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Thursday's Thoughts

This week's edition of Thursday's Thoughts contains a whole ton of crap.

Strange news on the life of Marty Jannetty, ECW updates, tons of TNA stuff and more. But first....

Amy Zidian was released by the WWE on December 13th.

Apparently, Jimmy Wang Yang’s TV girlfriend had a bad attitude and a habit of pissing people off, especially the other women working on “SmackDown!”.

Allegedly all of the boys liked Amy. Divas not getting along is not necessarily a new story. But a Diva who crosses Ms. Stephanie McMahon, is beggin’ for a pink slip.

The first complaint came from fellow Diva, and the 2006 contest winner, Layla (also known as Dan-e-o’s fiancĂ©). Amy allegedly asked Layla if she was upset that she was getting the big push on TV while Layla was “collecting dust.” Ouch.

She also made fun of Dan-e-o’s first wife Kristal, saying her hair extensions looked ridiculous.

Amy pushed the enevelope by questioning Vickie Guerrero about what made her a Diva and how she got that spot, since she clearly wasn’t the right look. She didn’t have a clue who Vickie was, or what her role was with the company.

Then, a couple weeks ago, The Billionaire Princess was assisting Amy with a segment, telling her how she should perform to get her character over. Amy responded with something to the effect of ‘who the hell are you to tell me how to act?’. Of course, we all know Stephanie’s response: “Umm, hello bitch? I own this shit. And youuuuuuuu’rrree FIIIIIREEDDD!”. That woulda made daddy proud.

I can understand that some of these models the E bring in don’t have wrestling knowledge, but I’m begging them to AT LEAST give the girls a crash course. Some kind of orientation. The fact that she had never been properly introduced to Stephanie seems weird. Especially with the way every wrestling locker room operates, with everyone making sure they say 'hello' to everyone else – not wanting to look to standoff-ish and pick up any unwanted heat.

Not to mention, even if she didn’t know who Vickie or Eddie is/was, all she’d have to do is watch the damn show she’s on to piece things together. If you don’t get it –ask someone.

Jimmy Yang was apparently against his pairing with Amy from the beginning, aware that she was a heat seeker. Yang didn’t hang out with her at all backstage, and was only seen by her side when they were working.

John Laurinatis was the one who pushed hard to bring Amy in, and pushed hard to protect her. Some of her heat has now been transferred to him.

Marty Jannetty is not having a good time right now. Reports had been published back in September that he had been released by the WWE a week after being signed. Strangely, WWE did not acknowledge this release on their website. Marty blasted the internet media on his MySpace site, saying it was Marty Wright (Boogeyman) not Marty Jannetty that had been released. He maintained that he was under contract and that a big angle had been planned for him.

Marty, who is one of MySpace’s busiest users (his blogs are listed as one of the most frequently updated and replied to) has been criticized for online feuds with fans, and even feuds between fans and his cats – which he has created separate MySpace accounts for. Marty maintains it’s all in fun, while others seem concerned.

Marty posted on his site a week ago that he was approached by a friend’s kid at a Christmas party who mentioned that the January WWE Magazine poked fun at Marty for having the shortest contract in company history. Marty responded quickly by saying on his site that it wasn’t true and that both the article writer and magazine editor had made a major mistakes.

This was followed up by Jim Ross writing on his blog, that Marty Jannetty was no longer with WWE, but might be again one day – “stranger things have happened”.

Obviously Jannetty was aware that he hadn’t been receiving pay cheques for the last three months, so he was well aware of his status – but perhaps just too embarrassed to share the truth with friends and family. All of this would be very, very minor – if his entire life wasn’t so public on MySpace.

Jannetty then wrote this week about a woman on MySpace named “Barbara”. This woman had been posting sexy bikini pics of herself on Jannetty’s site. According to The Rocker, they had been talking on the phone for six months or so, and decided to meet over The Christmas Holidays. Marty is stationed in Florida, she’s in New York. Marty flew out there – apparently with the intention of moving in with this girl who had proclaimed her love for him. Well, the girl never materialized, and eventually admitted to being a big fat liar who had been sending fake pics. Now, Marty is stranded in NY, broke - and with no way to get home.

