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Who's Your Favourite Fat Guy?

While deep into the holiday spirit, I thought I would pose this question: Who's your favourite fat guy of all time?

Now, this time of year, Santa Claus has gotta be my favourite fat guy. (I hope he's good to me this year!). But, in general, it would have to be Homer Simpson. With Peter Griffin pulling in at a close second. Man, if there's anything funnier than The Simpsons and Family Guy on television right now, I don't know what it is.

But, of course, I'm talking about fat guys in the professional wrestling world.

In fairness, pro wrestling has always provided job opportunities to the big man. And we're not just talking about Vince's favourite type of big man. You know, the Batistas, the Lesnars and the Lashleys. I'm not talking about the muscleheads, but instead, our rotund heroes.

You know, the Visceras, the Earthquakes and the One Man Gangs. The Uncle Elmers, the Abdullah the Butchers and the Yokozunas. Man, if ever there was a big guy who was as agile as he was powerful, it was the late former WWE Champion, Yokozuna.

But when it comes to the history of professional wrestling, which big man has impressed you the most?

12 comments: on "Who's Your Favourite Fat Guy?"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

The best big man of ALL time is pictured in the column.

NO DOUBT it was Yokozuna.

If you disagree there's something wrong with you.

Anonymous said...

i would say bam bam bigalow was the best. look at everything he not only accomplished in ring but he was a huge money draw with both wcw and wwf. he put taz on the map in ecw and he was crazy agile for someone of his size. how many guys his size do moonsaults?

Anonymous said...

Mine is a tie between Earthquake and Vader.

Anonymous said...

Vader's WCW entrance with the smoking, elephant skull used to blow my mind... i would pay top dollar for that helmet

And the Shockmaster's grand entrance was an "O" moment... as in O Fred Ottman, you are a blundering fool

I will give credit to Yokozuna, him and Mr Fuji put on a great show... and really embodied what WWF was looking for at that time

But my favorite fat guy has to be Rikishi... stinkface aside... the guy is solid and charasmatic to boot

Anonymous said...

Now are you talkin, enormously fat, or merely portly? Cause if you're counting the "could use to lose a few" crowd, I'm going with Foley. But I'm assuming you only mean the superheavyweights -- in which case is there any denying Yokozuna?

fallen0ne said...

I'd have to go with Vader, Yokozuna and Bam Bam.
That elephant mask was definitely something.

Anonymous said...

As far as funnier shows on TV, I might argue that Monk and House on Friday night could provide some competition since The Simpsons hasn't been nearly as good lately. It passed its prime right around Season 13.

As far as the fat guys in professional wrestling, I think Vader should get the nod. He never did get his due in the E, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

my last impression of vader was when Dusty Rhodes thought itd be a great idea to pit him and Goldust against Batista... Vader was so fat and usless he couldnt get in the ring... and when he did finally roll himself in he botched Batista's spinebuster... I gave Batista props there... he never got off his feet before Vader hit the mat, and he just looked down at him, and im not a lip-reader, but i think he called him a "piece of sh*t"
So final impressions play an impact on how you are remembered

Anonymous said...

There are 3 big guys that I thought were great. One is Yokozuna and his domenence, Two is Vader and his Power, and Three is Rikishi. Rikishi is here because he brought comedy and heart to the wrestling ring. He dies for 3 minutes, woke up, and continued to wrestle.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

You're right Frank... there hasn't been another 400 pounder like Vader...

But Yoko was damn near 600 as a shoot.

The only other dudes I've ever seen that saw are layin in bed bein interviewed on Opera about how they have the help of 6 caregivers to get out of bed and scracth themselves.

Yokozuna was FAST, agile and charismatic.

I dig Vader from Japan and Vader in WCW. Vader in the WWF sucked ass.

I liked Bam Bam Bigelow a LOT.. he was on the cusp of becoming something legendary but never quite got there.

The Vader / Bigelow tag team is one of the most under-rated, yet dominant of all time.

Rikishi .... yes I liked Rikishi when he first came to the WWF. The Rikishi Driver (sitout tombstone) was sick. When he got paired with Too Cool I was done with Rikishi.

Anonymous said...

How about Abdullah the Butcher??? 'Nuff said.

... I'm quite surprised no one has mentioned him yet!!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Abby was a freak show, and could never be confused with a good worker...

Don't get me wrong, I'm an Abby mark - but c'mon. His best move was pullin a fork out of the folds of his fat and jabbin a dude in the face.