Ah the beauty of a worked shoot. I also have a soft spot for second generation workers. So I figured, why not come up with a gimmick for a bunch of the second generation guys the WWE has under developmental contract, and play it off as a shoot. Gold.
So here are my ideas for a new storyline that will get over a bunch of young WWE talent not currently on the Raw or Smackdown rosters.
With the impending split of the Spirit Squad, Raw is going to need another group of hungy young dudes who are just chomping for an opporunity to show what they can do.
Enter the second generation stars. Harry Smith. Deuce. Afa Anoa'i Jr. Eddie Colon. Brent Albright. Cody Runnels.
My vision is Harry Smith crashes an episode of Raw. There's a match going on between say Jeff Hardy and Chris Masters. Hardy is in control, going for the Swanton, when Smith comes from the crowd, jumps up on the apron and shoves Hardy to the outside. Masters doesn't know what the hell's going on, and playing the part of chicken shit heel - decides to turn tail and run.
That leaves Smith to toss a staggered Hardy around with a couple German Suplexes and maybe a running powerslam. Once the Intercontinental Champion has been incapacitated, Smith demands a mic.
"Do you know who the hell I am? Of course you don't - because the creative geniuses at this company can't figure out a way to get me on television. Well f*** them. My name is Harry Smith. My father was the great Davey Boy Smith - The British Bulldog. Stop cheering you idiots! He can't hear you, he's dead. He's dead because of his constant need to get over with the promoters and the fans. It wasn't enough that he was one of the best wrestlers on the planet. He had to make his body as big as possible by using drugs that eventually took his life. You people killed my father. Today, I begin a revolution in his honour. A revolution against 'Sports Entertainment'. Why the hell can't we come out here and WRESTLE? I went to wrestling school, not Hollywood to train for my career. In case you doubt my ability... I'm half Smith, half Hart. That's right, Bret Hart is my uncle. He can't stand any of you either. I'm not alone either. There are others like me. Born into this business, with great instincts, natural ability and charisma. Eventually you'll get to meet the other members of my crew - but for now..........."
Smith goes back to whippin Hardy's ass who has recovered from the bumps he took earlier. Smith hits the Emerald Frosion and Hardy is out.
Jim Ross: "Somebody call security!! Davey Boy's kid is nuts!"
The very next week on Raw, Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and calls out Harry Smith. Harry walks down the aisle laughing at Hardy saying he hell right into his trap.
"I wasn't even on the roster last week. After I kicked your ass and you went begging Coach for a chance to get even, you gave me the in I needed. Harry Smith is now officially the newest Raw superstar!"
Hardy says something to the effect of - well then come prove how much of a superstar you are. Smith runs to the ring, gets a few shots on Jeff, before the IC Champ takes over. As he goes up top for a Swanton Bomb he gets pushed off the top rope by Deuce aka "Jimmy Snuka Jr". Snuka pushes Hardy into the ring, then hits him with his dad's patented top rope splash. Harry and Snuka celebrate and pose in the ring.
The next week on Raw, Harry and Snuka are booked for a tag match against Hardy and a partner of his choice. Jeff chooses Carlito. The match is fast paced and awesome. After Carlito hits the Backcracker he is attacked by a third member of this team... his own baby brother Eddie!
The following weeks see the debuts of Afa Jr, Cody Runnels (Dusty's youngest son) and then Brent Albright who can really rip the company by talking about how he has a pinfall win over the current World Champion King Booker but was then fired because Booker has stroke. Talk about how they tried to hide his heritage and not point out that he was the son of one of the biggest American stars in Japan's wrestling history - Mr. Gary Albright. Talk about how Air Albright gave everything for this business and literally died in the ring. Now he wants to carry his father's name and kick some ass.
Quick and simple feuds with this group: Well I mentioned Hardy. Why? Because he's the champ and when someone new targets a champ it automatically increases their stock. Secondly, Hardy needs something fresh.
A feud with Carlito where Eddie begs his big brother to join their group. Carlito being the super babyface says no, and now has to face the wrath of all six young lions.
The WWE wants to turn Randy Orton baby in the next year. Here's how you do it. They approach Randy, talking about how he had such success in Evolution and knows what it is to be part of a team. They talk about how Randy was a born into the business just like them. Randy considers the offer, but leaves them cold... Instant feud.
I'd immediately turn Afa and Snuka into a tag team, and have Harry chase the IC.
