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Thursday's Thoughts

On the night the NHL kicked off their season, the biggest "shot" came from Big Pappa Pump.

Scott Steiner released an audio commentary on his website discussing a few different things, but mainly focussing all his venom on Triple H.

"It takes two people to have a good match, two people to have a bad match - that piece of shit blamed it all on me. If he wasn't banging the boss's daughter, he wouldn't even have a fuckin job. Look at his career before he even started with Stephanie... first he started out with WCW - his name was Terra Ryzin, I mean c'mon. Then he lost a pigslop match with the Godwinns - one of the guys. Then the Ultimate Warrior, he lost in thirty seconds... Then he starts fuckin the bosses daughter and he gets... he's supposed to be the greatest wrestler of all time. Pisses me off... He's skeezin all over the boss's daughter, and that's why he's getting the push that he is."

He went on to say, "for him to say that I was a bad wrestler... you know the way internet is right now, the way you can get information, check him out. What he did in high school. He wasn't even an athlete. Three of the biggest pussies to ever win a world title was Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, and they're all the same kind of people. None of them were athletes, none of them were tough. But they all were backstabbers to get where they were at. Triple H is the Kevin Federline of professional sports. He's the male version of those whores who go to Hollywood and fuck their way to the top. But he did the male version... so fuck him."

Click here to hear this rant for yourself.

Speaking of Hollywood... Joanie Laurer (Chyna in the WWF) was denied access this week to the prestigious club known as Hyde. It's a place littered with drunken celebs, but it's doors only open to A listers, or those who have their name on the guest list. This is the same place that stiffed Tara Reid recently while Paris Hilton strolled on through. That video has been a major hit on YouTube.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Chyna tried getting into Hyde with her friend Marey Carey (a porn star who could be Mariah Carey's cloned twin). They were totally shot down by the door staff. Chyna is seen in the video signing a copy of her Playboy magazine for her one fan standing outside. She gave him a kiss and probably talked to him a lot more than he wanted. She mugged for the camera and tried to look hot - but damn... girl has put on some puff. Her face looks straight up chubbaz. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Moving on...

Posting a spoiler story is against the IWC code of honor, but seeing as how the WWE website broke the story before we did... screw it.

Here's what this week's headline should be:

"Boring Bobby earns no buys". With just days before Smackdown's No Mercy Pay Per View, the company has pulled the chute on Bobby Lashley's opportunity to star in a main event.

Why you ask?

Because Boring Bobby earns no buys. Sure, he's big. Guys like Darkside dig that. He's a muscle mark. Personally, I don't judge wrestlers based on their bodies (I'll leave that to Kanyon). Hell, I'm a Samoa Joe mark and his body is cut like a bag of milk. Bobby can't talk, his matches lack any sort of story telling ability and are completely void of emotion.

Is there anyone on the planet that sees Bobby Lashley as a legitmate threat to King Bookah's title reign? The only thing that surprises me is that it took the "E" this long to figure out that Bobby + Main Event = no buys.

In an attempt to fix their boo boo, the bookers (likely a Michael Hayes suggestion since he was promoted to head Smackdown writer this week) decided that they had better get their top name (Batista) into the match, and hell - let's add ol' Fit too... Cuz he's a nice guy and we all like him.

I can't remember the last time I missed a WWE pay per view. It's been YEARS. With the combination of Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend and a brutal card, I may just have to obstain.

In other news...

Jim Ross's contract expires at the end of October. Word is that neither the company nor JR are interested in signing a long term extension. Expect JR to continue working on a week to week basis until he either throws in the towel (or black stetson) or gets fired for the 54th time.

I'm gonna go with my boy JBL... THE MIZ SUCKS. Get this punk off Smackdown and throw his wannabe ass back on The Real World, or The Surreal Life, or Flavor of Love or some other horrible reality show. Just get him out of the damn ring. Ok? HOOO-RAHHH.

Note to my boy Edge and to all Canadian fans who have trashed TSN's handling of Raw the last 11 years: Cryme Time isn't even airing on The Score. At all. It was a never a TSN issue - it's always been about the strict rules doled out by the CRTC. The Score is of course subject to those same rules and sanctions. In fact, the guys at The Score are editing even MORE than TSN ever did. Apparently "ass" is a bleep-able offence now.

No Truth to the rumor that Dan-e-o's brother Brian (a Score employee and huge wrestling fan) is completely responsible for saving us from that Criime Tyme shit.

