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Why Cena Sucks and Edge Rules

John Cena. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways...

Screw it, if I did that, there'd be no room left on Tha "O" Show for any other article. It's no secret, to O-sters everywhere, how we view John Cena's talent as a WWE superstar. The only "O" John Cena deserves is for the word "overrated". I simply can't get my head around it. Why is this guy so popular? Why do fans still cheer him?

Need MORE examples of why John Cena sucks so bad? Let's take a look at last night's "Raw" which provided more than enough.

The show begins with Cena entering the ring to do his version of cutting a promo. Even before he gets into his cookie cutter regular-ass banter about the 'champ being here', I notice something I don't like. In fact, my growing distaste for Cena begins before he even enters the ring.

He's not limping. Not hobbling. Not grabbing any part of his body, as most wrestlers do, to sell an injury. He has no bruises, no bandages. Was he even in a match last night?! Let alone a friggin' TLC match!! I'm there going..."Am I the only one who thinks this guy (who is a horrible seller in general) should act like he's somewhat sore from all the 'bumps' he supposedly took last night??".

Sure enough, my question is answered. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler go on, at numerous occasions throughout "Raw" actually...that John Cena and Edge (as well as the McMahons and DX) when through hell at Unforgiven and couldn't possibly be at 100%. So why doesn't John understand this?

Throughout John Cena's little wack-ass speech and belt raising performance, I keep thinking to myself, "King Booker would have made me laugh at least five times by now". (As he did during last week's "SmackDown!" - overlooked only by our excitement about Unforgiven - sorry Book, you're still the muhfuggin' man!).

FINALLY, our hero Edge interrupts Cena and walks down the ramp towards the ring. No, check that...LIMPS towards the ring. What's this? A wrestler selling his injuries sustained the night before? What a concept! AND he has his left arm banaged up. Mercifully, we're saved from Cena's shit talking with a dose of professionalism.

AND reality: "Do you actually believe all this crap you're talkin' about? Your win last night was like your entire career...a fluke!".

Edge enters the ring and magic occurs. How? Within seconds, he transforms the amazing reception from the Montreal crowd (among the best crowds in all of wrestling by the way - I'll never forget the near 10 minute ovation they gave Hulk Hogan years ago - they also started the whole "na na na na...hey hey hey, goodbye" song at wrestling events). As I was saying, he transforms the amazing reception into searing heat by making scathing remarks about the audience's 'non-Canadian-ness' and mockery of the French accent. Classic.

Not to mention, simple. The oldest trick in the book. Diss the audience's hometown. Edge cements his spot as top heel on "Raw" by drawing heat from a crowd, who moments before, cheered him. It's both brilliant AND entertaining. Even Cena had to admit that.

Before Edge entered the ring, Cena had no clue how to manage the mixed reaction of the crowd. Best he could do was shake his head and flash a geeky smile. Loser.

And what's the best Cena can do when Edge goes on, in classic-heel fashion, about losing the title being a fluke?: "Waah! Waah! Waah! Call the Waambulance!".

What the?!?! How uncreative is this Cena guy? Haven't we heard JBL say this countless times on "SmackDown!" over the past couple of weeks?? Thank GOD Edge cut him off!

In addition, it goes without saying that Edge easily out-bumped Cena during the TLC match at Unforgiven. And Edge will continue to out-perform Cena in all of their respective matches in the future. This, we already know. What we don't know is why WWE is so hung up on having Cena wear the gold.

7 comments: on "Why Cena Sucks and Edge Rules"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I loved Edge saying that Canada didn't include Montreal... Man, I died laughing.

Hey it's no coincidence that the KING OF O's in the WWE is from Toronto... a city with THREE O's! How many other cities have THREE FRIGGIN O'S??

Anonymous said...

Edge was simply brillant last night. I mean jeezus I have to admit that Edge impressed me last night with his performance on the mic. And his constant interupting of Cena it just made it seem like they were really gonna fight. By the way, did anybody think last night's Raw was better than usual or was it just me?
-Vince Del Negro

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I have high standards as to who I throw my support behind ....

To quote Jesse Ventura, "I don't impress easy".

As far as I'm concerned ALL WRESTLERS should be capable of cutting a promo AND WORKING a solid match.

The fact that Cena doesn't sell either during a match or the day after a TLC just illustrates that this so called life-long fan of the business doesn't understand it at all.

Anonymous said...

Well for those who say women don't know and are not true wrestling fans because we like Cena can "SUCK IT" you do know what that means. Cena has come a long way in a short time. He has taken the character that was given him and made it a household name and also has taken it outside of the ring. If you like Edge who by the way has become quite sorry thats fine but you do not have to knock someone else's talent. You forgot 2 wrestlers Stone Cold and the Rock could turn a crowd faster then any one. One minute they are hated then the next minute they are like again and they could turn the crowd in a single match.

Anonymous said...

One more thing "HATE THE GAME NOT THE PLAYER!!!!!!"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I wouldn't appologize so quickly bullie276:

Annoynmous female O Show reader:

Please give ONE example of how Austin or The Rock ever turned a crowd mid match?

The Rock even as a heel would cut promos that were pure comedy - so he'd get laughs, but then the people chanted "Rocky Sucks". He didn't turn them.

Austin never turned a crowd except during his match with Bret Hart @ wrestlemania, and that was totally due to two factors: Hart working a different style, and Austin passing out instead of tapping to the Sharpshooter.

Edge was completely cheered in Montreal - had more signs than anyone... and he turned them.

And Cena hasn't come a long way in a short period of time... his CHARACTER has and the bookers have put him there. He himself has not done anything to develop himself professionally -- not in the least.

John Cena = right place at right time.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

The Rock didn't turn against Hogan.... we the people who packed the Skydome for wrestlemania turned Hogan face!

Rock had nothing to do with it.

Rock was so loved, even as a heel, the only way to get fans to boo him - was to do the same move so many others have done: Hug Vince McMahon. That shit never fails.