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Christian And Storm Tear It Up!

In what can arguably be best described as the most entertaining match of the year, former NWA Heavyweight Champion Christian Cage and wrestling legend Lance Storm put the Blood, Sweat And Ears crowd in the palm of their hands last night and then just went to work.

Lance Storm, who may very well be in the best shape of his career, does not look like he has missed a step.

He is just as good now as he was while feuding with RVD in the old ECW. In fact, he might be better.

Christian looked as good as ever. He has really evolved as a performer.

The main event started with the two men in the ring, having streamers thrown at them by the fans - japanese style. Cool. The streamers weren't exactly thrown on cue (supposed to be tossed during introduction not entrance!) but the thought was there.

Christian then started getting ready for the match. He took his track pants off that he wears over his gear and got down on his knees and very carefully folded them up in a tiny little square. For some reason, the crowd went bananas for this. When Christian took of his jacket we were blown away by chants of "Fold It! Fold It!". So he did. That brought on chants of "This is Awesome!".

This whole time, Lance Storm is pretty much just chillin' and watching. Looks like they are about to lock up, but NO. Christian looks at his old buddy and asks him to break out the 'Cabbage Patch' that WWE creative thought would add so much to his character. Lance was laughing and didn't want to do it. The crowd begged. Christian encouraged by doing a very awkward version of Tyson Dux's crazy dance. Finally, peer pressure won out and Storm danced. "Holy Shit, Holy Shit" rang out through the building. I was just laughing my ass off.

Ok. Time to wrestle? Nope.

Now the fans are SCREAMING "Five Second Pose! Five Second Pose!" As Christian and Lance are about to lock up then turn to face each side of the ring striking hilarious poses for some great photo ops (There's a slideshow at the bottom of this page).

Crowd: "Thank You! Thank You!"

NOW it's time to go right? NO! The crowd is begging for a Spinaroonie! Hell, why not?! Christian teased it a couple times before finally doing his version, which was of course topped by Lance who looked very Booker T-ish on his. By this point, the house is absolutely electric. The fans are going bananas. One of the wrestlers watching from the VIP yelled out "Take it home boys! You can't top that!".

Well, they did top that. The actual match got under way and was incredible. Man, Storm has STILL got some ups. The O's could be heard through the crowd when he jumped from the ring to the top rope and springboarded off backwards. His standing dropkick to the top of Christian's head was poetry.

The match was rock solid. If BSE is putting this out on DVD, you MUST get a copy. The finishing sequences saw Storm lock in the Half Crab and hit a superkick. Cage managed to survive both. Storm kicked out of the Unprettier, but after a beautiful series of counters got caught in a second one and that was all she wrote.

At the end of the show, Storm showed how classy he was by cutting a promo telling them how much he loved performing for them and how much he respected them as fans. This was met with chants of "Please Come Back! Please Come Back!".

I'm happy to report that Lance Storm will be a guest on Tha O Show in the near future.

The rest of the results from BSE's show last night (Courtesy of The Wizard Of Id):

Brian won a BSE Student Suicide 6 Pack match.

Jake O'Reilly was set to face El Vigote when Dancing Pete joined the fun and said he wanted to be in the match. Barely had Jake & Vigote agreed when Franky the Mobster ran out and chased Pete away. Pete returned later just in time to trip and fall on top of Jake & Vigote who were both down after a top rope suplex. Pete won the match and danced in the ring while Franky had a petulant frenzy at ringside.

Flesh w/Danyah & Vlad The Penetrator defeated El Sombra after Danyah used her assets to distract the official & Vlad crushed Sombra.

The All Starters beat Pierre Shadows & Vane. Mr Black joined Vane & Shadows after the match to beat down the winners.

Kobra Kai pinned Franky the Mobster after a 2nd rope moonsault. After the match fans were once again treated to Dancing Pete.

T-Unit (Anton Arakis & T Gomez) fought the Suicide Kidz (Xtremo & Cody 45) in a 1st round Tag Tournament match. The Suicide Kidz advanced after a double pin. Both hit top rope maneuvers; Xtremo a 450 on Arakis - I didn't see what Cody did.

