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Cena hatin' on TNA

On Tuesday October 10th, John Cena made an appearance on ‘Cold Pizza’ – an ESPN2 sports talk show that nobody watches. Hey, that's not my opinion, that's the ratings book talking!

Cena was doing his typical media publicity deal, when my new favorite baseball player, AJ Pierzynski decided to do a run in!

Cena appeared to be surprised by the interruption, but it was almost definitely a work.

The Cold Pizza producers surprisingly used some of Cena's time to promote TNA. They showed clips from Pierzynski’s stint in TNA last year. As Cena was commenting on the video, out walked AJ with his replica TNA X-Division Title.

That belt was handed to AJ and the entire Chicago White Sox team during Spring Training this year by Chris Sabin and AJ Styles. The idea was for the Sox to award it to their player of the game every day – which apparently, they did.

AJ and Cena stood side by side mugging for the cameras with their respective title belts. A rare photo op indeed.

When looking at the X-Division strap, Cena stupidly and ignorantly commented that he thought he had seen that same belt in the gumball machine outside the studio.

In it’s brief four year history, the X division title has earned a lot more respect that than spinning hunk of shit you’re lugging around Johnny.

The only time that belt had any measure of legitimacy to it was when Edge was carrying it for you.

Has Cena watched TNA? Would he make such horrible attempts at comedy if he had? Would he not be embarrassed to call out the people who work so hard for that title and work so much better than him?

Was Cena attempting to bury TNA?

A guy like Jim Ross puts over TNA at every chance he gets, and talks about how he likes what they are doing and watches the product all the time. Why would a relative rookie like Cena find the need to play the part of big bully and put TNA in their place?

I’m thinking that Cena is just trying to be funny, and as has been mentioned so many times before – he isn’t. He doesn’t have that natural comedic flow. He’s a big stiff wannabe.

As if Dan-e-o and I needed MORE reason to hate on this big goof… He’s not just a crappy wrestler who can’t / won’t sell… he’s also a jerk.

13 comments: on "Cena hatin' on TNA"

Anonymous said...

Cena obviously felt threatened by the X Division strap because... well... he can't EVEN call his championship a "strap" anymore. DUH.

P.S. The WWE must feel a little pressure from TNA to even acknowledge them on national television.... at least more from them than lets say.. WXO???.. *coughs*

Anonymous said...

O O O here we go with the super smark of the year contest. Do the current john cena sucks balls i think every one agrees with that righ. BUt in all honesty just like classic cena white boy rapper doctor of thug a nomics was a great promo cutter that often time had me in tears and when he first made his wwe birth against Kurt Angle go youtube it the guy did a pretty good job of holding his own Now enought about the "Cyborg" that is john cena.

after reading this article i have to sayIm starting to loose my faith in my fellow o, sters I mean arguing about cena no sail then turning around praising the anime feast that the x division the x divison in wich people are drop on there heads stomp on runing around like there on cocanine never stoping to take a deep breath then doing all again the next week i mean cme on dont get me wrong i love tna i tivo it and a im a huge somoa joe mark almost even pissing myself when he stle the title the should be on him anyway. ut back to the article the cena saying what he said made all the sense in the world im mean come on the guy has what in acounts is toy built and he come on a show and to stare fown the wwe champion belt not the midel of the built but the name look it there history in that built no matter what model it is and cena then does what any true champion would have done and deliverse a great line in matter of secs reducing the toy belt into a toy belt that my friend is an o momnet proof in point if the rock would have every one here would prays the rock with o and love if edge had have said it what been "O" gazim of how great a heal he was for shooting on an entire promotion if stone cold or hell even the undertaker had have said you would be an agreement in the article would have been about How tna has devalued the belt buy handing it to a none wrestler much like the Dave Arquite incident

prove me wrong I dare and with that being said shelton is still the best dame thing on raw carlito is a bitter of shelton style E only hired haas to keep him off of tna and edge is really over rated

P.X. reminds me of the last days of wcw

Anonymous said...

Whoa anonymous, did you type that with your knuckles? Why don't you trade that extra chromosome for a shot with Mavis Beacon. In the words of my hero: John Bradshaw Layfield... Learn the damn language "Essay"!

That being said, I have to concur with my mongoloid counterpart's crudely articulated diatribe.

TNA's X-division is an attempt to cram as many would-be finishers into a 3 minute match. They don't sell. There's no "in-ring psychology." The division itself doesn't make a lick of sense. It's style with no substance.

And for those of you who think Cena was way over the line for dissing TNA; just remember, TNA constantly attacks WWE product. TNA defines itself as NOT being WWE. WWE isn't the premier wrestling organization by putting over it's direct competition.

The Baron

Anonymous said...

Just a thought here . . . how did Edge give the belt legitimacy by winning and retaining it through outside interference, while Cena wins it back of his own accord? Just because you don't like him, I guess. If JBL had made the same comment about seeing the TNA belt in a gumball machine, you'd probably be marking out big time over the genius of the line. Then again, you ride TNA's sack enough that an insult to them is like an insult to your mothers. TNA may put on some better matches, but the writing still sucks. As long as they're relying on former WWE stars to draw a crowd and old WWE ideas to sell a show, thats exactly how they'll appear. Oh, and I've yet to be impressed by anything Samoa Joe has done (ooooh - BLASPHEMY!)

