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Three-Hour "Raw" A Bit Over The Edge

You know a wrestling show has run too long when one wrestler has to compete in no less than three matches. That was the task handed to 2006's pro wrestling MVP (as crowned by your friends here at Tha O Show) Edge, on last night's episode of "Raw".

Not that Edge wasn't up to the task. If nothing else, the overtime hours that Edge put in last night helped further cement his status as a main-eventer. But was it all that necessary?

I'm still trying to figure out what the real reasoning behind the Battle Royal was last night. Why did "Raw" need to go three hours?

In the end, Edge wins the Battle Royal, does NOT win the WWE Championship in his next match and then finds himself in a no-contest six man tag-team match that allows him to lay a serious beat down on the members of DX.

Now I understand that Rated RKO and DX are feuding. Even though Edge and Orton are the tag-team champions...and the feud has nothing to do with the straps (something I've always hated - Chris Benoit and Chavo Guerrero are doing this with the U.S. Title over on "SmackDown!")...why was it necessary for Edge to be so busy last night?

If anything, the Battle Royal would have been an excellent means to push a new and deserving superstar. A surprise finish would have been interesting. Oh, let's say if...Johnny had won (who looked like Chris Jericho, at first glance, in his new ring attire) and had gone on to have an impressive showing against John Cena.

Hell...have Edge interfere only to accidentally cost Johnny the match. Enter DX for the Cena save - same as last night anyways - and continue your DX/Rated RKO story. I just thought that it was overkill last night. Too many things taking place...but nothing really happening.

I mean, where are we now - storyline wise - that we weren't before the "Raw" broadcast? DX and Rated RKO still hate each other. Okay. They are see-sawing with one-ups-manship week in and week out. Yeah, we get it...that's how a feud works.

But why three hours? Why the Battle Royal if something NEW is not going to happen?

Anyway, I think I've made my point.

At least, WWE is throwing Kenny a bone. I complained recently that the dude needs to start chalking up a couple of wins. A victory over Ric Flair sure isn't bad...but Kenny Dykstra? DYKSTRA?! What's the deal with that?

As Kenny was introduced, I couldn't help but wonder why he wasn't using his real name - Ken Doane. And then J.R. answered my mentioning the name of the official refereeing the match - Jack Doan. WHAT?!

It reminded me of something Big Daddy Donnie recently mentioned: ECW's C.W. Anderson must be referred to as Christopher W. Anderson so as to not confuse him with CM Punk. Man, Vince must think us wrestling fans really are retarded. I suppose if Ken Doane were to use his real name, we'd all mistake him for a referee!!

I'm surprised they're letting him get away with the name "Kenny". For a minute, I thought he was a "SmackDown!" superstar currently involved in a feud with The Undertaker. Silly me.

Then again, maybe all this 'name separation' is necessary in WWE. Seeing as so many of the company's commentators can't seem to get all the names straight. Todd Grisham interviews Vladimir Kozlov (and introduces him as such) and when finished, says "Victor Kozlov". I guess Todd's been watching too much hockey (note to our American friends - Viktor Kozlov plays for the New York Islanders).

Either way, I have no idea what the E has planned for Mr. Kozlov, but I thought his reference to the company as "Dubble Dubble E" was pretty funny.

Sadly, last night's Cryme Tyme skit wasn't so funny. I thought the George W. Bush look-alike really...well...looked like George W. Bush. But I was waiting for a punchline that just didn't come. Sure, Cryme Tyme stole his wallet...but what else is new? Again, last night's three-hour edition of "Raw" should have provided new and intriguing storylines...and it simply didn't.

Officially the last real "Raw" of 2006 (next week's unwatchable Tribute To The Troops has been filmed already), WWE really should have created some plot twists and cliffhangers that should have had us begging for the new year to come to see what would happen next.

Especially considering that there will be a two week layoff from a live broadcast, it would have been sweet for there to be something special, something unique...something mind-blowing for WWE fans to experience with this longer-than-usual-year-ending episode of "Raw". Instead, while Armageddon ended with a bang, "Raw" went out with a whimper.

On another note, I'm actually amped for Rocky Balboa to hit theatres this Wednesday. A huge fan of the Rocky movies my whole life, I (like most fans) despised the fifth installment when it was released in 1990. Seems like Sylvester Stallone did this new movie will have the Rocky character (the Ric Flair of the fictional boxing world) return - and then properly leave - as the champion he was known to be.

