ESPECIALLY considering that TNA's version of WresleMania is coming up on October 22nd! The less-cool sounding Bound For Glory is TNA's premier event. And if it's ONE thing that TNA definitely does NOT suck at...it's delivering at their pay-per-view events.
I'm looking most forward to the tag-team match between the LAX and A.J. Styles & Christopher Daniels. Not only have they had a lengthy feud, the in-ring skills of each competitor is impeccable. How often is an A.J. Styles OR Christopher Daniels match O-less? Practically never.
Christian Cage and Rhino should be entertaining as well. Last night's "Impact!" helped to showcase why Christian is one of the best in the business. His "Ladder Fight" with Samoa Joe had a few O's to speak of. No stranger to ladder matches and more specifically, sick spots in big matches, Christian and his longtime buddy Rhino are sure to put on a major battle. As Gregory Helms and Matt Hardy proved at WWE's No Mercy, guys who have a long history together as legitimate friends have already developed a formula for great match making. (Okay, putting it that way was kinda gay, but you know what I meant).
Not to mention, Christian is still awesome on the stick. It made so much sense that Christian would not want to comment on the Sting/Jarrett main event, refusing even to face the screen during his promo...since he's the "real world champion". He plays the arrogant heel to a tee...and should NEVER be a babyface. Hopefully, he'll be holding the gold again soon.
Now TNA isn't full of O's. Here's my list of NO's:
The commentary. Mike Tenay and Don West suck. Period. They are so cliche and downright dry, they add nothing to any TNA broadcast. For some reason, TNA is avoiding the classic babyface play by play guy and heel colour commentator formula. Instead, they're going with two uninteresting fogies (is that how you spell it?) who talk over each other although they're saying the same thing.
K-Kwik. Yeah, that's right K-Kwik. They call him Ron "The Truth" Killings but his busted-ass gimmick hasn't changed since he was dancing in WWE. Why is he still dancing?! It's the most retarded looking dance ever! This guy wouldn't make it past round one of any of those loser-ass reality dance shows. And he can't rap either. He makes John Cena look like Big Daddy Kane.
Now this is all unfortunate considering that Killings' in-ring skills are actually pretty decent. Ever-agile, this dude needs a gimmick that can compliment the talent that he actually has.
The main-eventers. Unfortunately, TNA's main event picture is oh so WCW. Sting VS. Jeff Jarrett as the main event for Bound For Glory = bullshit. I will have tuned out before the final match. I've never been a fan of either competitor. If TNA wakes up one day (correction, if Jeff Jarrett wakes up one day) and allows the company to ride on the backs of its young talent (and I do mean those WITH talent) TNA will be a force to be reckoned with.
Until then, people like John Cena will continue to make snide remarks about the company...although like Cena, most could never perform at the level of the majority of TNA's roster.
4 comments: on "TNA: O's and NO's"
Sorry Frank... can't back you.
JNL doesn't need to get "it right"... he KNOWS who the WWE is positioning as a baby or a heel.. he simply doesn't care. He isn't going to put someone over just because they are a heel -- they have to actually be decent to get his respect. He's like a more 'shoot' version of Jesse Ventura in the mid 80s.
Don West is enthusiastic. And he has improved since TNA went on the air and hired him off the Home Shopping Channel. This guy didn't know the difference between an arm bar and a Mars bar... he admittedly knew NOTHING about wrestling. Four years later, he knows a little more but is still not a good colour man.
Your colour man SHOULD BE an ex-wrestler who can offer INSIGHT.
I used to love the way Ventura would tell you WHY certain moves hurt and how they hurt. Gorilla Monsoon did that extremely well too.... Gorilla is the only guy in HISTORY that was able to work as a play by play man OR a colour guy without missing a beat. There IS A HUGE difference between the two.
I've done play by play for years and years. I've been told I'm pretty good at it ... I've been offered gigs where I would be the colour man, and I turned it down. I know that's not where I shine. It's a tough job.
Amongst all the colour commentators in wrestling the last 15 years, West is definately at the bottom of the barrel.
i'm currently beating dan-e-o by 1 point in the the o show fantasy league... as long as i beat him ill be satisfied
i'm currently beating dan-e-o by 1 point in the the o show fantasy league... as long as i beat him ill be satisfied
Figured I'd drop a line, I've got tickets to the aforementioned TNA PPV. Cheap seats, but I'll drop a line once I get back
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