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Give "iMPACT!" Some Time

It goes without saying that TNA's "iMPACT!" needs to become a two-hour program in order for its talent to truly shine. It also needs the extra hour for the betterment of its production value. The show remains a rushed production. Each week they present segment after segment squshed together with no apparent rhyme or reason.

One of the most evident examples of this occured last night on "iMPACT!" after The Naturals lost a Tables Match to Team 3D. Shane Douglas berates his fallen team and then exclaims that he's leaving them for good.

Here was the play-by-play preceding this occurance:

Don West: "Oh, I can't believe it! Shane Douglas says he's done. He feels they've gone backwards, Mike. They've not gotten better like he wanted".

Mike Tenay's response: "To JB, outside of the locker room of Samoa Joe".

Now, it's no secret that I think West and Tenay suck. Among the many reasons is that they call every damn thing they're watching as if the viewer is blind. Right on down to calling Abyss handing the bat to Sting last night after making a save from Christian Cage and Tomko. I felt like yelling, "Yeah guys, we know! We're watching it too! Be interesting for once!".

But the poor editing of the broadcast aren't these guys' fault. So sadly, just like the hurried editing job done to each "iMPACT!" broadcast, the announce team is forced to rush their lines and hit their cues without being given the chance to evoke the emotion necessary to properly tell the story.

Here's where WWE proves it knows its stuff. Not all storylines are good...but they are all TOLD. At the very least, time is provided to any given situation so that the viewer is aware of what's happening and how to feel about it. We are being 'taught' the story.

JBL often provides great examples of how this is done. You put a guy who is new to the television audience in a match...and you put him over like nobody's business.

So, for instance, by the end of Dave Taylor's first televised match on "SmackDown!" a few weeks ago, you know that he comes from a wrestling family. You know, not only his accolades, but those of his father and even his neice. It now makes sense to the audience why this guy is teaming with William Regal. We know why he is important. Why he should be regarded with respect. Why he will prove to be a force to be reckoned with. Why he and his partner deserve a shot at the titles.

On "iMPACT!", most competitors are not given enough time - and therefore not enough of a story - to garner any real emotion from the audience. Most 'stories' are hard to get behind. For example, Sting "caring" about Abyss just doesn't do it for me. What's the real reasoning behind this?

But, in fairness, I think TNA is doing a few things right. I'm behind Kurt Angle's...well...angle (I feel like Austin Powers right now). I've always felt that Kurt comes off much more natural as a heel. And his goals makes perfect sense. Being a legitimate Olympic gold medalist and multi-time professional wrestling champion, there should be nothing else on Kurt's mind but winning. Nothing should be more important than proving he's the best.

And that's why his overflowing frustration with not getting a rematch with Samoa Joe makes sense as a character trait. Furthermore, it allows TNA to provide a good set-up for, quite frankly, what they do best - presenting great O-filled wrestling matches. I look forward to the third encounter between these two.

That is not to say that no one in TNA should cut any promos. Here's what I've noticed lately: AJ Styles has definitely improved. His backstage interview last night went smoothly - no blunders, hesitations or signs of discomfort were visible.

Secondly, I'm in love with the Paparazzi Championship Series skits. Again, these are very original in their presentation. The camera work, editing and acting are all unique. And again, I think they're funny. This week's top line went to Alex Shelley in defense of a "Mr. Chlamydia" comment from Jay Lethal: "Wouldn't it be an inspirational story if somebody with chlamydia won this event?".

And what's with all the Bob Backlund references? They're so left field, I think they're hilarious. Kevin Nash is definitely racking up O's in a way I never thought he would. Good for him...seriously.

BUT...then there's K-Kwik. Yep, K-Kwik. Until this moron quits his "dancing" and "rapping", I will never refer to him as "The Truth". How insanely lame was his "Happy Holidays" rap last night? And Lance Hoyt's dancing didn't help either!

And there's also VKM - Okay guys, the joke was old a month ago. I seriously doubt the fans, let alone anyone in WWE, care about what you're doing. Give it up already and wrestle a match, why don't cha?

I agree with Frank Fronte. Give TNA another hour to truly prove if they have what it takes to entertain a wrestling audience adequately. I believe the company has it in 'em do it...but will they? Only 'time' will tell.

6 comments: on "Give "iMPACT!" Some Time"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I agree and disagree.