Like I do for professional wrestling's characters, I've always cheered for Rocky during his 'matches'. If the movie is as good as it is advertised to be, I hope that WWE and the pro wrestling industry in general take some serious notes as to how to build a character with staying power.

I thought it was great that Sly was on "Raw" last night...he paid so much respect to the business and was very classy throughout the interview. I wonder if Thunderlips will make an appearance in the new flick.

10 comments: on "Three-Hour "Raw" A Bit Over The Edge"

fallen0ne said...

I think the reason for the three hour show is because the network asked for it. I rather enjoyed the three hours. Just wrestling up until the Cryme Tyme skit, who are becoming less funnier as the weeks go by. Did that skit even have a point?
Not too big on that Dykstra name either.
Who would have thought Matt would get the holy shit chant instead of Jeff?
Great ending to the show. I'm a big time DX mark, but that's what you get for teaming with Cena. Oh and was it just me, or did Cena actually debut a new move? He still sucks though.

Anonymous said...

I know how you guys love Edge but do you really think that he needed to win that royal rumble lite. I mean there was so much that could have happened like Carlito getting a shot or 2 guys getting the win through some controversy and having a triple threat with Cena something besides Edge/Cena part 7. And what's up with the WWE's love for the instant rematch anyway? Instead of getting new people to step up they just rehash the previous ppvs main event. And is it just me or is K-Fed getting more airtime than most of the ECW guys?

Zyrone Simmons

Tim Haught said...

Kenny Dykstra, "Wildthing" Mitch Williams, and Johnny Kruk... and we are, the Philly Squad!

Anonymous said...

Cena actually brought out 2 different moves last night... A leg drop from the top to the back of Edge's neck? and reversing the reverse ddt into a reverse suplex? its like up is white and black is east... And the mix of Cena/Edge chants from the crowd was hot... slightly TNA-esque
Nitro had his match last week and it was damn good... he's IC bound right now... 1 step at a time
I think the whole DX, rated rko, cena, umaga mix worked last night... two birds with three stones... not bad by WWE standards... usually they have to break a dozen eggs to get one mediocre omelet...
And since when do we complain about getting more? every raw should be 3 hours... if theyre gonna waste an hour with skits that dont know when to quit... then give us another hour

Anonymous said...

Ya, I thought the Crime Time skit was terrible. And the worst and gayest fucking thing about it was when George Bush started dancing. Wow.

Mr. Mcmahon, please unify the titles and go back to when if it was a Smackdown PPV, the champ would face someone from smackdown and the same for Raw. And ECW needs some titles! Bring back the Television and Hardcore titles. Can everyone agree with me when I say Vintage WWE is the best kind of WWE?

If WWE does not do some chages I will have to quote Nas and say: Proffesional Wrestling is dead...

Anonymous said...

I kinda thought that the interview with Traci Brooks would have changed your mind on the Tribute to the Troops show. That's your opinion and I respect it, but being a son and nephew of two troops overseas I think that it's an awesome thing for them to do. And also it probably won't have a big plot, but it really doesn't need one. It is what it is, and to me, and a good many out there, it's enough.

Dan-e-o said...

For the record, I think that the troops over in Iraq definitely DESERVE and NEED to be entertained and have some Christmas cheer brought over to them.

I just think it's sad (to say the least) that they are over there to begin with. I'd rather leave my political views off of Tha O Show but I just personally wouldn't want to be there myself. In addition, the shows put on by WWE for the troops don't translate well into good television.

I'm sure the troops enjoy the show over there, and that's great. But I don't find it entertaining to watch as an episode of "Raw".

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn Brawler is timeless...

Carlito's early exit was to only push his pointless feud with Masters...

The "Tribute to the Troops" (not RAW) will have NO plot push... and i hope the guys and gals put as much effort as possible (which i think they did) to entertain the troops... and something tells me, it can go without saying that nobody WANTS to be there... just enjoy the matches or dont... who cares? not everything the WWE does is for nitpicking critics like us... then again, this is coming from someone who has friends there right now

Anonymous said...

Yeah Ben I agree with your sentiment. I for one actually enjoyed last years iraq wrestling event for one reason: Rey Mysterio in a camoflage mask jumping up and down with a mexican flag behind him and waving an assault rifle. It was like a bizarre luchadore che gueverra.

Anonymous said...

I too wouldn't want to be over there, and I'm not backing the decision to still have them there by any means. I'm glad that we all agree the guys and girls over there deserve it. To me though, it is a good show, because most of the wrestlers seem to put as much, or if not more into the matches they put on for the troops than they do on the 3 shows the E has.