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Ending With A Bang!

Last night, WWE presented its last pay-per-view of the year in Armageddon. Looks like they wanted to live up to its name by throwing in some surprises, providing some O's and thereby ending the year with a strong PPV event.

Strange though - as pointed out by an O-ster in a recent post - that WWE would provide fans with a FREE three-hour event in "Raw" later tonight - one day after the pay-per-view...but hey, I ain't complaining.

The surprise ladder match was certainly O-worthy. Realest O of the night comes in the form of Joey Mercury's broken nose! Poor Adam Birch...he just comes back on TV to re-create MNM and now he's out again. Hopefully, it won't be for too long...but that stiff ladder smash to the face couldn't have felt very good.

I gotta, once again, tip my hat to MVP. Mr. Antonio Banks (which also could have been a cool ring name due to his money-grubbing ways) continues to show and prove with each and every performance. It seems his lame-ass ring debut at No Mercy was eons ago.

Now the man is being set on fire! Being in a match just involving fire is worth a shout out. Losing one - you deserve more than just an "O" and "job well done". (Get it - 'well done'...never mind). True, his ring gear should have been burnt a long time ago...but look for MVP to wear a strap at some point in 2007.

Speaking of straps...looks like Gregory Helms will become the first guy to hold on to a title for a full YEAR since...I don't even know! Yokozuna maybe? If he can keep the Cruiserweight Championship for another month - and he almost certainly will - he'll definitely secure quite a prestigious spot in pro wrestling history books.

I'm just hoping that his on-air push will match his booking. He may be the longest reigning champion in a while but his in-ring abilities and charisma during promos and commentaries are worthy of more air time.

I've always been an Untertaker fan...since day one. I don't know what day Armageddon was (nearly 6000 if you multiply his 16-year WWE career by the number of days in a year), but the man has still got it. He's never been Mr. Technical or "catch-as-catch-can" but he's always been a solid performer.

You gotta mark out for a guy who has matches dedicated to his character: Buried Alive matches, Casket matches...and of course, last night's Last Ride match. I put Mr. Kennedy, of course, in the same category as MVP in that I expect him to be a major star for years to come.

I now realize that perhaps LOSING to either Kane or The Undertaker should not be considered a 'de-push' as much as it should be perceived as a right of passage. Let's face it...EVERYONE has lost to these guys in major matches at some point in their careers...even the mighty Triple H. And has it really hurt any of them? Or has it, at times, propelled certain superstars to main event status?

Kennedy and MVP got their asses kicked last night. So it looks like they're on their way to the top.

Speaking of guys I've always been a fan of...Chris Benoit rules. However...I actually would have liked to see Chavo Guerrero go over last night. Holding the U.S. Title, he could have likened himself to his late great uncle Eddie, who once held that very title. He could talk about following Eddie's great legacy and perhaps start representing his uncle in a positive light instead of utlizing this confusing backstory about his estate as a reason for a feud.

And I've decided, I'm not even going to mention the 'main event'. I've decided not to mention the names of the I feel they don't deserve to be mentioned. I've decided that I'm going to use this time to state that in 2007...we will have new champions...and new reasons to "O".

Oh yeah...for Christmas, I'd like Layla.

AND Kristal...I can't decide!

And are the FINAL results of Tha "O" League for this season's WWE Fantasy game:

The Bronze medal recipient (or Tha O Show's Cruiserweight Champion perhaps):
TheEndustry with 2650 points.

Winner of the Silver medal (and now Tha O Show's Intercontinental Champion):
YOURS TRULY: Dan-e-o with 2681 points!

(Now imagine the voice of Howard Finkel).

Your winner and the NEEEEEWWWWWW "O" League Champion, The Smashin' MAAAAAASSSTTEEERRRSSS!! With 2854 points and a stranglehold on this competition since it began, The Smashin' Masters is your first "O" League Champion.

Congratulations! We at Tha O Show will look for you to put your title on the line next season! Please e-mail me at for details on how to claim your prize.

Here are the final standings:

1 The Smashin' Masters - 2854 pts
2 Dan-e-o - 2681 pts
3 TheEndustry - 2650 pts
4 Phenominal_Angles - 2552 pts
5 The Omega Ones - 2295 pts
6 D.W.I - 2284 pts
7 Better_Than_Dan-e-o - 2198 pts
8 BigDaddyDonnie - 2170 pts
9 LO Destruction - 2077 pts
10 fabulousBagiuoIgorots - 2076 pts
11 Thrones And Patriots - 2046 pts
12 Second City Saints - 1944 pts
13 TheBIGBang112 - 1614 pts
14 Methods Of Mayhem - 1292 pts

3 comments: on "Ending With A Bang!"

fallen0ne said...

Pretty good show, excusing the Boogeyman, a diva segment, and a lameass main event. Nice cruiserwieght match, although the crowd didn't seem too into it. If MVP could just get rid of that damn suit. "O" of the night goes to Mercury. The sight of him with a swollen eye and blood gushing from his face stayed with me the rest of the night. Brian Kendrick gets an "O" , as in oh my god he nearly broke his neck! That spot looked nasty at first. Undertaker taking a 15 foot fall was pretty impressive too. Kennedy is gonna take off this coming year.
I'm in for the next season, I'm coming for that "O" league title, so don't get too attached!

Anonymous said...

I cant explain how badly i hate myself for this last week's picks... it's a sad week when your only decent picks were Batista and Cena... O and im over the cruiserweight limit, weighing in at a 240... how about a US title?

Anonymous said...

I think Diesel was the last guy to hold a championship that long. Unless you count the mighty Gillberg. However, I'm not sure how much of a last-minute decision it might have been to have Helms keep the title, seeing as how Yang's valet, Amy, was released shortly before the pay-per-view.

As far as Chavo; I don't think WWE is ever going to push him as a face for a long time. Besides, if you want the title on someone who would honor Guerrero's legacy, who better than Benoit?

I must say, the quality of this show, as well as the bang for your buck that it had, seemed to have snuck up on all of us from behind. But, like the great DDP once said, "the bang comes from behind". (There you go, Dan-e-o, now your pun doesn't look nearly as bad).