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Chair Shots And Table Spots

The last episode of ECW was truly memorable. In fact, I can honestly say that I will remember it for the rest of my life. It was the night that the new ECW champ, Bobby Lashley delivered one of the worst promos in the history of professional wrestling.

What the hell was Bobby talking about? I can only assume that they sent him out there with no script and let him "shoot" on the unsuspecting crowd in Virginia. That segment was beyond train wreck status. I knew Bobby was green, vanilla and soft spoken, but come on!

K-Fed's been in the business for ten minutes and he's running proverbial circles around Lashley on the mic. Did you catch the "I love you's" mouthed to the victims in the crowd? Are you kidding me? Fire the man responsible for handing Lashley a live mic! And if that was indeed a script he was reciting, fire the man that wrote it! If it was Lashley who just completely F'd up and went off on a tangent, strip him of the ECW title! How's that for "extreme"?

Now, as far as Rob Van Dam being the number one contender against Lashley, I look at this as the last opportunity for RVD to get in the title hunt. If Lashley pins RVD clean, I fear he may be TNA bound when his contract is up. And no, I don't think that's a good thing either.

Sure, the smarks might be treated to an RVD/Styles match, or perhaps RVD/Daniels, or maybe even RVD/Joe!...Okay maybe it would be pretty cool. But damn TNA for being the new (Russo era) WCW. I mean that in every negative way possible.

What the hell is the point of having Shannon Moore in ECW? Not only have I not seen him win a match yet, but I'm hard pressed to recall an offensive move! The most memorable part of the match against The Great Khali was the Tommy Dreamer bump that took place after the bell rang.

Which brings me to Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer is undoubtedly one of the sickest bump takers in the history of this business. It sucks that the E has no other ideas but to make the man continue to take these bumps well past his physical prime. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate a sick Dreamer bump as much as the next guy, but I really think the best way to get Tommy over is to play the Heyman-supporter heel role.

It would work now more than ever in light of the recent Heyman dismissal. I think we could all use a reality-based shoot style storyline in the new ECW.

What more can be said? Another lackluster, if not completely inept episode of ECW has come and gone and I'm having an increasingly dificult job writing about it... never mind trying to find a silver lining.

The E has got to do something fast if they genuinely want their third brand to succeed. With all the pun in the world intended, they need to do something "extreme".

PS...I am hereby putting myself over as the guy who will now cover "SmackDown!" every week on Tha O Show. I am also more than willing to pass the torch to a fellow O Show'er in terms of covering ECW on a weekly basis. I am very thankful for the opportunity to write for Tha O Show every week and I appreciate the support of Donnie and Dan-e-o. I would, however, love to expand my role on the greatest wrestling blog site on the internet.

5 comments: on "Chair Shots And Table Spots"

Anonymous said...

WHat has ECW come to?? I'm now subjected to some roided out retard who is about as entertaining as an abortion. They bring this goof in as champ and now I got no more SANDMAN?!?! Someone is really screwing up this show and they need to die!! BRING back the SANDMAN!!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Boudreau, you are the most enteraining thing about ECW. I watch the show and then wait for the blog. It's been very fun watching you slowly lose faith in the ECW product. I'll admit that I enjoyed Bobby's promo because it has got to show someone important at the E that not having a neck doesn't exactly make championship material. I'm still puzzled by the fact that the E would put a manager with Khali(aka Max Moon from the old McDonalds ads) and not with Lashley.
And the best thing to happen ECW in my opinion;
Kelly Kelly getting planted by Knox. She took that bump like a champ.

Zyrone Simmons

Anonymous said...

I'm more than willing and available to take the ECW blog slot

Dan-e-o said...


feel free to send a sample article to

thanks bro...Tha O Show continues to grow...

Anonymous said...

HAHA Lashly was like "Being a champion is like having a target on your chest..." and he said nothing for like a minute stalling. The crowd was silent too. It is not like they were cheering his name. Maybe it was stage fright. LOL