One of his most recent MySpace posts proclaims he is done with that website as it has caused him way too much trouble.

We here at Tha O Show feel for Marty, and want nothing but the best for him. Getting off MySpace is probably a great idea, and we hope to have him as a guest on the show sometime in 2007 to give him an opportunity to address all of these issues, in his own voice.

Jim Ross wrote the following on his most recent blog regarding Tha O Show contributor, Chris Kanyon. “Why was Chris Kanyon Fired? I have no idea. I was in Oklahoma and not involved whatsoever in talent relations when the dismissal occurred. Why I was dragged into the matter by Kanyon is still puzzling. I always thought Kanyon had an upside and above average abilities. I was not aware Kanyon was gay even though I could have cared less. Kanyon lashing out at me doesn’t give Kanyon’s cause much credence. I wish him well and have no ill feelings toward him.”

We will be asking Chris to respond directly to this comment.

David Lagana, the head writer for ECW, is pushing for Chris Masters and Gene Snitsky to be moved to his brand. The fear from the WWE at this point is that ECW will be viewed as a dumping ground for all of “Raw” and “SmackDown!” rejects. Well. Duhhhhhh.

Vince McMahon is dead set against keeping the Hardy Boyz together as a tag team. He also wants MNM kept separate. Apparently Nitro’s last appearance on “SmackDown!” will be the last time we see the former tag champs watching each other’s back.

CM Punk has a problem. His GI Joe inspired Cobra tattoo on his shoulder is being digitally blurred out of the December To Dismember DVD, because Hasbro owns the trademark to that logo. There is talk that Hasbro is looking for a full injunction and will try to prevent that logo from appearing on free TV.

It’s unlikely WWE will want to digitally distort every CM Punk match. This could cause him to be held off the show for a while, as the company decides what to do. Of course, he could wear some sort of ring gear to cover it up (a t-shirt maybe), but agents are concerned that skinny little Punk will look even skinnier if he’s dressed in street clothes.

Former WCW wrestler Tyler Mane has now made more money in Hollywood than Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, John Cena or Kane. Hell, he’s pretty damn close to The Rock and the great Tiny “Zeus” Lister. Now, you may be asking, “Who the hell is Tyler Mane?”. Good freakin’ question.

In WCW he has two very forgettable gimmicks: Nitron and Big Sky. He’s a big ass dude, who stands at 6’10” and 300 pounds. His movie credits include Sabretooth in the X-Men franchise and now he’s been cast as Michael Myers in Rob Zombie’s remake of the horror classic, Halloween. The new Halloween film is scheduled for release on August 31, 2007. WHAT? Halloween in August? What the fuck?

Konnan was scheduled to undergo surgery to replace his hip last week in Mexico. You may have noticed Konnan has been walking very gingerly for sometime, and at points even been reduced to a wheel chair. When the doctors in Mexico prepared Konnan for surgery, they realized his kidneys were a mess. The hip replacement has now been postponed a week, so Konnan can fly back to the U.S. to have to undergo kidney dialysis and a kidney transplant. Get better K-Dawg.
Missy Hyatt was, recently, backstage at a TNA “iMPACT!” show recently and was on her best behavior. Missy was apparently looking for work.

TNA officials have re-opened negotiations with MMA star, Bob Sapp. Sapp, recently, turned down a 1 million dollar per year contract offer from WWE. Jeff Jarrett really wants Sapp to come in for an extended program with Kurt Angle when his feud with Samoa Joe wraps up next month.

TNA did offer Daniel Puder a spot to come in and feud with Angle, but the money was apparently so low that Puder said 'screw it'.

According to various reports, TNA has been offered a two hour, Thursday night time slot. TNA has not yet agreed to the financial terms.

TNA’s “iMPACT!” will not be airing at its regular time on January 25 due to an UFC special, which airs from 8 to 10PM. One of my personal favorite shows (cough) will be airing immediately after… "Pros VS. Joes". Here’s hoping we get to see Goldberg “outwrestle” a 130 pound kid from Iowa again.

