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Kingdom Says: I'm sick of Brooke!

Hello loyal O-Showers. Your Uncle Kingdom is finally back with a few words for y'all.

Why must I hear about Brooke Hogan every time I check out a wrestling news site? Meltzer. Magee. Gerweck. Alvarez. All reporting to me on this talentless pop princess-wannabe and the Hulkster's every move to shill for her.

Here's an idea for the Immortal One: instead of spending 3 million dollars on turning your daughter into another cultural annoyance, send her to college.

Get that girl an education as a scientist or a doctor or someone who could contribute something positive to society. Something that would give her some measure of intelligence and self-esteem. Something other than being yet another ridiculous bimbo caterwauling into a microphone so that some 'gold tooth wearing', hat-on-sideways, 'pants below his ass', wishes-he-were-black dumbass can feed it through a computer and hope it spits out something that retarded teens with too much of their parents money in their pockets will pay to download it on iTunes.

Brooke Hogan sucks. Musically, that is, because we all know that she's a virgin and Hulk hates that she dates. I say that not from watching the show, but from reading the reports about it on the Wrestling Observer Dot Com and everywhere else that thinks this is news. It isn't. Brooke Hogan, unless she appears on a wrestling program, doesn't constitute wrestling news. The occasional word or two on her might not annoy me, but daily updates? Who cares. She contributes nothing to society and even less to professional wrestling.

Now, on to another waste of your time: MySpace. I have a MySpace. It's a sickening addiction. At least my LiveJournal encourages me to write something mildly intelligent to share with people now and again. MySpace just encourages me to look at softcore pics posted by would-be porn models.

Come to think of it... that's not such a bad thing, is it?

Anywho, if you're a MySpace user, please go to my MySpace ( and click "add friend". And if you're a hot chick who wants to send me a pic of herself holding a sign that says "My Uncle Kingdom touches me in a bad place", well I'll definitely add you back.

4 comments: on "Kingdom Says: I'm sick of Brooke!"

Anonymous said...

WOW... Thanks for catching the comic irony, Ben. Did you also notice that I said MySpace sucks and then asked people to join my MySpace? Come on, Ben. At least TRY to keep up...

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Kingdom I'd just like to say that to the best of my knowledge we've never mentioned Brooke's pathetic attempts here on Tha O Show.

By the way Ben...

Kingdom has carte blanche to write about whatever the f' he wants. He's earned that.

Anonymous said...

wow what a very mean spirited article im mena damn this it im done with this web site for good your problem outof shape old white guy spending his time looking at up porn and wrestling y

Anonymous said...

Hey! Kingdome might be outta shape and old and like porn ... but hes NOT white!