It has been announced that Kurt Angle will not be working indy shows in addition to his TNA schedule. I must admit, I really don't want to hear about Kurt performing in the Marblehead, Mass. for a hundred and thirty people. That, to me - would be a black mark on this man's legacy. I'm not trying to insult the indies with that statement. I just think a legend like Angle, if he is going to perform, should be doing it in front of as large a crowd as possible.

I don't know how this story passed me by, but one of our loyal O-sters (and fellow Portuguese dude) sent this to me: TNA has booked a Halloween show for October 31st in Lisbon, Portugal. The 7,000 seat Campo Pequeno Bullfighting Arena (a FANTASTIC facility) will host Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, Team 3D, Abyss, Jerry Lynn, The James Gang, Christy Hemme, Rhino, Brother Runt, and Gail Kim.

The funny thing is that October 31st doesn't mean a damn thing in Portugal. They do celebrate something similar to Halloween known as "the Carnival", but that is in February. So don't expect to see a bunch of people dressed up in the crowd when TNA airs this footage on Impact.

And finally...

Tha O Show is going to be starting it's own league for the new season of the WWE Fantasy game. Dan-e-o and I usually enter the contest for shits and giggles. If you would like to enter as well, and keep track of how other O-sters are doing, we will be posting the info on our own grouped league.

In addition to that, Dan-e-o and I have decided to have an "O Show" fantasy team, where YOU the O-sters will get to make the roster moves each week.

Through our grossly under used message board you will have the opportunity to tell us who you think should be on and off the roster each week. Majority rules. We'll see how Team O-ster stacks up against the rest of the galaxy.

Should be fun!

7 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

If I could do my best Jim Rome for a moment:

Hey Scott, don't blame Triple H if your run in WWE didn't work out the way you wanted it to. Triple H takes this business very seriously, probably more seriously than you ever will. And since when does having relations with the boss' daughter automatically make you a superstar? John Cena never even saw Steph topless, and he's getting a bigger push than a beached whale from Greenpeace. HBK and Flair, the other two you saw fit to squash here, also never had anything to do with Mrs. Levesque, and they're a pair of future hall of famers. Look, I know you're upset because Triple H has been on top of the world in WWE while you've been under Double J's whip in TNA, but maybe if you focused more on your wrestling than you did on your radio show, you'd be close to where he is. If you can't understand that, then I've got two words for you-too bad.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Any Jim Rome references are gold by me!


Anonymous said...

Man I'm glad you guys are saying this and not me, cause I've worked for the guy and I don't want my spine ripped out a'la mortal kombat.

Btw Hitman, love the beached whale comment!

Dan-e-o said...


What the fuck makes Chyna think she's anywhere NEAR being hot! Not that she EVER looked good...but she's just plain disgusting dude. And the way she was posing for pictures was simply barfable!

Other than that, why are wrestler's personal websites always designed so horribly! I said this years ago and I'll say it again. Scott Steiner sucks.

I think I'd rather watch John Cena wrestle. Now that's low!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

RE: Steiner...
let's not forget, he WAS a great wrestler at one time. Not just good... great.

Anonymous said...

I have another rant which I forgot about in the waske of the Steiner thing.

So the WWE creative team has decided to shake things up by suddenly merging two of their more hyped matches from this Sunday's No Mercy pay-per-view. And while the last two recent fatal four way matches SmackDown has had have been absolutely phenomenal (Survivor Series and Armageddon '04), this is a bad idea at a worse time. As if SmackDown isn't already brutal enough as is because of the total lack of roster depth, let's bring the card down to five matches less than a week before the event, while throwing essentially our only big names into just one match. Yeah, that makes sense. Can't imagine why so few people tune in on Friday nights. The person who should be the most afraid about this, however, isn't any fan; it's the champ himself. It seemed like a lock that Booker wasn't going to drop his title to a guy like Lashley, who so far has a lot pf potential but nothing tangible to bring to the table. Suddenly, now he's got Finlay, as well as Batista, the guy they planned on giving it to, thrown back into the mix. I'm not saying that they plan on giving the title back to Batista on Sunday after all and that this was a work to throw off the IWC; however, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, which is bad news for the king. Once in a while, wrestling companies love to screw around and throw off smarks, and it looks like the WWE may have done just that. But a pair of Daves still doesn't trump this weak event card, and they better have one major ace in the hole this time. But at least Bound For Glory should be entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Please! Scott Steiner is ridiculous for his words on Triple H. Triple H has worked hard for a long time to be where he is. He was pushed way before the whole relationship with Stephanie. And do you know why? He has talent. Steiner had talent and the Lord only knows what he did with it...