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And Tha Oward Goes To…

Tha O-sters have spoken with an overwhelming response! The first ever edition of Tha Owards have been decided and now it is time to find out just who impressed us the most in 2006.

The voting told an interesting story. No matter what stiff or bodybuilder WWE may throw our way, solid wrestling is still what people want. The voting proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that many of the hiring policies of WWE are completely ridiculous.

Hiring talent based solely on size and look is not what fans want, and it even creates a backlash against the stars WWE wants to push. Wrestling fans want to be entertained and don’t care if the person doing it is 5’8" or 6’8".

On to tha results!

Wrestler of Tha Year

Edge : 87.5%

Samoa Joe: 12.5%

Edge became one of the greatest heels of all time in 2006 and maybe one of the finest performers of this generation. After a surprising title win at New Years Revolution, Edge went on to have great feuds with Ric Flair, Mick Foley, John Cena and DX. His feud with John Cena cemented both men as legitimate stars and was WWE’s most successful box office feud in 2006. The man who survived a 14-month layoff for neck surgery isn’t slowing down and looks like he'll have a repeat performance in 2007.

Tag Team of Tha Year

LAX: 50%

Brian Kendrick/Paul London: 37.5%

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong: 12.5%

Not since 2000 has tag team wrestling been so strong than in 2006. The duo of Homicide and Hernandez stood out from the pack by combining great matches and strong heel promos by Konnan. LAX cemented their dominance after a strong series of matches with AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels and America’s Most Wanted. Can Homicide takeover the microphone duties in 2007 with Konnan needing time off? Only time will tell.

Match of Tha Year

Samoa Joe VS. Kurt Angle II (Turning Point): 50%

Edge VS. Mick Foley (WrestleMania 22): 25%

Chris Benoit VS. William Regal (No Mercy) 12.5%

Edge VS. John Cena (Unforgiven) 12.5%

In 2005 Samoa Joe had two incredible matches with Kenta Kobashi and a three-way with AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Joe does it again in 2006 against Angle and will likely be involved in more legendary matches for years to come. Kurt Angle started the year with a great match against Undertaker at No Way Out in February and ended it with another strong performance.

Worst Wrestler of Tha Year

Batista: 37.5 %

The Great Khali: 25%

John Cena: 12.5%

Test: 12.5%

Viscera: 7.5%

The Miz: 5%

Even though he was gone for most of 2006, he still sucked worse than anyone else. The injury-prone Batista never regained the fire or explosiveness he had in 2004-2005. Batista post-Wellness Program is not much in the ring or on the microphone and more than deserves this award.

Best Talker of Tha Year

Mr. Kennedy: 33%

JBL: 22%

Edge: 20%

Mick Foley: 14%

Christian: 5%

HHH: 5%

Kennedy showed he’s much more than just a strong ring-entrance this year. His promos to build up the series of matches he had with Undertaker were excellent and showed the development in his character. I personally don’t think JBL should have qualified for this category. Though he might be a sensational color commentator, he didn’t cut promos to build-up main event matches like the others on the list. The promos Foley cut on Flair were among the best of the year. Every wrestler in OVW and Deep South needs to have a DVD of Foley promos.

MMA Fighter of Tha Year

Chuck Liddell: 52%

Tito Ortiz: 26%

Georges St. Pierre: 16%

Diego Sanchez: 6%

The Iceman capped off 2006 with a knockout of his arch nemesis Tito Ortiz. Liddell dominated 2006 by beating Randy Couture, Renato Babalou Sorbal and Tito Ortiz. With fast hands and strong takedown defense he is the most dominant Light-Heavyweight on the planet. Can Quinton Jackson take out Liddell in 2007?

The following are categories Tha O-sters wrote in along with who they think deserved the honor.

Rookie of Tha Year: MVP

Breakthrough Star: Abyss and Johnny Nitro

Most Underused Talent: Petey Williams, Chris Sabin and Senshi

Worst Talker: John Cena, Randy Orton and Bobby Lashley

PPV of Tha Year: TNA Turning Point

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their votes. Have a happy and safe New Year!

13 comments: on "And Tha Oward Goes To…"

Anonymous said...

I think Orton is a great talker...

Anonymous said...

I'll have to agree with the other anonymous. The only reason I post under anonymous is after 2 attempt to create blogger accounts neither allows me to login. So I'll sign all mine as DJ. Anyway, I think Orton is a good talker. He had some slip ups at 24 but who wouldnt. And my comment in the email that Cena was the worst talker I believe was a good one, and I'll reemphasize it here, the only talking he's done has been woman bashing. If Lita wasn't a slut, it was her slurpes for herpes campaign, and then Melina was teaching Brittney Spears to be a slut and how Melina didn't wear panties. And Batista, I didn't comment much on him. I don't on any of the sites I'm involved with. I don't believe the sack of shit is worth even mentioning.


