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Bigelow Dead At 45

There's nothing I hate more than writing about a fallen warrior. Scott Charles Bigelow, better known to wrestling fans as Bam Bam died today.

The 450 pounder was found in his home in Pasco County, Florida earlier today.

At this point, the police are calling this a suspicious death and are treating this as a criminal investigation.

Bigelow retired November 14th 2004, but had continued to make headlines after several arrests for public drunkeness, DUI, and failing to pay child support. Bigelow had lashed out at WWE blaming them for his near destitute state.

Bigelow was widely considered to be one of the best big men of all time. His entrance to the WWF in the late 80s is still regarded as one of the best gimmicks of all time to debut a wrestler. All of the company's managers (Heenan, Fuji, Slick, Hart, etc) were seen bidding for this newcomer. Eventually he announced his manager would be another newcomer to the Fed, Sir Oliver Humperdink.

Bigelow went on to have several runs in the WWF, in WCW and in ECW. He was also a beloved figure in Japan, where he and Big Van Vader formed one of the greatest tag teams of all time winning the IWGP titles.

I personally met Bigelow while he was working in WCW and really enjoyed talking to him. posted this story along with comments from various members of their roster who knew Bigelow. Generally, we don't repost content here at Tha O Show, but for Bam Bam, I'm making an exception.

RVD: “I’ve never seen anyone of Bam Bam’s size move the way he did. He’s one of the strongest men I’ve ever been in the ring with. In the old ECW, he was the big star that added credibility to our cause. It was an honor to work with him and to know him. One of the favorite moments of my career was the night in Buffalo where I beat him for the ECW Television Title; I got the biggest rub of my career that night, and that match turned me into a Superstar. Everything from there has been uphill, and I’ve always been seen with a different perception and higher respect from the fans. I’ve always enjoyed bragging when I show off the old ECW Television Title to the fans that I beat Bam Bam for that title. He was a true Superstar, I enjoyed watching him as a fan, working with him and wrestling him. In and out of the ring he was a tremendous professional and I have a lot of respect for him.”

Tazz: "I’m really saddened about this. I had the opportunity to wrestle Bam Bam several times in ECW, and I learned a lot from being in the ring with him. He was one of the toughest S.O.B.’s you could ever, ever, face in that ring. This is horrible news. He was too young to go."

Paul Heyman: “Scott Bigelow got a lot more out of life than he ever imagined possible.”

“Bam Bam had a level of raw, unrefined talent that no one had ever seen before. He broke the mold. He clearly broke the mold. When else could a guy that size do picture perfect drop kicks and do moves off the top rope? BB settled down in his career to just do the splash from the top. But, there was nothing he couldn’t do if he wanted to. He was a like a prodigy in that if he watched someone do something in the ring, he could emulate it in the ring instantly.”

Jerry Saggs of the Nasty Boys: "Bam Bam needs to be remembered in a positive light for all the contributions he had to this business. He was a good friend to me, and everyone."

Tommy Dreamer: “It’s a definite loss to the wrestling business and the world. I knew Bam Bam very well; I had many great matches with him, and I loved watching his matches with Rob Van Dam. Bam Bam was a major star that really helped put ECW on the map. He’ll be missed.”

Ted Dibiase: “He was a joy to work with in those years that I managed him. I was in his corner when he had the match against LT, and he was all business then. He was a real likeable guy and he was all into his family. In my dealing, he was a good guy and a businessman and a pleasure to work with.”

Mean Gene: “I’m very, very, sorry to hear that. About the only thing I can say is it’s a real shocker to me. Here was a guy that in my opinion enjoyed life to the Nth degree. He was a great fisherman, I don’t think a lot of people knew that. He really enjoyed fishing. I went fishing with him before out on the Atlantic Ocean, and he was the best. Im going to miss the guy, not only from his wrestling exploits, but also because this guy was a human being. He was one of us, and he liked to get out and enjoy life, and he did enjoy life. I’m just very sorry to hear he’s passed on.” Howard Finkel: “He was a big man who could move, which was an amazing feat. He was unique in his style and appearance, and never left the ring without leaving everything he had out there. He was a very talented performer and will be missed.”

Jimmy Hart: “I was actually on a radio show this morning, and when I got off the show I found out about Bam Bam. This is such a terrible, terrible loss for the wrestling world. Bam Bam was so unique and so different, and what a heck of a worker, just tremendous. Wow, this is just a total shock.”

Jake Roberts: "He was a funny guy, a great guy to be around. He was a man. He was one of the best big men we ever had in this business. All I can say is that I wish the best for his family."

Joey Styles: “As a wrestling fan, the visual of Tazz and Bam Bam Bigelow crashing through the ring in Bam Bam Bigelow’s home town of Asbury Park, New Jersey, is forever burned into my mind. Bam Bam Bigelow was a great performer and more importantly he was a father. He will be missed by everybody who knew him.”

Gregory Helms: “I can’t recall ever wrestling him in WCW, but I can say that he was always in good spirits in the locker room. He seemed like a happy-go-lucky guy. He was one of the few guys that you never heard anyone say a bad thing about which is rare, because everybody has bad days in this business.”

Steve "Brooklyn Brawler" Lombardi: "I actually traveled with Bam Bam for many years. He’s always been a good guy and a true professional. I wrestled him several times as well. I have nothing bad to say about Bam Bam. He was a great person."

It goes without saying that we all wish the best to Scott's closest friends and family in this time of sorrow.


7 comments: on "Bigelow Dead At 45"

Anonymous said...

Why does put such a shitty match with him? One of the greatest matches he had was with the football player at wrestlmania and with Bret Hart. Rest In Peace. He is one of those people who you would expect to die early of something like drugs, heart attack or cancer... I could have guessed.

Anonymous said...

This is a definite shocker. B3 (as I always called him) is by far the greatest big man in the biz.

And on the day that I would normally celebrate my birthday and force people to focus on me, instead I will have a drink in Scott's honor.

Here's to you Bam Bam. God bless.

Anonymous said...

" has learned that former WWE Superstar Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow has passed away in Florida.

WWE wishes him all the best in his future endeavors."

That was the first release of the article announcing his passing. Being religious myself, I agree with that sentiment, but I'm pretty sure that Vince is atheist and would not have approved of this; whoever wrote that should be released. The big guy deserves more respect than that.

fallen0ne said...

First thing I get when i log on to thaoshow, Bam Bam dead. Damn what a shock.
I used to mark out for him, even though he was a heel, just for those wicked tatoos. Later on I realized i was marking because the man could work.
Another legend lost in the wrestling world.
R.I.P. Bam Bam.

Anonymous said...

When I first heard the news, I was in doubt. I was hoping it would be just another mistake on WWE's behalf, like when Kirschner "passed away" earlier this year... to be found living happily down in florida. I know this time, deep inside my gut, it is no mistake. Bam Bam will be greatly missed. Without a doubt. And I truly hope WWE considers him a late entry into the Hall of Fame this year.

Time to sit down, order a pizza, and watch Barely Legal 98'.

Anonymous said...

This is one man who will be sadly missed. my best wishes go to his family and i'll be toasting the big man tonight.

Anonymous said...

RIP Bammer