Anonymous said...

will you PLEASE!!! stop hatin on Cena every damn week it's another story on how Cena sucks...he's the champ so get over it!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the type "O" feast earlier but i was at work and didnt have time to spellcheck BUt Hell every one got the point

Anonymous said...


First of all I think your taking this waaaaayyyy too seriously. TNA is arguably WWE's competition (I would argue that Network T.V is more competition to WWE then TNA), so why should or would Cena put them over when he is out promoting something for WWE. I don't think he would want the heat for that, so he made the best of a situation that probably took him by suprise. You mention J.R putting over TNA. Well he doesn't do it when making appearances for WWE or when calling matches on T.V. He does it in his own Blog on his web-site that is not affilated with WWE. Still in the grand scheme of things this is really nit-picky to bash Cena for this

Anonymous said...

what happened? did cena drop an orton on your hot pocket? or was that 280 chic he talked about on Howard Stern your ol' lady?

What was he supposed to say to AJ Pierzyinski? "Wow bro that belt is so cool, can i join you guys?" Hell if was him i wouldve dropped TNA harder than that... all he did was reference to how small it was compared to his...

Is Cena the greatest champ ever? fuck no... has he earned it?... hell yes... hes works just as hard as any of the other top names... if he didnt Paul, Michael, and Mark would be livid with vince... is Benoit a better wrestler? by all means... does Cena draw more in one ppv than Benoit did his entire title reign... YES

I received an email recently from one of the writers on this page talking about how he was a wrestler... he must be real good cause i never heard of them... the point is that i only came to this page for the interviews... the editorials are markshit... maybe youre not getting any more interviews cause the industry knows your markshit

Anonymous said...

what happened? did cena drop an orton on your hot pocket? or was that 280 chic he talked about on Howard Stern your ol' lady?

What was he supposed to say to AJ Pierzyinski? "Wow bro that belt is so cool, can i join you guys?" Hell if was him i wouldve dropped TNA harder than that... all he did was reference to how small it was compared to his...

Is Cena the greatest champ ever? fuck no... has he earned it?... hell yes... hes works just as hard as any of the other top names... if he didnt Paul, Michael, and Mark would be livid with vince... is Benoit a better wrestler? by all means... does Cena draw more in one ppv than Benoit did his entire title reign... YES

I received an email recently from one of the writers on this page talking about how he was a wrestler... he must be real good cause i never heard of them... the point is that i only came to this page for the interviews... the editorials are markshit... maybe youre not getting any more interviews cause the industry knows your markshit

Anonymous said...

Wow ... so much hate...


My opinions on Cena's comments have little to do with the fact that they came from from Cena himself.

Had Edge or even the great JBL said the same thing I would have viewed it as being bush league and a really lame bully tactic.

To echo that statement --- I'm a HUGE fan of JBL ... as a wrestler, a commentator and an overall character. That being said - I can't STAND his political views. I think he's a political retard. But that's just me.

Cena may be the champ ... and he may have his fans... But that doesn't mean I have to support him or his views.

I think Cena's trying way to hard to be something he's not ----- the funny guy. It doesn't work for him.

That being said - I'm giving myself a 2 month ban from discussing anything related to how much I think Cena sucks....

Off we go..

Anonymous said...

I've said this before to other wrestling fans and I'll say it again.

I cannot stand John Cena's current character. I hate everything he does. I hate his in ring work, I hate his promos ("Lita's got herpes! CHAIN GANG! Go see "The Marine"!")and I hate every little minute detail that he does, especially that marine-type salute he does in hi entrance nowadays. I do not believe he should be the WWE Champion at all, never mind the longevity of his reign.

The sad part is, I used to enjoy him back in 2003, where the WWE just let him do his heel freestyles and the like. I thought he had talent, and then he became repetitive. In a way, he reminds me of a modern-day Ultimate Warrior. He was over, but didn't have, well, any wrestling ability to speak of. Warrior drew some big money in the 80's. Cena would too, in those days. But fans today don't want good guy characters who get one up on thier opponents with the same moves every time, they want workrate that people like Kurt Angle (a healthy one, at least) Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, etc etc have.

Of course Cena's not going to put over TNA, and yes, TNA has been childlike in thier mocking of the WWE. But that doesn't mean WWE should mock back. They're above TNA in terms of ratings, money, etc, and that should be enough of a response. If it was Cena acting alone, it only shows how unprofessional he can be.

Cena remarked how he thought he saw a belt like that "he saw in a gumball machine outside the studio". Not only is the appearance of his "blinged out" belt equally if not moreso idiotic, I remember when his championship was around the waist of a credible champion.

Anonymous said...

“I got you on the weight, too, so I think I’d just lay on you for a while,” Pierzynski joked.

i got this off

in comparison Pierzynski made TNA look worse than an all day CenaFest

and i do agree on one point made... the salute is rediculous... you arent really a marine John... but it is a damn good market to target towards

Brian G said...

"The gumball machine comment may have meant that he felt the belt looked like something a child would buy at a dollar store or in a gumball machine"

Hear hear!!! The X-Division belt does indeed look CHEAP! It looks like one of WWE's toy belts that you can buy at Toys R Us.