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The First Negative Edition of Chair Shots and Table Spots (Your ECW PPV Review!)

Well, the first ECW brand pay-per-view, December to Dismember has come and gone and we have a new ECW champion in Bobby Lashley. First of all, I'd like to congratulate Lashley on the biggest win of his career before expressing to you that I think putting the belt on him was a huge mistake.

I'm starting to believe the rumors that Vince wants to bury ECW. Why bother even having a television program you wish to kill off? It makes no sense.

On the other hand, if Vince is trying to get ECW over by crowning Lashley the World Champion, then I'm afraid he's lost touch with his audience.

In an undercard barely worth mentioning, Matt Striker lost to Balls Mahoney. The FBI was squashed by Terkay and Burke. Daivari defeated Tommy Dreamer. In a match that made no sense at all, the team of Kevin Thorn and Ariel met Mike Knox and Kelly Kelly. In an attempt to put Sandman on the card, he came to the aid of Kelly after the match. Huh?

Anyway, on to the tag match that had absolutely nothing to do with ECW and match of the evening. After thirty plus minutes of back and forth tag-team action, The Hardys defeated MNM when Jeff Hardy hit the Swanton Bomb on both members of MNM. Again, the best match of the ECW PPV goes to the four performers who aren't even on the ECW roster!

Then there was the Elimination Chamber main event. Further indicating that Sabu is not in good standing with the E, he was pulled from the match due to "an injury" sustained backstage. Strike one. Hardcore Holly is the obvious replacement and we have ourselves six participants for the Extreme Elimination Chamber. After a rather (less than) lackluster Extreme Elimination Chamber, it came down to every smark's biggest fear: Big Show VS. Bobby Lashley. In the end it was a spear that defeats Show and Bobby Lashley is your new ECW Champion.

I wrote in a previous article that ECW was good for Bobby Lashley. It gave him a chance to grow and realize his potential. Little did I know at the time that it was just an excuse to throw some quick gold on him. I went on the record predicting RVD would regain the ECW title. I was hoping CM Punk might be victorious. Though early in his ECW career, it would have at least been exciting to watch. I feared Big Show may retain the title. But I definitely did not guess that Bobby Lashley would go on to wear the ECW belt.

What more can I say? I'm sure my fellow O-sters feel the same way I do right now. Disappointed and a little confused. Where does ECW go from here? It seems logical that only two options are left. Either they are going to change the name of the ECW brand and forget it ever happened or they're going to disband the brand completely and absorb it into "Raw" and "SmackDown!". Again, if I'm wrong and this is the E's attempt of putting ECW on the map, then I fear that Vince has truly lost touch with the wrestling audience. Please Vince, I'm begging you. Prove me wrong.

PS...If any of my fellow O-sters can spin this PPV in a more positive way, I'd like to hear it. I'm looking for the silver lining in all of this, but I really can't.

7 comments: on "The First Negative Edition of Chair Shots and Table Spots (Your ECW PPV Review!)"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

This just in...

Heyman has been fired by WWE and is being made the scapegoat for Sunday's nightmare of a PPV. Signguy_shooter may have been the only who actually bought the damn thing.

Now Heyman is payin for it with his job.

ECW... without Paul Heyman?


fallen0ne said...

Why in the world would Triple H have anything to do with a guy in ECW? ECW is just an excuse at having the lower card of WWE on tv. The Originals are there for nothing more than nostalgia and jobs. Did anyone really think that after they replaced Sabu with Holly that an ECW guy was gonna win. CM punk got punked because the E is just bad at recognising true talent. That's why they'll always waist time on the Lashleys, Batistas and Masters, but not groom their actual stars like Punk, Matt Hardy, Benjamin e.a. The E has always gotten lucky with they're big angles and characters.
Here's to waiting at least another year before they start using Punk right.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Triple H has had a hate on for Punk for quite some time.

To say the WWE doesn't recognize talent is ignorant. They do, they just don't always utilize it properly.

fallen0ne said...

I don't know how the f*ck aaron got there, but that comment was by me btw.
And that's more along the lines of what i ment Big Daddy. They may recognize it, but they never score on it, if not by luck.

Anonymous said...

I was Attempting to watch ECW tonight, And I Saw Bobby "Black Lesnar" Lashley Defeat Big Show with a bodyslam . OMFG Who books this crap? A bodyslam? Not the spear, Not the Dominator, But a bodyslam? You have got to be kidding me. It was bad enough Giving this Abomination of a wrestler the world title, but to have him Beat someone with a bodyslam is ridiculous. I hope this wasn't an attempt to get him over with the fans.

Anonymous said...

and Straight Edge means he's better than you!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I can tell you this about Punk...

There have been times when he was in hospital with serious injuries requiring surgery and he REFUSED pain medication or even anesthetic.

The Pepsi / Coke thing, as i've been told by people closer to Punk than I ... is almost a play on the fact that Coca - Cola and Cocaine share the same nickname. For that fact, he chose Pepsi ... more as a tongue and cheek thing. Plus, c'mon - the Pepsi logo is way cooler.