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My Wrestling Wish List

In the spirit of the holiday season, I decided to make a wish list. Wrestling fans (especially fans of Tha O Show) are not at all shy to express how much they hate certain things about wrestling and how they wish some things were different.

So this year I want to know what Tha O-sters want from jolly old St. Vince and company. Would you wish for a retirement, a dream match, a title change? I’ve made my wrestling wish list and hope that with a little luck, 2007 will be the year many of my wishes come true.

WISH #1 involves Santa McMahon’s son-in-law - the Grinch that steals pushes - Triple H. My wish is that HHH decides to go into semi-retirement and realizes that he doesn’t need to be a full-time television character anymore. The “DX Reunion Tour” has just about run out of gas and the interest in seeing Hunter in the title picture at WrestleMania 23 is low.

Having Triple H wrestle only a few times a year, much like Mick Foley, would make his appearances mean more and be better drawing cards for pay-per-view. His desire to always be on-top, even without the title, has made HHH an overexposed character that needs some serious refreshing with some extended holidays.

WISH #2 involves CM Punk. Whether you believe the “CM Punk Conspiracy” and how it was Hunter who told Vince to get Punk eliminated from the Elimination Chamber first (in retribution for Punk stealing Triple H’s heat at Survivor Series) is up to you.

WWE needs to strap the rocket to CM Punk and make him their top star of 2007. He has made a solid connection with the audience and deserves a strong singles push on “Raw.”

WISH #3: For TNA to continue to succeed in 2007. In many ways, much of the future of professional wrestling rests on the shoulders of TNA. As the only viable alternative to WWE, TNA needs to continue to create exciting stars, book strong matches and write intriguing television. A two-hour time slot for “iMPACT!” is likely to happen and with that, they can make strong advances in this business.

In keeping with the prosperity of TNA, WISH #4 is for Rob Van Dam to head to Orlando in 2007. RVD could end up becoming one of the hottest free agents in years, as there would be potential offers from all over the world including independent promotions like ROH and from NOAH in Japan.

The best case scenario would be for Van Dam to leave WWE and compete in TNA where his career and passion for wrestling could be reignited. He will be able to wrestle top talent and not be creatively stifled like he has been for years in WWE.

In the spirit of Rocky Balboa hitting theatres today, I thought of a wish that would make even the most jaded wrestling fan happy.

WISH #5: For Ric Flair to win the WWE Title one more time! The best way to do it would be if somehow, WWE could get a PPV or “Raw” in Charlotte, North Carolina and pit The Nature Boy against a strong heel champ like Edge or Orton. The emotion would be greater than in any match in recent memory.

My last wish is something that a lot of Canadian wrestling fans might be wishing for this holiday season: The return of The Hart Foundation - Harry Smith, Teddy Hart, Nattie Neidhart and T.J. Wilson as the new stable of heels that could dominate all of the divisions on "Raw". With the 2007 Survivor Series happening in Montreal, a Hart Foundation versus DX feud could have some strong potential for business.

So what’s on Tha O-sters' wish lists? Feel free to leave your wishes in the comment section. Happy holidays!

5 comments: on "My Wrestling Wish List"

Anonymous said...

As much as many of you would hate this, I agree with your Flair statement. You remember the Mark and Smark pops when he won the IC? I do. I also remember when Evolution started falling apart and he wrestled top heel HHH for the title on Raw. That match had some of the most passion, in ring psychology, and drama of any match I've seen recently. He's still a damn fine wrestler and can put on a decent match with just about anyone.

However I disagree with your HHH sentiment. Sure we all have our problems with him but the WWE is bleeding established stars faster than they can push new ones (Cena/Batista/Lashley?) and with the soon-to-be losses of Big Show, RVD, and Booker, we will have lost nearly all of the Monday Night War/Attitude class of wrestlers. Guys like HHH for their problems lend credibility to a program which may have as many big and established stars between their three shows as TNA has in it's one measily hour

fallen0ne said...

So DX is done, yet you want a DX/ Hart Foundation fued at SS?
Good wishes all around, but HHH needs to stay. He gets huge pops as a face, and draws equal heat as a heel.
I'd like to see Edge with the title, and then get fueding with DX again. You can't lose with those matches.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

TJ Wilson and Harry Smith (accompanied by Nattie Neidhart) make it clear that DX screwed Uncle Bret, and almost destroyed their family's reputation.

They are here, 10 years later to extract revenge on DX. This culminates at the 2007 Surivor Series where Bret Hart is introduced as a last minute surprise manager for the young Harts.

The young heels get the win, cementing their star power, and breaking up DX once and for all (make that a stip) ... the show goes off the air with Bret locking a Sharpshooter on HBK.

Dan-e-o said...

Bret giving the Sharpshooter to HBK at Survivor Series in '07 would be unbelievable! He would have to lock in 'shoot' style though...!

Here's some of my wishes...

King Booker get another run as champ.

Cena's run as champ ends...for good. (or at least for a long time).

ECW actually begins resembling a wrestling show that is worth watching. (let along resembling the old ECW).

I win a WWE Fantasy Game (not to mention become Tha O League Champion).

No wrestlers tragically pass away.

Anonymous said...

My wishes?

*Carlito, Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, and Chris Benoit hit the main event of their brands/ promotions

*Sabu retires and I only want that because the man's body has got to be slowing down.

*The merging of the tag team division

*And a storyline where ECW breaks from WWE and starts doing their shows their own way.

I know this was for WWE but my wishes are for wrestling as a whole.
Hey Dan-e-o, that last wish you made trumps all of mine.

Zyrone Simmons