Title reigns came before Kenny was even born!

Shouldn't Kenny be able to beat The Nature Boy three times in a row? It was a well-performed match (even though Kenny's Boston Crab was the worst I've ever seen) that won't take any lustre off of Flair's storied career. It will, however, helped propel Kenny's career just as the match should have.

Lastly, my guess is that Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donell impersonators will square off in a WWE ring tonight on "Raw". At least it'll be better than a John Cena match.

17 comments: on "Crappy New Year!"

Anonymous said...

The Cena hate continues.

fallen0ne said...

What a fuckin disappointment of an ending. What purpose did that undefeated streak serve if he gets beat by a frickin roll up!?! You know what I'll back off some from Cena and give some crap to the writers. Didn't Cena pick up Big Show a couple of times the last few months without any problem what so ever? So now we're supposed to believe he can't pick up Umaga?

Any Hunter haters who don't respect the man for finishing the match is crazy. He even took an RKO (albeit a weird looking one) and did a Pedigree with the injury. I really hope it's not too serious though. Maybe they'll have to get a third member now?

I'm glad I don't have to pay for PPV's, cause this one wasn't all that hot. I'll give it 3 out of 5 O's only because of the cage match and the tag team turmoil.

Anonymous said...

Get off your knees and stop blowing Cena Vance Mack.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

My comments....

Triple H is tough as hell... his quad rolled up on him again, 5 years to the day he returned from the original quadricep tear. Spooky.

At one point near the end I though the injury might have been a work because of how he was toughing it out. Nope. He's just all heart. Say what you want about HHH and his political power, this guy leads by example - and the young shits in the locker room should take note.

I don't know why I noticed this for the first time yesterday... but WOW, Kenny Dykstra sounds like Owen Hart on the mic. Not only that, his bares some facial resemblence to him too. Last night's show was at the Kemper Arena, the place Owen Hart was tragically killed.

Trump will be on Raw... Rosie won't. Expect to see some sort of Trump VS. McMahon angle evolve.

Watching tag team turmoil reminded me of everything that's wrong with the heavyweight devision. It doesn't matter how good you are, or how talented you are... the WWE is going to push the character that is hot at the moment. That being said, I don't think Cryme Time even has a T-shirt for the shop to sell, so they better make one fast since they keep shoving this crap down our throats.

Robby McAllister showed something new last night. Some decent drop kicks, great air on his leapfrogs... this guy has a lot of upside.

I've said this before (but not publically) and now I'm going on the record... Trevor Murdoch is the next JBL. You heard me. They big raw bone redneck will be Heavyweight Champion one day.

Anonymous said...

This cryme tyme title shot is just a setup for the redneck v urban feud... one ive been waiting for since cryme tymes first vignette debuted... Murdoch will shine with this one... to call him the next JBL... i wont dismiss the possibility... hes damn good

Anonymous said...

He is damn good. I marked out for Murdoch for the first time ever last night. He impressed me

Anonymous said...

Everybody would have found a reason to hate on Cena regardless of how the match turned out. On that note, the upside to a roll-up ending is that they can play it off as a fluke. This feud can and will continue until there is a decisive victory scored by one or the other, which is unfortunate because I loathe U (in a "time to change the channel" kind of way). Besides, did anybody expect anything realyl earth-shattering at this thing? Even last years surprise Edge appearance and title win was nullified two weeks later at the Rumble. And what the hell happened to the Highlanders? They came in with a lot of fanfare, vignettes, and victories before turning into Spirit Squad jobbers and DX comedic fodder for a brief period.

Tim Haught said...

I did not watch the PPV, so this is just speculation, but I think that the Cena roll up finish makes sense.

In a time where WWE matches seldom end via disqualification, perhaps only a countout would make more sense.

Umaga, WWE Champion? Now, I know you hate Cena, but be serious. I know you guys aren't big Umaga marks either. Not to mention that while the WWE Championship was trading hands quite a bit there for a few years, the list of men who have held it is still relatively short. Does Umaga deserve to be on such a list?

Cena beating Umaga with a roll-up completely maintains Cena's overcome the odds status.

It also in a way perserves Umaga. Now one person has a victory over him, but no one has a convincing victory over him. John Cena basically stole one from Umaga, who had dominated Cena like no one has to this point. It sets up the obvious rematch, which I'm sure was the entire point.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

What would be an easier main event sell for the Rumble OR Mania than THE WWE CHAMPION, THE UNDEFEATED SAMOAN BULLDOZER, Umaga taking on the man who has trained his ass of ever since losing the title and is determined to get it back.... John Cena.

If you're talking about doing what's right for business, the right move was to switch the title last night.