Fatal 4-Way: Angel de Guerra vs Kris Chambers vs Ash vs Don Paysan:
Ash pinned Chambers
Paysan pinned Guerra
Ash made Paysan tap out to win the match.

Kelly Couture & Traci Brooks defeated 21st Century Fox & Tiana Ringer when Brooks pinned Ringer.

1st Round Tag Tournament: James Champagne & Robert Roode defeated Tyson Dux & El Tornado by DQ when the ref saw Dux using a chair that Roode had brought into the ring.

Photos Courtesy Emmanuel Melo and Ontario Indy Wrestling

13 comments: on "Christian And Storm Tear It Up!"

Anonymous said...

Yo Big Daddy Donnie and DAN-E-O I was the dude hollerin at you guys when you walked out of the locker room after the main event! It was a great show but way too long!

Anonymous said...

awesome pics and it looks like it was a great show

Anonymous said...

I'll definately tune in for the lance storm interview... but an interview with christian would set this page off (not that it isnt, ya know what im sayin)... too bad the carolinas don;t get any indy cards like you guys get

Anonymous said...

Make an article on the ecw ppv

Big Daddy Donnie said...

hey anonymous... go post an article on the ecw on your site.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I thought you wanted to make your site better...

I am only makin sudgestions. You should do an article on EVERY SHOW. Or at least Smackdown, Raw, TNA, and PPVs. Instead of this boring houseshow shit.

Big Daddy Donnie said...


Tha O Show is not, a NEWS site... there are tons of them out there. We are all about opinions, informative exchanges of ideas, kick ass interviews and ... a little news.

As far as the ECW PPV goes...

If the WWE couldn't be bothered to properly promote it or book it, why the hell should we take time out of our day to cover it?

Doesn't make sense to me.

Dan-e-o said...

Not to mention...unless you plan on sending Donnie and I some paychecks...we don't work for you.

Anonymous said...

whos tht anonymous guy? fuckin idiot. aren't you getting your money's worth on the o show?

Anonymous said...

I love this site but if they do not have every ppv then maybe I should find another like kingofpain or whatever. Like it is a ppv so shouldn't there be an article unless you didn't see it then you don't deserve a site. Even if it was bad, you still need to do every PPV's. I wanted to see how the Chamber was.
Dan-e-o, you don't need any more money since your a fuckin rapper and Big Daddy, you are the best WWE writer that I have ever read. Unlike people who go for the babyfaces. Those people probobly loved the Survivor Series PPV. So keep up the good work and don't act like ingnorant asses cause you will lose people u you are.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Listen annoymous... We appreciate your feedback and all... but bottom line is...

We built this site as a way for US to express what is on OUR minds. Originally we didn't plan on writing ANY pay per view specific pieces ... any recaps of any sort. We eventually decided to do some ... but we won't do them just for the sakes of doing them.

There are hundreds of decent wrestling newsboards out there.

I've been a part of the internet wrestling scene as a journalist since the dawn of the internet. I hosted the FIRST EVER online wrestling radio show.... Back then, your comments would have concerned me. I would be thinking "We gotta do whatever this guy wants cuz we wanna make sure he doesn't go to other sites".

Truth is, you WILL go to other sites. I understand that. Hell, i do ... so why wouldn't you?

To say we don't deserve a site if we don't watch the PPV is ridiculous. Dan-e-o and I have watched every single PPV (wwe, ecw, tns, ufc, etc) for the last 5 years or so and are huge supporters of the industry.

That being said, if the company does a rat's ass job of putting together a show, we aren't going to pay 40 bucks just to say "well we better order it to tell the people on Tha O Show how bad this piece of shit was". Fuck it. I don't need to jump out of a plane without a chute to know that it's gonna hurt.

We feel that in our genre (blogs, interviews, original opinion) we are amongst the best. If you disagree, that's cool. We wish luck in all your future endeavors. LOL.

We want the O-Sters to be down with us because we are "REAL" and not a cookie cutter copy of every other crappy newsboard or blog.

Anonymous said...

Ok I respect what you just said. If I knew that was how you felt then I wouldn't have bothered you.

Can you at least do an article on Show's retirement?

Anonymous said...

When was it confirmed that Show is retiring?