Anonymous said...

yo DJ if blogger is givng you trouble do like me. click OTHER and type in whatevr name you want.

Anonymous said...

yo DJ if blogger is givng you trouble do like me. click OTHER and type in whatevr name you want.

Anonymous said...

Raw sucked tonight except for Edge and Orton

Anonymous said...

I thought Raw was great.

Anonymous said...

Yeah RAW was pretty good last night. I think they did the only and best thing possible last night by having K-fed go over the way he did. Had it been a match it would have made Cena seem weak, and had Kfed used wrestling holds Cena wouldn't have looked good there either. Had Nitro caused the loss it would have pushed the issue with he and Cena and sort of left Kfed out. Cena twice a night though is getting very old.

Also...Cena is insanely charismatic, and yes he was awesome as a heel. THIS is my problem. He's a face, and can't do but one or two things as a face to maintain it, and even then the crowd is 50/50.

Anonymous said...

Was the Edge v Cena at unforgiven really that good?

Anonymous said...

Yes. And believe me that is painful for me to admit, so it was that good.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why the hatred of Randy Orton. He's had strong showings with Flair, Angle, and Michaels. He's got a perfect physique, some quickness, and he does Above Average Mike Sanders 3.0 backbreaker. His taunt, look, and strong potential for the future will carry him far longer than guys like Cena or Batista and it's unfair to him to lump him with in. Sure, his promos lack the psychological depth of a Edge or Foley, but very few do and I think as such a young main-eventer he's held to a difficult standard.

He's also cut a decent promos, it's just been a while. His promotional '3rd generation superstar' and 'mic foley legend killer' videos were dare-I-say-it Ken Kennedy-esque? His "Get Well Randy" Email campaign was both irritating and clever (the mark of a good heel) Im just saying Randy Orton may be as big of an ass as he portrays in the ring, but he's a lot better than many give him credit for!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

RE: Orton... His promos are stiff and to me, always sound rehearsed.

His ring work is okay... it's not good and it's not Cena-ish either. He is capable of having a really good match with someone if they happen to be really good.

Edge had to bust his own ass and carry Cena to a solid match, and needed the help of all the tables and such.

I think the biggest issue people have with Orton is the lack of dues paying... much like Cena, Batista, and so many others. Sure Cena was in UPW and OVW for a hot minute - but even there his gimmick was the industructable dude who couldn't be beat. No sell, no sell.

Batista didn't do much as Leviathon in OVW and the only major losses I can think of off hand revolved around WWE stars visiting OVW - like Kane and Understaker.

Look at guys like Edge, Benoit, hell, how about Jeff Jarrett?

Those guys have paid their dues for yeeeeeears before reaching the top of the mountain. Fans can identify with that, and respect it.

The wrestlers that explode on the scene and find instant success are great in the short term, (Ultimate Warrior, Ahmed Johnson, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar...) but history has shown that those guys do not stand the test of time. The timeless classics, the guys who will be over for life are the ones who have shown the fans they are willing to earn their spot.

Anonymous said...

Oh don't get me wrong I've always had an issue with guys not paying their dues... (hence my disgust with Cena, Batista, Lashley, and Umaga)

I think it cheapens the belt when guys rocket straight to the top. And I feel it's an insult when guys like William Regal are only used to put over bad wrestlers.

And I can see how Orton falls into this category. But I can't fault him for his push and I understand why they did it.

Can you honestly tell me you would have kept a guy like him all this time in the midcard when the main event picture at any given time is fairly weak? If it wasn't we wouldnt have to endure the millionth rematch between Booker and Batista.

The man looks like a main eventer, can put on a good show with a good wrestler (I try not to fault decent wrestlers when they can't carry bad ones), he's fast and agile, he's got the credibility of a 3rd gen superstar, he can sell an injury (unlike other 'champions'), got a sick back body drop onto a bed of tacs wearing next to nothing.

Believe me I would love Orton to play the Y2J role for a few years trading IC wins with Cena, Nitro, Carlito, Hardy and others--- but this isn't 1999. WWE doesn't have The Rock, Austin, HHH, Undertaker, Foley, Jericho, and Angle all vying for the main event.

Anonymous said...

john cena sucks we all know but worst talker yeah right same goes for orton he is the best wrestler and talker in the "e"