Sorry, but I think this feud has money written all over it.
Now I just need a name for this crew. Phase 2? I don't know. Any suggestions? Comments?
13 comments: on "Creative HAS something for you...."
I must admit I think this idea as a ton of potential. From John on MySpace.
I love the idea man. And as for a name how about Legacy or something to that effect cause of most of their backgrounds and their lineage.
-Zyrone Simmons
I even had an idea where after a good 7 or 8 month run, the group would turn on Cody ... saying that his dad was a legend but he embraced Sports Entertainment. They could even do some skits where they find posters of John Cena or The Rock in Cody's bedroom.
This pisses off his crew his beats his ass out, instantly turning Cody into the tragic hero the WWE has always been looking for. He'd be their Eric Young.
Man, this shit writes itself...
excellent writing... i could literally hear good ol' JR say "Davey Boy's kid has gone nuts!!"... and a great idea on top of it... i think that faction would go over amazingly... and that says a lot considering they are all "new names"
Sign Guy
I like your idea... but I think in that scenario - Harry plays third fiddle to Orton and Edge AND he ends up just being a bridge to a confrontation between Shawn / Vince and Bret.
you know big daddy i love this damn storyline, but the E hates things that hit a little too close to how they officially run business, even if a heal says it.
Thats why Joey Styles is no longer critisizing wwE. Im sure theyll come in as wrestling janitors or something-- cause Harry Smith will MOP THE FLOOR WITH YOU!
Unfortunately, you're probably right. They'll get some bullshit gimmick (if they're used at all)
The reason the stable doesn't get watered down ... is because they are all young talents NEW to the company. You don't just stick in guys like Dustin Rhodes or Randy Orton...
Hungry new comers ready to make an impact that can all work their asses off.
Here's why I like a group of 5 or 6 as opposed to 2 or 3. Strength in numbers baby. Is anyone going to legitmately buy Harry Smith - as a newcomer coming in and pinning Triple H? God no - but with some back up, Horseman style, he gains heat, creates a spot for himself and slowly gains credibility.
Great story on Windham Rotunda... I met Mike's kid yeeeeears ago when he was just a pre teen, but had no idea he had evolved into such an athlete. Thanks for that ... good read.
You know what the big problem with creative is? It's not that they don't have anything creatively for the many superstars who have heard that line in the past; rather, it is simply the fact that creative doesn't care and wants to focus on bigger, generally more meaningless projects.
For instance, while the six guys you mentioned in this article are wasting away in house show limbo, creative is spending the majority of its time trying to figure out how to re-package John Cena to make everyone like him. Bringing Kevin Federline on RAW twice completely proves this point. Also, they keep giving D-X a push when they simply don't need one. As much of a D-X fan as I may be, the reunion has run its course in my opinion, and Michaels needs time off soon anyway.
On a related note, you want an idea for how to bring Smith and company in? Have D-X lose and disband, with Michaels heading to the shelf and Triple H getting back into the main event picture. Orton and Edge boast that they have destroyed the legend of D-X, and that as long as they are around, no legend will survive. Enter Smith, saying that he's there to carry on his father's legacy and the Bulldog's legend will never die. Orton and Edge laugh it off, and go to attack Smith. Enter the other newcomers.
Kind of a weak idea, but it could work if done right.
The problem I see with bringing Harry in - in that manner, as a baby face saying his dad's legend will never die ... is that you are basing his ENTIRE push on Davey Boy.
Smacks of Eddie / Chavo / Rey to me..
are all these guys in ovw ??? cuz id like to see how good they are plus you did forget like 5 guys david flair, cory flair 2 time national champion wrestler, teddy hart, eric angle, tony atlas kid? forgot his name ~kc starr~ myspace.com/kcstarr33
Well, I didn't forget David Flair ... but man I'd like to....
Eric Angle is Kurt's older brother isn't he? I don't see Eric coming and helping the WWE at this point. He had his 15 seconds of fame.
I'd love to see Teddy Hart on TV ... but has he matured enough? No one seems to have an answer to that. I don't know a damn thing about Atlas' kid.
Afa Jr has been in his dad's company WXW. Eddie has been in his dad's company in Puerto Rico. Cody, Brent, Harry and Deuce have all shuffled back and forth between OVW and WWE dark matches / house shows.
I've seen every one of these guys work and a few of them I've seen in person. They all have "it".
Simple just call it THE LEGACY. By Faith on myspace.com/mfaithpw
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