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Marty gets another chance

Just three weeks ago, Marty Wright's professional world came crashing downa round him. Again.

Wright, who was recently released and just yesterday re-signed by the WWE is hoping that the third time's the charm.

Remember, Marty Wright (better known as the enigmatic 'Boogeyman') was a contestant on Tough Enough who impressed many with his size and charisma, but pissed off management by lying about his age on his application.

Marty was released from a development opportunity.

Within the next calendar year, he created his Boogeyman character. The WWE saw what he was doing in OVW, and thought they'd give him a show. Everyone deserves a second chance right? Just before his big break - he was set back. Again. Marty hyper extended BOTH knees and was forced to endure a rehab assignment.

After months of alleged heat and problems with the boys for not knowing how to work and not trying to improve, Boogey eventually ended up on the injured list. Again.

Stories arose that Marty didn't put forth the work ethic expected of someone trying to return from injury, and apparently pissed off management by missing several scheduled appointments.

So, he's not a great wrestler, and has heat on several levels... why is the Boogeyman back in the WWE?

1) Wright may suck in the ring, but his charisma is undeniable and his marketing potential is through the roof.

2) He has already hit his 41st birthday. If they are going to make money off this guy, they can't waste time punishing him. They have to milk him now.

3) Upon his release, indy promoters began contacting Wright and were apparently offering as much as $900 per show. That likely reminded some people in the E that this guy is wildly popular and draw.

Wright will be training at Booker T's wrestling school in Houston in an attempt to improve his work rate. He is an athlete, so the potential is there. His window of time just isn't very big.

Word has it that Wright could return as soon as tomorrow - playing a part in the No Mercy Main Event.

5 comments: on "Marty gets another chance"

Anonymous said...

So The Boogeyman could be returning as soon as tomorrow night's main event. I was right, they did jury-rig the event so that internet smarks thought Batista wouldn't be anyhwere near the title. Oh, well. At least King Booker had a pretty good run as the champ.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I really hope that IF Boogey figures into the main event it's in a run AGAINST Booker...

The story is already there. One's a huge heeel, one's a huge face. Boogey pinned Booker at Wrestlemania.... Sharmell and the King hate Boogey and his worm eating ways.

Batista ... would feud with who?
Ummm ya.

Screw Batista.

CJ Marsicano said...

He can come back, but he needs to leave that lame gimmick in the dumpster where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

the gimmick is ALL he has!!

Anonymous said...

A few moves is a start...