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Heyman The Goat

Let's establish something as an understood fact before we go any further into this piece. ECW on Sci Fi sucks. It has sucked since day one, and it continues to suck now. The December To Dismember pay-per-view may have been the worst in history from top to bottom. It has been a collosal nightmare.

The only thing ECW can hang its hat on since WWE became involved in it's rebirth, is the overwhelming success of both One Night Stand pay-per-views.

With such limited success, someone HAD to take the fall right? Well someone finally did, but was it the right guy?

In the corporate world, a string of failures would obviously lead to someone's dismissal. Obviously, the CEO is ultimately responsible for the operation of the business, but in most structures, the head honcho isn't looking over your shoulder and telling you what to do on a daily basis.

Bill Gates doesn't tell his programmers how to code and how to do their jobs. They are professionals. They are trusted in their positions to make the right decisions and to govern themselves accordingly.

In WWE, and the wrestling world in general, things are a little different.

Vince McMahon has a very difficult time letting his creative staff do exactly that - be creative. It is rare that an idea ever makes it to air if Mr. McMahon isn't into it. Sure, on occassion he may have been convinced to try something, or one of his kids may have fought to give it a shot. For the most part, Vince rules with an iron fist over McMahonland.

Heyman paid the price for ECW's shortcomings this week with his job. There are those within WWE who believe Heyman has "lost it" when it comes to booking. Then, there are those who understand that Heyman has put forth ideas that have been shot down at every turn. Does anyone honestly believe that Heyman had been given autonomy and was pulling all the strings? Hells no.

It's one thing to spice up your roster with a few WWE regulars, but when a weekly television show has to be scanned carefully to find even one of the dozen or so "originals" - that's a problem.

If the company wasn't interested in using the original ECW stars, then they should have differentiated themselves from the start. Call the show "Tuesday Night Extreme", instead of ECW.

Because it was labelled ECW, the workers, the fans - everyone has pre-conceived notions as to what this product should look and feel like. A month or so in, we had Tommy Dreamer and Heyman towing the company line and asking us to be patient, because this new brand wasn't like the old ECW but would evolve into something better.

Like the transformation of neandrathal to modern man, the evolution of ECW on Sci Fi to a decent program will likely take millions of years.

It doesn't seem fair to me that Heyman is unemployed because he wasn't given the freedom to function as a professional and do his damn job.

Many have e-mailed me, speculating that Heyman may now start a rival company. There aren't many television networks left that would be interested in carrying wrestling, never mind competing with two better established brands.

Not to mention, you need a money mark who's willing to shill out. If TNA didn't have Panda, they would have closed up shop by now. You could even argue that WWE would have been in the toilet if they hadn't gone public at a time when WCW was still very much a threat.

I think Vince and Stephanie need to take a nice long vacation. Not just from their on-air roles, but from active day to day operation of the on-air product. Leave the professionals in charge - the people you hired to do a job. Let them do it!

Is Michael Hayes any better at his job than Brian Gerwitz? I have no idea because I don't know what is Hayes' material and what is Hayes-filtered-by-Vince.

Come back sometime after WrestleMania Vinnie. If things are in the shitter, don't worry. You're loyal-as-hell fans will still be here. Bitchin' like mad, but still here. If however, the professionals you have put in place do their job properly - without the influences of yourself, daughter or son in law...we might actually get some fresh television.

Unfortunately for Paul Heyman, he may never get the chance to really flex his creative mind for a WWE audience.

Tha O Show will endeavor to book an interview with Mr. Heyman.

13 comments: on "Heyman The Goat"

Anonymous said...

With Lesnar likely coming to TNA at the beginning of 2007 or close there after... how hot would it be to see Heyman come out with him?

Anonymous said...

Where did you hear Lesnar is going to TNA??

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has been working quite a few TNA house shows as of late and apparently it's all but done

Anonymous said...

Bullshit I work for TNA and I can guarantee you that you're just reading too many dirt sheets.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Companies like IFL and UFC and Pride would be hesitant to get involved with Heyman because it cast doubt on fans that the show is a work.

Anonymous said...

Thunder, What exactly do you do with TNA? Are you SO in that you knew about the Angle debut?
I'm only going by word of mouth here, from someone who has no reason or history of blowing smoke... and if it's not true I really couldn't care less... my main point was that it would be cool to see Heyman managing Lesnar again

Anonymous said...

I also have heard from a few sites where it's saying that Vince didn't fire Heyman, just sent him home (I'm guessing a suspension of some sort). Heyman is still under contract for 9 more months. In otherwords-

Vince is going to get Heyman as far away from the creative room as possible, but not so far away that TNA can snatch him up. Very clever, Vince. You egotistical ass.

Anonymous said...

I work for TNA and have since it's debut on pay per view. The rest is none of your concern. Only four people knew about Angle. That's a much different situation. Management caught heat for kayfabing the boys. They wouldn't pull that again.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

johnny thunder, is this who I THINK it is?? email me ...

Anonymous said...

Thunder.. Make me laugh Clown Shoes... You're regurgetating "dirt sheet" info back to me, as if no one has read up on how many people knew of Angle's debut... If you're really "somebody" then you wouldn't be hiding behind a psuedonym... much less puttin' 2cents on a 3cent site
Or (if i believed you were a TNA employee) you're just covering the alleged "Brock Debut", trying to squash it before people start taking "rumors" and spinning them onto other sites... thus for possibly ruining the surprise... if i was given false info then you never would have said anything about it (if indeed you are an employee of TNA or independently contracted)...

Tim Haught said...

I agree that ECW is in shambles. I agree it's an uphill battle, but the idea that originals are the answer is ludicrous. When did ECW shut down? 2000?

I am sure of the guys who could actually work a match, that a great deal are out of shape or have some vicious after effects of being in ECW back in the day. The rest are under contract to TNA...

A WWE ECW brand doesn't need anymore original ECW guys, but it could use some ECW style storylines. I'm not even going to say matches, because it will put under the other two brands when one dude kicks out of 10 chairshots, but on Raw, a chairshot is vicious.

Just step up the in ring product and storylines. I agree ECW should be for smarts. Smackdown should be for marks and kids, and Raw should be pretty much exactly what it is now.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Well I do know "johnny thunder" and he is legit...

he's entitled to his 2 cents on our 3 cent site so keep your 1 cent anaylsis and hate under wraps

Anonymous said...

I dont think paul was givin any say in anything because if he had some say i think he would have made it look like the old ecw as best as he could