That’s it folks… get at me

9 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Snitsky is a HUGE fav of Finlay and Arn Anderson... which explains why he's still got a job.

They haven't done much with him since releasing Goldust, mainly because they want his next spot to be significant. They're taking as much time as is necessary to have people forget about the whole "It's Not My Fault" gimmick.

Anonymous said...

Ive always liked Snitsky to an extent, no matter what crap they give him, he runs with it and gives it %100... thats more than alot of guys backstage at RAW can say... and if AA puts him over, well that says enough

I dont know how this whole shoot-fight with Angle is going to work out... But he's predicting 1million buys... and i cant remember how many fights hes planning on; somewhere between 4-6 i believe... I never count Angle out, but its possible he'll be inserting foot into mouth after the 1st fight; about buyrates and his ability

Tattoos of trademarked images are not smart ideas if you plan on being on national television... pepsi will cry about it next... until he becomes a big enough star i suggest he just find an arm sleeve to cover them... street clothes is a terrible idea... As soon as he can sell merch (and he will get that big) theyll be begging him to take the sleeves off

Anonymous said...

Marty sounds like he really needs help. I feel sorry for him.

Anonymous said...

Amy sounds like such a BIOTCH

Anonymous said...

Yo OSters Marty Janetty is on my MySpace and here is today's blog that confirms what Big Daddy was saying and gives more details.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

You guys wanted a book from me?? here it is!!

You guys often ask me, when is your book gonna come out..I keep saying soon because, the last chapter isn't written yet...and..the reason the last chapter isnt written dont I need to show up somewhere in particular, to have made it all come back round full circle..and then put out the final chapter as HAPPY!!! FOR ALL US MISFITTZ?? but, if I were just to go ahead and finish it off is how it would end...and I'd miss the good stuff yet to come>>>>>

For those who care, I have arrived back to Columbus Georgia safely. I am now a lot more settled down and can better tell you the horrific GAT experiences I just went through from Dec. 22nd till late last night. No, actually it started before that. My last day visiting my family the 21st. No, it started before that on the 20th with a tune up match I had here in Columbus(actually it was across the river in Phenix City) that I felt sucked major man, to be 100% accurate, it started February 3rd 1960. That's is when GAT (Gods Amusement Toy) was born!!!!!!

But to stay with the most recent GAT events lecture, I'll just tell you about my last 9 days. No, make it 10 since I spent Tuesday night with one of my best friends Curtis Burris at the emergency room then St. Francis Hospital till 4 am. There with his wife Kimberly and son Christopher until I needed some sleep since I had a tune up match the next day, Wednesday. I need a few more too as it turns out because my timing sucked majorly. Since the last time I had been in a ring was 9 or 10 months ago, even with 22 years experience, your timing always needs tuning when you lay off. For reasons no one will know, I need to be tuned up quickly. Anyway, in 22 years, I never wrestled in a damn hexagon ring. CRAP!! How was I gonna fix my rope running timing in a damn crooked circle? All it did was make my timing worse. My friend Chris Stevens and I had a solid match, but, I give him all the credit for that. I sucked!!!! He covered my azz on that one. The only good I got to take away from that match was seeing that my buddy.. and a guy I did help train a little, had reached a superior level that he could cover for a veteran such as myself. Great job Chris. I'm very proud of you bro. Also, one of 2 of my most prized students, Bobby "BS" Sanford(Trenesha,aka Jungle Fever being the other) was there and had the best match of the night. Bobby took control of a 4-way dance match and looked like a ring general for the first time. EXCELLENT Bobby, I'm so very proud of you too bro!!!

Never the less, I sucked!! So, I snuck out the back door barely saying good-bye to the boys..and, Sheri Martel who was there and was looking great!!! I'll post a picture we took together later. Raven too was there. Raven and I are great buddies from way way back. We told a couple war stories and laughed a bit. Anyway, the fact that they were there, I wanted to elevate my game a bit as I knew they'd be watching. To me, it sucked so back, I was embarrassed to walk past them.Then family and friends I had there, I was ashamed that they saw that mess.