I think the match was SUPPOSED to end in a schmozz.... but since the DX match ended that way (due to an on-the-fly change to accomodate Triple H's injury) they decided to change the main event finish just moments before the match.

Tim Haught said...

So what Big Daddy Donnie is saying is that what's right for business is Cena vs. Umaga headlining Wrestlemania?

Had Umaga won the title last night, would Cena win the Rumble to earn his rematch? If so, wouldn't that just frustrate Cena haters even more so.

Would people pay for Cena/Umaga II?

What if Cena steals this one, but Estrada cuts a promo stating that Cena knows that Umaga owns him, and it is only a matter of time.

What if then, Umaga bulldozes his way through the Royal Rumble, and looks unstoppable on his way toward his rematch with Cena.

This storyline, if continuing is far from ruined, and Cena and Umaga are both far from ruined as well.

I don't see Umaga vs. Cena being a viable option for Wrestlemania, either before or after Triple H got shelved.

It will be interesting to see if Cena is plugged into the equation with HBK to face Rated RKO, or if they go to more logical route with Flair.

Anonymous said...

Hey O Show. Long time reader, first time poster.

I got a call today from a friend who knows Sean Waltman and said He was called this morning by the WWE.

I agree with BigDaddy Donny in saying that Umaga as a WWE champion would sell Pay Per Views right now. He's earned his spot and all the Cena marks will pay to see him lose that title.

Tim Haught said...

You are correct Yawn. This is the same injury on the opposite leg. I believe I read somewhere that this is the anniversary of him returning from that left leg injury also, but that is not confirmed.

Anonymous said...

How does it make sense for Cena to win? It was absolutley pointless. If Umaga ends up in the Rumble and wins it, that jobbifies(not a word but I like it) 29 guys. My 8 year old sister is the biggest Cena mark on earth, I bought her a t-shirt and the wristband set for christmas, but even she, in all her Cena garb, looked at me and asked, "why did John Cena beat Umaga by a half a powerbomb? Understand she doesnt know all the terms, but she's seen powerbombs end that way. And at that point it hit me. Wow, even the markiest of all marks realizes that this sucks nuts. Guess I was wrong.

That was a bad business decision. Having Umaga lose, then steamroll back into wrestlemania would as I said make the ones he defeats on his way look worse, since Cena won with a rollup. Also, most would probably lose interest after another month of this shit without a title change, if there is no change tonight, or no rematch at the Rumble, this fued will have been a waste of time and money.

Dan-e-o said...

I stand corrected. HHH tore a different quadricep muscle this time. I can't imagine how pissed he is right now.

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer to see the old school screwjob where Estrada accidentally costs Umaga the match, thus preserving Umaga's rep.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree with anonymous. But let us take an objective look at this. I know I'm the biggest anti-Cena mark out there, nothing against him personally, because he'd probably be the shit to ride with, but there is nothing that Cena does even victory-wise that isn't decisive in the minds of marks, and in the minds of Vince, either way the record books show that Cena beat Umaga. Let us harken back yet again, Cena's debutt(two t's intentional) on RAW in STL in the draft lottery he defeated the undefeated and "unstoppable" Mohammad Hassan, who then went to SMACKDOWN and was later canned. i know the canning had nothing to do with Cena, but Cena killed his reputation, and made him not as believable. There isn't much they can do with wrestlers who are billed as undeafeated and unstoppable if they have them job out before they hold a title, or get that decisive victory over a SUPERSTAR.

Anonymous said...

This is why I said that Cena had nothing to do with the canning. But yes, it does hold water, they were unable to make a superstar out of him, he was well on the way, but the less than 5 minute killed him. The day that decided that was the terrorist attacks in London, I know that, but the "fued" he was in with Taker, wasn't being bought. I don't care what wrestler does it, you end a guys streak to early he flounders, there is a chance for rebound, but not a big one. I don't hold marking out for Cena against anyone, but the guys that "respect" him, or like him or whatever would argue any point into the ground, as would the anti-Cena's so these arguments are pointless. But NO Cena is not what he is pushed to be. Let us not forget, that even he admits, had he not been heard rapping on that bus in Europe, he wouldn't have been shit. I could name about 684,489 wrestlers on the planet that have more wrestling ability than he does in a pimple on their ass, but it don't work that way. Vince shoves what he thinks works down our throats. But I feel, that if something doesn't give, he's going to end up losing viewers over this. They expected Cena to bring back the "boom" from 97-99, he hasn't done it in 3 years, what makes them think he's going to do it now. LETS MOVE ON FROM CENA VINCE, PLEASE!