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Kanyon's Kolumn

Tomorrow, a boy's childhood dream comes true. A dream that I had since I was a young 14 year old boy, will be realized.

Tomorrow, October 6, 2006, I will be on the Howard Stern show on Sirius satellite radio, channel 100, probably somewhere around 8:30 am EST. And, I couldn't be more excited.

Now, from what I hear, there seems to be some internet wrestling "reporters" who have doubted me and my recent claims and have questioned some of my recent actions. They have even gone so far as to accuse me of making up this scheduled appearance on Howard Stern. Well, tomorrow, I will be vindicated.

For those that cannot wait 24 hours, you can go to, click on the "Howard Stern Show" tab on the top of the page, than scroll down to "Coming Soon to The Howard Stern Radio Network". A few names down, you will see "Chris Kanyon" just a few names under Mr T and Andy Dick (insert joke here), and a few names above Donald Trump and John Cena. To see that was quite a wake up call for me. To get on Howard Stern without an agent, without being part of the WWE, is something I can't believe is really happening.

Too bad Jeff Jarrett didn't sign me back in February. I would have loved to plug their show and the signing of Kurt Angle and their upcoming PPV. Too bad. I wonder if he ever talked to Dixie Carter about signing me? Maybe he knew there was a possibility that I would get mainstream, nationwide attention and he didn't want to be upstaged. Or maybe, like his father has done many times before with his Memphis territory, his idea is to bankrupt the company, sell it to a separate entity (WWE?) at a reduced price, and build it back up. Who knows what is going on in TNA? But I digress.....

Tomorrow will be a dream come true. As usual, I hope to be Kontroversial (King of Kontroversy), but either way, wherever Howard brings the interview, I hope it will be interesting and funny. I will also be on a few other Sirius stations, including a return to the gay network, Out Q on the Derreck and Romaine show. I will send out a bulletin when I know what shows I will be on and what times. I will also try to mention it on Howard's Show, if I can.

If you listen to the show, please leave a comment under this Blog and let me know what you thought of the appearance. And once again, thanks so much for your time and consideration.

3 comments: on "Kanyon's Kolumn"

Anonymous said...

hey kanyon man you rock i a good friend and ex wrestler of mwf "brain cage" and your match with him was great and everyone says your one stand up guy id love to met you one day ive been a huge fan of yours foe years i still have a blue kayon shit from like when i was 14 lol but ya talk to you later good luck on stern kc starr

Anonymous said...

Thank God your gone from Professional Wrestling Hopefully forever. I hated you in WCW. You always THOUGHT you were better then you truly were. You sucked then and you suck now. I hated you even before you came Out. Has nothing to do with your sexual preference you just suck. I stopped watching wrestling when you got on TV. So long don't come back.

Anonymous said...

Chris you were great on HOward!!! Being a very closeted gay man, I am so proud of your decision to come out. That action alone takes more guts, bravery, and courage than all of the wrestlers in all of the leagues put together. I used to watch wrestling as a teenager and into my twenties. Too bad you were not arounnd then, I still might be a fan. Keep up the good work you are needed!!!!