Curtis who was in the hospital still, now had his daughter Caren in the doctors hospital across town going into labor...I tried to go see them both but, it was too late, I couldnt get in either hospital...I left and went to a friends (Curtis')house alone while the boys all went somewhere to hang out for the night.. I wanted to be alone where I could sulk in my own sorrows wondering if it was just a bad night, or , if I'm finished...nothing left in the gas tank. Is the 22 year career over? If I cant perform up to a certain level I expect from myself...I'll say good-bye! You who know me, know that those kind of thoughts swirling in my head..are very very painful.

The next day, Thursday a family reunion Christmas Party. I'm gonna see family members. Although my mind is still suffereng from thoughts of the match the night before, the thought of seeing my ALL of my family for the first time in 20 years, is exciting me a bit. But, first I was gonna get revenge on my legs for what I felt was a low drop kick in that match. Barely kicking Chris in the chest when I like to reach the forhead level.

My brother Geno has a house on a hill...I mean ..a big damn hill. The drive way is 50 yards...10 of it is open parking garage, 40 yards of it is driveway..uphill driveway...I exaggerate none when I tell you its about a 40 degree incline...most people who come see him wont stop if the top of the drive way is full of cars because, they refuse to WALK up that steep hill...I'll take a pic and show you, it's ridiculously inclined...BUT..perfect for me to punish my legs by sprinting up it..(which I usually do anyway when I'm in town, love running hills) Anyway, I did 25 sprints up his driveway that morning and a ton of free legs were absolutely begging me to stop as they on fire, but, I just cussed them and reminded them what drop kick they threw the night before.

Anyway, everyone is calling and making sure I'm gonna be at the reunion. I was trying to place my sad anger of the bad match out of the way so I could enjoy my loving family. Mom was gonna be there, Mustafa was gonna be there, my sisters Dane, Diane and Pat weere gonna be there, my neph Ray was gonna be there, all my favorite little nephs and nieces were gonna be there..some of my favorite cousins I hadnt seen in 20 I was finally getting happy...then, 1 hour before the outing was to start...I get a phone call.."Hey dude, what the F ? WWE's January issue magazine has given you an award"..I just got one for match of the decade with Shawn so I figure its something about that so I said "yeah thats cool"..he said "no,it aint cool at all, it says you got the Shortest Tenure were fired 3 times in 15 months the latest being back in Sept." heart dropped through the floor...the thing in September is a mistake due to a name the same as mine, Marty Wright...but, Marty being heard, SOMEONE assumed it was me and leaked it, and never followed up to find out it wasnt me, then puts it in this months mag (IT WILL BE RETRACTED!!!)..but now, the whole world thinks I've been lying to OWN DAMN COMPANY wrongly burns and humiliates me an award which is a joke and degrading of my life, for the WORLD to see, let alone my haterz(ps, yes, Jim Ross said something in his report too but,that should show you how out of touch he is with whats fresh happening, he doesnt even know whats about to happen)..I'm now sick, I cant even think what to say to my family members who are just saying.."Hi marty?? how are you?? ~hugs hugs~ how is the wrestling going??"....I couldnt muster a smile for family must have thought I was stuck up...I was crying inside..I was pissed inside, I was hating inside, but I still loved my family but couldnt show them...I was fighting tears in front of them when all of a sudden..a kid, someones kid came up in front of a bunch of family I was saying hi to, and said,"hey MJ, my daddy said he just read where you got fired"...I had to leave the family get together..I went and stood out in the dark and cold night about 100 yards behind the building where we had the get together until Geno was ready to leave..MAD as hell, hurt,confused, looking at the sky asking God why, screwed over once again, and once again have done not a single friggin thing to deserve this shiznit....BUT....I had ONE GOOD THING LEFT

The next day, I was flying out to see Barbara....The love of my life, right?

