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Unforgiven Predictions

The WWE has still not been forgiven for last year's craptacular Unforgiven card... but this year's installment looks to be pretty solid.

Thanks in part to the fact that we'll be treated to not one but TWO major WWE-created specialty matches in the Hell In A Cell AND Tables, Ladders and Chairs matches.

We're not sure when the last time was that both of these major showdowns occurred on the same card, but WWE certainly picked the right city to present them in: T-dot baby!

Arguably (but don't argue with us!) the world's greatest wrestling city EVER, Toronto has hosted tons of big time wrestling shows including TWO WrestleManias (for now) and a SummerSlam event. We also hold the record for hosting the biggest episode of "Raw" ever. Over 40 000 people packed the SkyDome (now the Rogers Centre) in February 1999 for "Raw" - the very episode that ended in a face to face showdown between Vince McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin (the image from this event would become infamous in the history of their feud as it was used for the cover of the DVD commemorating the long rivalry).

This Sunday, Toronto's Air Canada Centre hosts Unforgiven with Tha "O" Show sitting ringside. For the record, the ACC floorplan tells us that we're sitting in the row behind Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler (damn! not enough TV time). We'll be clad in our brand new "O" Show tees (order yours yet?!? what are you waiting for?!?! Order one now!) and will be hoisting throughout the show the following signs (among others): "Cena Fears Dan-e-o", "I Wish King Booker Was Here", "Thank You Trish", "Umaga Is Caca" and "Bret Was In On It!" (we expect some heat for that one).

Anyway, on to the predictions...

Kane VS. Umaga

Dan-e-o Says:
This will easily be the lamest bout on the card. Neither competitor possesses much of a formiddable in-ring prowess. "The battle of the monsters" will probably (to use a Mick Foley phrase) stink up the joint. Considering, Umaga's 'monster' push, however, I expect him to go over. Nuff said.
Prediction: Umaga

Big Daddy Says:
They keep trying to shove Umaga down our throats, and nobody's buyin' it. He has pinfall wins against Cena, HHH and HBK all within a four week span. All that and most fans still think they could kick his fat ass. Not to mention his finisher is lame in a pro wrestling ring. If I popped you with a thumb to the throat it'd probably fuck you up - but in a ring, it just looks dumb. That being said, they are really trying to get him over, so shit, why not.
Prediction: Umaga

Carlito VS. Randy Orton

Big Daddy Says:
Carlito really gets it. He understands this business. Do you think he just learned how to work a high flying style over the course of the summer? Hell no. He used to work like a heel - an old school heel. Heels kick and punch. Babys fly. Carlito gets it. He knows how to pop a crowd. I'm REALLY hopin' he heads to the main event against Edge following this program. Randy Orton doesn't entertain me on any level. I hope he loses every match for the rest of his career.
Prediction: Carlito

Dan-e-o Says:
I've been a pretty big fan of Carlito for some time now. And a pretty big hater of Randy Orton for all of time! Carlito happens to be one of the few interesting heels-turned-babyface that still hold my interest. In Stone Cold-like fashion, young Carly was able to make the transition without becoming corny (a la John Cena). In addition, I'm really feeling his very babyface-like high-flying additions to his arsenal. He has only improved over the past few months and I think he may be primed for a world title run in the near future.
Prediction: Carlito

World Tag Team Championship Match
The Spirit Squad VS. The Highlanders

Dan-e-o Says:
Apparently, the Spirit Squad is supposed to be breaking up. But then again, I heard that was to occur months ago. It's inevitable these boys are bound to break up and branch out on their own (similar to Team Canada in TNA) but are they each ready for life in the solo lane just yet? Whether or not they disband this Sunday, it appears The Highlanders (Canadians in real life, by the way) are set to finally get the tag straps. I say 'finally' only because by current WWE terms, The Highlanders have been chasing the titles for a while now - since they arrived on the scene...just a couple of months ago, long enough eh?
Prediction: New tag champs - The Highlanders

Big Daddy Says:
I need the Highlanders to pick up this win in order to start the ball rolling on my Canadian Clean Sweep. The only reason the cheerleaders are still together and holding the belts is because the genius "Raw" writers haven't been able to come up with a creative way to split them up. Hopefully an actual 2 man tag team wearing gold will help a seemingly revitilized tag division.
Prediction: New tag champs - The Highlanders

Women's Championship Match
Lita VS. Trish Stratus

Big Daddy Says:
The WWE has never had a competitor win a title on their last night in the company. Vince loves firsts. This would also leave things with Stratus on a good note, and leave the door open, and an easy storyline should she ever decide to return. Hold a battle royal the next night on "Raw" and crown a new champ. Give it to Melina or something. Lita's contract is up in October anyways. This would mean two thirds of my Canadian Clean Sweep are complete.
Prediction: Big Daddy Donnie's former co-host, Trish Stratus

Dan-e-o Says:
This has GOT to be a lock. Trish Stratus wins and retires as Women's Champion. She will be finishing off her career in her hometown of the writing's on the wall right? Well...maybe not. Wrestling tradition, from what I know, generally has a competitor lose in his (or her) final match. Didn't Terry Funk job to Bret Hart in his 'retirement' match years ago? Oh yeah, Funk's last match isn't until 2020. Go Trish, we love ya girl!
Prediction: Trish Stratus

Intercontinental Title Match
Johnny Nitro VS. Jeff Hardy

Dan-e-o Says:
I actually like what WWE has done with Jeff Hardy since his return being thrust into the main picture with the big boys immediately, Hardy's return to WWE has been pretty good thus far. It's good to see he's still senton-bombing away even with his extra girth and I like that he's already gotten in Edge's face...foreshadowing a possible run at the WWE title in the future. With that being said, I definitely don't think Johnny Nitro's run as IC champ is coming to an end anytime soon. Hopefully this'll make for a good ongoing rivalry.
Prediction: Johnny Nitro (probably with some good ol' fashion cheating).