The reason we all feel that TNA needs a second hour is because for the better part of a decade we've been conditioned by two and three hour broadcasts from WWE and WCW.

Remember the 80s and early 90s, when most of BECAME fans? There were no two hour shows on free tv.

Characters were still established, gimmicks got over, PPVs sold.

The difference? No 20 minute monologue promos, no incessant beating of a dead horse with a skit that has run dry, and no super long matches.

That formula worked, and in my opinion should be the model that TNA follows while they have this limited amount of time.

If the pick up a second hour and want to become WWE Lite.... fine...

In the meantime ... work on become Diet WWF.

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is a different subject, but the WWE needs to have only one tag team title! Rated RKO are the tag team champions and there is so many great tag teams right now. Brothers of Destruction, Hardy Boys, DX,Cryme Tyme, Worlds Greatest Tag Team, Mr.Kennedy and MVP, and make a few others with good wrestlers who have bad storylines right now like Chris Benoit, Carlito, Snitsky, and Boogyman (his partner would be interesting). Only some will be used, but others would be used for other storylines. Not everyone has to go for a title. And Monty Brown will probobly go for the World Heavyweight title when he is gone.

So what do you think? And sorry again for changing the subject.

Anonymous said...

I ment Monty would go for the World Heavyweight title when he comes and that fued will be for months.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry anonymous, did you refer to marty(boogeyman)wright & gene (blame it on my back-ne) snitsky as good? Though i think most people agree on WWE only having one tag title, your thoughts seem to be a littled scattered... and dont get me wrong, left field comments are great but theres no reason to be so anxious to blurt them out in an unrelated blog... would you throw out a comment about your dog while trying to get directions somewhere? the bong has a carb for a reason, let some oxygen get to that squishy resin ball in your skull, that you call a brain

Anonymous said...

I agree on TNA being way too rushed, 42 minutes is not even 3/4 of an hour... WWF didnt quite fight that much in the 80's commercials werent so abundant back then... they had at least and extra 8 minutes, which is time enough for a match and a promo...

Speaking of promos, can James Storm cut a promo or what? Last night was solid, the promo to start off the AMW v LAX program was golden.. I loved AMW 4-5 years ago when i was buying ppvs on wednesdays; and though both Storm and Harris are great as a tag team I have a good feeling about where this is going

I really, really wish AJ could cut a promo... and i always try to be optimistic, whether i like a wrestler or not, but there's just something about his voice that makes me not care about what he's saying... his voice reminds me of the dudes that hang out in the grocery store parking lot talkin about some lift kit theyre gonna put on their truck...

I'd have to be really interested in Abyss to care about this storyline... I know the 3way match is gonna be great... Im a big mark for Cage and Sting especially... and Ill give Abyss all the dues he has earned, cause God knows hes earned to be where hes at, but this storyline is a snoozer, his character still has this Man-Kane feeling, and his non gimmick matches seem to be just him going through the motions (maybe thats where i get the Kane-like feeling from)

Hoyt a breakdancer? someone tell this guy hes way to big for all that... besides breakdancing is for 19yo kids on crank... Killings rapping is no more lame than any other rapper (with a FEW exceptions), but either way it did not belong on impact... that segment should be treated like RAW's kiss cam... to just fill time and "entertain" the crowd... I will give Killings credit for the "WASSUP! WASSUP!" thing he does with the crowd... SIMPLY, IT WORKS... It works like Austin's "WHAT?!"...

Two hours will really help the program, and theyll have more reason for it when Brock and Jericho show up

Big Daddy Donnie said...


Plus, you don't run the risk of giving away too many money matches for free.

Think about it this way.

We all saw guys like JYD, George Steele and Ted DiBiase on a weekly basis. None of them ever held a singles title in the WWF - but can you think of more than a handfull of times you saw them lose a match?

Squash matches worked beautifully.

They allowed you to pit unbeaten superstar vs ass kicking superstar on a PPV with very little in-ring history. That creates intrigue.

Part of the reason Wrestlemania 3 sold so well is because Hogan and Andre were both held off weekly TV unless it was to shoot an angle.

That drove the ratings of their Saturday Night's Main Event appearances and the PPV buys.

UFC gets it.

The WWF strayed from this model when the Monday Night Wars emerged.