About 2 1/2 years ago or so, I met this girl in Deer Park an Indy show for New York Wrestling Connection(I think thats what it was called) I wrestled my old pal Al Snow that night..what a funny match and exciting too... Al had us doing everyones in the WWE finishing moves and then we'd kick out of them..anyway, I was doing polaroids in the ring when I saw this very pretty girl with her larger friend..she kept looking and smiling and saying something to me...I remember thinking, "she's too pretty to be at a wresting match she must be with one of the other wrestlers"(which is often the case)..later, she came back to the back and talked to me for a while...she was very sweet, extremely pretty and she seemed to like me ...we cut up a little, told a couple silly jokes and decided to meet up afterwards for diner....the rest is a long story, as if this isnt already..but....I lost the number somehow and was not able to keep up with her even though I REALLY wanted to...that was maybe 2 1/2 years ago...but then when I opened a myspace this year..who do you think contacted me right away??? The girl I met and wanted to stay up with..Barbara..she wrote me, told me we met in Deer Park, where we were going to eat, what jokes we told, and asked why I didnt ever call?? I knew it was her how could she had known all these things?? I was so happy she contacted me..we started cutting up right away and traded phone numbers...when I first talked to her...I got a small surprise...her was, was sorta husky, just didnt seem like a voice I remembered cause, it didnt fit the petitte girl I was thinking of....the girl I remembered was about 5'1" and 100 pounds...this wasn't a voice that woould fit her, I would have remembered these cute girl had a funky voice, I think I would have....

So anyway, just to be on the safe side, I asked her to send some more pics..she did..and they were her..but, I still wasnt sure..I asked to send some more...she did...but...still being EXTRA cautious, I asked her to send 2 with a newspaper with today date on it..another with her posing an goofy way that I told her to, so I knew she couldnt find a picture on the internet and paste someone elses head to it..basically, it was flippin a bird with each hand using the ring finger and pressed up against her chest fingers pointing inward....a short while later..she sent both of those pics...THAT WAS IT!! I needed no more proof..we started developing our relationship...for 6 months now....and getting very close in the last 2 months...she is the girl who was to fly down to Florida to see me but a plane crash downtown NY that day she was flying, scared her from flying..

Anyway, her birthday was the 22nd of Dec. and with Christmas 3 days later...I was flying up to see her..spending a couple weeks with her, and, if it all went right... gonna move to Long Island with her... start my training up there... visiting local wresling schools and getting in damn good ring shape...

I landed in Laguardia airport on the was a madhouse ..Barb was not at baggage claim..she kept calling saying she was circling saying she was lost and confused as to where to go...this went on for 4 hours...I'm pissed now so I go to the Marriot acrross from the airport and tell her to come get me there...for 3 more hours she cant get there..she is crying and saying she is soo frustrated on the traffic and directions...I'm slowly losing control..I've never yelled at her in 6 months but, I finally did when she said she came inside the Marriot and didnt see me so left and wanted to know why I stood her up, was it all a big joke?? I told her I was in the restaurant for one second to get something to eat since I been stranded for 7 hours..but, I yelled at her and said "why the hell would you walk in after 7 hours of looking for this place, and not call me on your cell and say "Im here where are you?"...she started crying hard saying was yelling at her and she never heard me do that...she claims she was scared now to see me cause she mad me upset....I ended up spending $180.00 on a room there that night...the next day..I got a 3pm check out....she called said to give her one more chance to come get me...

I sat till midnight in the Marriot lobby waiting for her sorry azz excuses of flat tires and other ridiulous shiznit till I called a friend in Jersey..Jimmy Nuzzo, a best friend of mine from Florida happened to be staying with his friends, The Daguair family in Lakehurst..he drove 2 hours to come get me and we drove 2 hours back to Lakehurst...for Christmas Eve I was sitting in a house, a cool looking place, as they are hug Mets fans and have the TV room dedicated to it..I'll show pics later..but still, I'm in a place I really dont know... not knowing what to do as she has called and said she will come get me...I already know by now she is..psycho and prolly not real, was she not real, she knew everything...there was only ONE other possibility..the was the cute girls large friend that was with her that night...and, I was now thinking, thats what had went wrong....thats prolly who it is..