Big Daddy Says:
Does the WWE fully trust Hardy's no-showin' ass yet? I don't know. What I do know is Matt Hardy is just counting his days on "SmackDown!" before a Hardyz reunion tour is kicked off. Jeff has the potential to be a big star, but do the fans believe in him? He's a career underachiever as a singles wrestler, and I think somehow Nitro will find a way to pull this out.
Prediction: Johnny Nitro

Hell In A Cell
D-Generation X VS. The McMahons & Tha Big Show

Big Daddy Says:
Unless the Outsiders are on their way to "Raw", it's time to break up DX. Triple H and HBK are both looking weaker than they were before this gimmick started. Their drawing power is fading too. All you have to do for evidence of that is check Monday's episode of "Raw". Hunter VS. Vince pulled the lowest segment of the show. I'm aware that HBK and HHH have not lost a Hell in a Cell between the two of them, but screw it... Toronto is heel town and the McMahons are going over.
Prediction: Vince, Shane and Big Show

Dan-e-o Says:
I don't even care who wins this one. This is bound to be a blood bath! I'm even wondering if we're going to get splattered by any! This match is guaranteed to have some O's...and I'm definitely counting on Shane O Mac himself to provide a couple. Void of any major O moments in the last pay-per-view, I think that both this match and the competitors involved allow for a great possibility of WWE making it up to us. Either way, this feud has got to end sometime and this is the match to end all feuds...saying that, I can't see the McMahons winning the feud...especially with beatdowns being handed to DX over the past couple of weeks.
Prediction: DX

WWE Championship Match - Tables, Ladders and Chairs
Edge VS. John Cena
Dan-e-o Says:
As mentioned in my "Edge Has The Edge!!" article, I'm starting to seriously believe that Edge will remain WWE champion (as he deserves) and Cena will head his punk ass over to "SmackDown!". Or maybe it's all just wishful thinking. Cena did lose to Edge in his hometown of Boston at SummerSlam. Is Edge supposed to return the favour in his hometown of Toronto? NAAAAHH!!! For the record, I'm ALSO predicting that the Blue Jays will leapfrog over the Red Sox to finish second in the AL East this year!). Screw Beantown, T-dot all the way baby!
Prediction: Edge

Big Daddy Says: The match is taking place in the champion's hometown - the center of the freakin' galaxy, right here in tha T Dot and yet I feel, he is the underdog. The "SmackDown!" stipulation threw me for a loop. I really don't see them moving Cena to "SmackDown!". I think they should, but for whatever reason, McMahon feels Cena is the man to carry the torch. Edge is undefeated at WrestleMania, but he is 0-4 at Unforgiven... including a title loss (IC title to Christian). The heart says Edge and the head says I freakin' hate Cena. Logically, I should pick Cena, but I JUST CAN'T DO IT.
Prediction: Edge (do it homeboy)

7 comments: on "Unforgiven Predictions"

Anonymous said...

Unforgiven seems to be one of the better cards the WWE has put up in a while but I have two questions
1. I'm not the biggest John Cena mark in the world but I do have to admit that at times he has that flair of a young Rock what's up with the beef guys? At least he didn't shit in a handbag like certain others that were given the ball and fumbled. Cena just seems to be in a rut when it comes to character Benoit went through the same thing

2. Why haven't they added someone to DX? I mean everytime they had DX go into these fights it has been 2 vs everyone on Smackdown and ECW. They could have thrown in somebody with DX and it would have been good as long as it ain't Xpac I hate that guy
-Vince Del Negro

Anonymous said...

have fun @ unforgiven guys!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

If Xpac were to return it would only be to turn on DX...if in fact the NWO is coming. You can't have a babyface VS. heel team where the babys out number them....

Now, Waltman IS the only man to be part of DX AND The NWO right??

Dan-e-o said...

Cena providing an "O", are you for real?

To answer some of your guys' questions about Tha "O" Show's heat with Orton and Cena...

They are completely O-less wrestlers. That's the best way for me to describe it.

The 5 knuckle shuffle is an embarrasment. The F.U. is not a's a damn body slam!

The RKO is so lame...looks no where near as impressive as DDP's Diamond Cutter or Stone Cold's Stunner which is the best finisher of the three, I think.

In addition to having no real in-the-ring special abilities I think each competitor's promo-cutting falls short. They're both guys who try hard to be interesting on the mic (whether heel or face) but it just doesn't work for me.

I don't think I've even laughed at anything Cena has ever said...and that's where I take issue with The Rock comparisons. The Rock was always humorous. Back to in-ring work, for Orton's youth and body size/shape, he should be able to pull off more moves than he does.

Both Cena and Orton are punch/kickers. Meanwhile, Benoit (who was mentioned in a post) has countless wrestling holds in his arsenal...he's an incredible wrestler regardless of his inability to cut a promo.

Either way, thanks to everyone supportin' Tha O Show. We look forward to the event tonight. Look for us...and we'll talk to you guys soon!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...


Edge became the undisputed "O" Champion of Tha World last night!

Sickest FU? NOOOOO! Sickest bump by Edge - who did ALLL THE WORK LAST NIGHT!

Horrible booking move by the E.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Cena had one O - when he was dumped to the outside onto a chair ... he stuck his leg out and didn't take it the way Edge does....

Edge got tossed around all night and worked his ass off.....

After getting put through a table Cena looked dead... then he suddenly SPRUNG UP and ran into the ring to get Edge off the ladder. UMM HELLO?? SELLL THE INJURY!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was pissed cuz he realized ... dammit, I'm John Cena. That sucks.

he was probably cheering for Edge like everyone else!