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Chair Shots And Table Spots

Since I submitted my PPV review a couple days ago, I'm going to make this one real short and simple. I just witnessed an ECW Championship match end in an F'ing body slam!

I have also just read on that the reason Heyman was released was due to slumping ratings and a disgruntled locker room.

You don't creatively handcuff Paul Heyman and then release him when ratings slump! Heyman is a smark. He writes for the smarks. ECW was and should have been for the smarks.

You have two other brands to cater to the needs of the masses. Was Vince afraid that ECW would be so successful that it would overshadow the other two brands? Then why the hell bother to bring ECW back if you are afraid of its success? Is it really worth all the time and money invested just to bury it?

Either way, I am very tired of sugar coating and searching for silver linings. Since ECW debuted on Sci-Fi, it has sucked! The PPV was the proverbial cherry on top of a shit sundae that the E has tried to shove down our throats for months. It should have been a wake up call to Vince. Take the handcuffs off Heyman and Dreamer and see what happens. Instead, Vince went in the completely opposite direction and saw fit to use Heyman as a scape goat.

I am disgusted with ECW. It is a chore to watch the 60 minute program. I am disgusted with Vince McMahon. I have defended him for years, but I refuse to do so any longer. When it comes to WWE, whether you like it or not, it has a specific style. It's the McMahon style. It is his brain child. ECW never stood a chance with Vince's hands in the cookie jar. We were assured initially that the product was going to be McMahon-free from a creative standpoint. That was a lie.

ECW was doomed from the beginning. I can't help but think that it was the intention of the E all along for that to be the case.

4 comments: on "Chair Shots And Table Spots"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Agreed Frank...
You blend ECW originals with WWE talent to thicken the roster....

I'm ok with Big Show as chmapion...
but EVERYONE challengig should be an ECW original...

Hell you could have created two factions ... Old and New School....

Then, the originals, that loyal fans love get air time.... AND are part of a meaningful program.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

So long since there's been a face as champ???



That's just 2006 - and you're talkin about guys from 8-9 years ago as last time we had babyface champs??

Tim Haught said...

He said it's been so long that there has been a face champ that Smarks thought was deserving...

I would say smarks were pretty happy with Guerrero and Benoit.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as probably the only guy here who never watched an episode of the new ECW, here's why I didn't care for it-

Going into the One Night Stand pay-per-view, the most promoted matches featured WWE vs. ECW. That right there was the big hint that the new ECW was going to be Vince's handiwork, not Heyman's. What would then ultimately seal it for me was the night after One Night Stand, when Cena promised to "crash" the ECW on SciFi debut. Having Cena show up to what could have potentially been the start of something big showed that McMahon really was out of touch with how to make this thing work. And he still doesn't know how to make that particular product work. And now he's getting rid of the guy who did know how to make it work.

Rest In Peace, WWECW. You never had a chance.