The Duguiar family...was a fact, I feel I didnt spend Christmas with strangers, I spent if with my new best friends...and, they are the greatest wrestling fans you could ever meet..Zach, is 16 and wrestling in high school, and a pretty good fan of mine, was fun cutting up with him..I even showed him some good moves that will blow away the opponents at the high school level (hope you remember them Z-Man) And Harry "The Hatt" is the coolest dude you could ever meet..his wife Betty same thing, well, not coolest dude but, you know what I mean..and their 12 year old daughter Mariah is a sweetheart too.!!! I love you guys..thanx for making me feel like family..I'm gonna post a blog later dedicated to you guys, and post up some of the pics we took.....

But back to the evilness that this blog is about...Barbara talked with Harry and Jimmy all day on getting directions their house...the thing was...she really was coming to these places..the airports, the Marriot, Harry's house..she was just unable to follow up..and, with good reason..we know she was in the neighborhood because she would read off a street sign and it was one that a letter was missing so she said it wrong but, you had to be there to know that...maybe she just wanted to ride by and get a glimpse of me, or, maybe she just was gonna come clean but couldnt bring herself to do it...but at this point, she has insisted she is really who she says and showed pics of...anyway..Christmas Eve she never showed up...

Christmas day, Geno found a way of convincing her she better do the right thing IMMEDIATELY!! and she did ..sorta...she finally said..."everything is real about me, everything I have told MJ for the last 6 months is all real, every single thing...except, ...the pictures..they are not me...they are my friend, the girl he met in Deer Park"....the fear had become reality....the large girl had conned me..she offered to do a make good by paying my way some money for the money I spent getting and being there...I didnt want compensation for the 2 thousand dollars worth of gifts I had bought, just the money on hotel food, and airfare...

Tuesday night..she finally made her way over to the house in Lakehurst...she was ashamed and wouldn't come right to the house..I had to walk 2 blocks away to get to her..then convince her to let me get in the car...I didnt know how to feel..pissed, hurt, disgusted, relieved the nightmare was over....I'm now gonna be looking face to face with a person who pretended a personality I liked or fell in love with, I thought....what does one do in that situation?? I mean, ok, she isnt the pretty girl, but, the personality over the phone was what I loved, wasnt it?? but, then, I really built it based and starting with the person I met at the matches, a girl I was PHYSICALLY as well as mentally attracted to..and, with each passing night of us talking, I'm envisioning it being the cute girl talking...the whole thing is built on a, how can I be said to be shallow if I dont love her still just because she looks different..but, if she lied about who she is, she lies with every word there after I, you get the point? I was so confused on how my feeling should have, I just let them be whatever they were gonna be...well, when I sat in the car...I could see she had gained weight from when I saw her with her cute friend(who according to her knew about this scam, that's how she was able to get the certain posed pictures and the newpaper with the date that I asked for, but, I think she prolly scammed her friend too)as I was sitting in the car, I didnt want to look at her face cause ..I felt stupid...and, even though she was sitting, I could see she was a very large woman...what was gonna be hard for me here was, to hear the voice I'd been talking to for 6 months, a deep husky, scratchy voice that I had come to love with much time....but, the voice was gonna be coming out of a different face that I had seen in my mind for 6 months...

I sat quietly, looked straight silence, no one said anything...I didnt know what to say...then it was just feeling creepy as hell..she said in that Barbara voice I knew..."wow, talk about an awkward moment"...and I had nodded yes, and had to look at her face to see the voice come out...I looked and....I cant explain the feeling that went through my soul at that moment...even though I already knew there was no real Barbara I was in love wasnt until I looked her in the face and eyes..that it suddenly hit me...IT WAS OVER!!...

The love life with these perfect for me girl, was now dead!..It was the same as if I just was told my girlfriend was just killed in a car crash. Built up in 6 months, Gone in 1 second! and, unlike break up relationships, where you can argue and fight but try to make up and get back together,..this one was DEAD..gone more!!..and there was that pit of the stomach sickness as I was sitting there in her car..I had to turn my head so she didnt see the tears that started streaming down my face...

Ok, talking about this has just put me into that place, and, I'm feeling like I did, I'm gonna finally wrap this story up as I'm getting very sick right now....

Barb and I got an agreement...and..she left..supposedly gonna take care of everything the next day...she didnt...and...again I was stranded....she must have hoped that I would just overlook her largness and 55 years old face..and, the scam she pulled, and still come home with her...but, if thats why she didnt follow up with her agreement..hmm, what can I say...anyway, since the little small bank branch I deal with has no associates up north, I had absolutely NO WAY to get to my money so I was BROKE up way to get home...although ..a good friend of mine, John Bogie was up there visiting family, he offered to bring me home, he lives in Phonex City across the river from Columbus...Thanx Bogie, I'll catch up with you while I'm ya bro!!...My attorney ended up paying for my airfare home so as to have the receipt in hand and add it to the costs in the lawsuit..Barbara is a physicians assistant, not a Doctor..her real last name is not's Tserpeli or something like that, I cant remember how to spell it..or maybe I was advised not to put it it though...

I'm finally back home here in Columbus...still brokenhearted, still lost and confused., still a GAT, so more bad shiznit will surely come..but for now, safe and sound and with good loving friends the Burris family and of course my own sweet loving family..and Mustafa...who by the way, is rounding up the terror you wanna guess where they will be

ps..I want to thank all of my family/friends /fans who offerend support and love throught this ridiculous last 10 days..i love you all very Misfitz...are the GREATEST!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sick and damn tired of these "models" getting jobs in the WWE and pretty much piss on it. Look, I was a fan of the Women's Division till Vince decided that he wanted to change it to the "Hey, look what a pair of tits and a hollow head can get me" division. I feel so sorry for Victoria, Mickie James, and other hard working females in the industry that are gonna have to fight for respect amongst airheads that springs Vince's pecker. And as far as ECW goes, fuck it. Put 'em on the roster, give them titles, and say that they are "the new faces of extreme". Who cares anymore, really? I'm willing to bet that the E is probably gonna invent some stupid titles to place there. Hey how does this sound; AND HERE COMES THE NEWLY CHRISTENED "EXTREMELY RUGGED UBER HARDCORE" CHAMPION: KELLY KELLY!!!
Yeah, ECW can rot for all I care. ECW IS NO BRAND OF MINE!!!!
Oh yeah and the CM Punk situation, figures that somebody else would be fighting to screw his push.

-Zyrone Simmons

Dan-e-o said...

Marty Jannetty has got some major issues. Who the hell divulges THAT much of their personal life on the internet?

Anonymous said...

I'd have to really give 2 sh!*s and a F&%K about Marty Jannety to actually read this distubing blog thoroughly... he's in a bad place and working to get his way out...

Anonymous said...

I did not take the time to read any of that blog. The entire situation is just stragne and...borederline science fiction. Maybe after I down some Wild Turkey on New Year's Eve, I'll actually attempt to read it.

As far as Snitsky, a lot of people like him to some extent. Unfortunately, a lot of those people like him because they always crack jokes about the "It wasn't my fault!" storyline. That probably won't ever go away, they can only hope that the push they give him will overshadow the whole demented freak gimmick he's had the whole time.

The CM Punk tattoo thing is ridiculous. By that logic, Pepsi could also sue a lot of people. GI Joe hasn't been popular for a decade and a half; you're not gonna lose any money by letting him display the cobra tattoo. You may only end up hurting your own consumer base, because generally, the economic public doesn't like to do unnecessary business with dicks like Hasbro.

So Vince doesn't want to keep MNM or the Hardy Boyz together. Yet Dumb To The Extreme (hey, at least VKM gave us one good thing) should be around as long as possible. Vince is losing his grip on reality.

Bob Sapp in TNA is something I'd like to see. I'd also like to see an angle where someone breaks his nose. Seriously, how friggin' funny was that line in The Longest Yard? "I don't wanna play anymore, he brokeded my nose!"