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The Unforgiven Experience

You've GOT to be kidding me! Seriously, is this a nightmare?! John Cena is WWE Champion AGAIN!!??!

The photo posted here, taken by Big Daddy Donnie last night, was about as close as our hero got to retaining his spinner.

Aside from Cena completely ruining Edge's homecoming, Unforgiven (for the most part) lived up to its hype. Now, I haven't seen the replay yet, so I may just be speaking from someone who sat ringside's point of view, but Big Daddy Donnie, my brother Brian and I, pretty much screamed our asses off the whole night.

No clue if we even made it on to camera...but we were seated directly beside the timekeeper and bell ringer (is that what they call him?)...and of course, the always lovely Lillian Garcia.

Now, for the record, this is my second ringside experience (bought "Raw" tickets from a scalper once when Hogan was champion and took on Ric Flair in the main event during Naitch's run as "Raw" General Manager) and Ms. Garcia is extremely personable and even more beautiful in person.

Donnie doesn't believe me but I'm pretty sure I caught her giving me the eye a few times. Don't tell Layla or anything, but damn Lillian's a sweetheart. I made sure she left the ACC with a copy of "See No Evil, Hear No Evil".

Anyway, nice start to the event with the Nitro/Hardy bout. The two definitely deserved better than to be curtain jerkers as they got the tempo of the evening off to a good, fast-paced start - which, I guess, is the job of the superstars slated for the first match of the evening. Although Toronto is generally known as 'heel town'...or "Bizarro World" according to Jerry Lawler, we found ourselves surrounded by tons of Vince-encouraged babyface marks. We made up about three of the five people cheering for Nitro...just to be jack-asses.

And dammit! Melina didn't come over to our side of the ring all night! In fact, we were practically begging for something to take place in front of us during the event. How often do you see some heel grab the timekeeper and throw him out of his chair so that it can be used as a weapon? Or throw his opponent into the steel steps on that side of the ring? Or grab the bell to clock his foe with it?

Happens all the time right? Well, not on this night my friends. At least, it allowed for extra stare time at Lillian.

Seriously though, she works tirelessly throughout the event. You'd think she'd just be sitting down watching the matches all night...but the job of a ring announcer is quite demanding. She continuously was coordinating with the timekeeper and ringside security...about what I'm not sure...perhaps it was all part of the work...but she definitely earns her paycheck. Did I mention how damn fine she is in person?

Don't tell Kristal either.

My "Umaga Is Caca" sign definitely got the former-Jamal's attention. I was then told to lower it by a security guard (he was cool though) as WWE doesn't want 'offensive' signs to be shown. Offensive? This is the same company that once had HLA - Hot Lesbian Action - as a staple of its Monday Night "Raw" shows. I don't have to go into detail about the rest of the exploits WWE has pulled out of its...well, you know...don't want to offend anyone here.

Either way, mad lame finish. A double countout?

Surprised to see the Spirit Squad retain the titles. Fairly decent match as well. I guess the "chase" is still on...and all that tag-team talk Tha "O" Show had weeks ago may be getting into someone's ears over at the "E". I hope the heat continues to pick up in the tag-team division...especially with the advent of new tag-teams like...dare I say it?...Cryme Tyme!...Don't get me wrong, I'm not sold on this gimmick yet...but we'll see.

On to the "Hell In A Cell"...which we noticed, from up close, looked a lot different than what we're used to seeing. We didn't see any 'climbing holes' which indicated that this match would probably take part entirely within the confines of the cage. We were really disappointed to see that although it WAS the blood bath I predicted...and there were certainly some "O" MAJOR "O" took place...especially from Shane O Mac...who I really thought had that O put into his moniker for a reason.

Don't know if the camera picked it up but when The Big Show got his head smashed in so that he lay unconscious over the top rope (ready to have Vinnie Mac's face pushed into his ass), he originally lay over the rope in what seemed to be an uncomfortable position. So he gets up, adjusts the rope, finds a comfier position and proceeds to return to a state of unconsciousness. Wack.

Anyway, at least I was right on the DX call...automatically making me out-predict BDD for this PPV.

It was really interesting too to see how the ring crew cleaned up all of the blood after the match. In case you ever wondered...they spray a whole shitload of disinfectant on nearly everything that got touched in the match...the stairs, the ring apron etc. They also have what looks to be garbage bags underneath the first layer of canvas (I suppose they use this during those water-involving Diva contests) so that they can peel it off and have the bottom canvas be used for the following match up.

The ring crew works superfast too. Hats off to 'em.

Speaking of hats seems that how Trish Stratus' fiance Ron will be blazing her come next week Sunday. Word has it that after Trish's wedding on the 30th and subsequent honeymoon, the couple will be looking to start a family. We actually saw Ron at ringside...he looked worried the whole match that Trish may get hurt. I guess that's natural. Apparently the two have known each other since before they were in highschool and have dated since their teens. Congratulations to them both (Damn you Ron, you lucky bastard!). Actually, I've heard he's a super cool guy. (Damn you Ron!).

Awesome final match for Trish as well. I strongly beleive that our red and blue "Thank You Trish" sign, held up by Big Daddy Donnie, got on the air. We're pretty proud of that one. Our homegirl is both beautiful and talented and well deserving to be the first (to our knowledge) superstar to WIN a title in her 'final' match. LOVED the use of the Sharpshooter for the finish too!

It will be interesting to see how the Women's Championship is passed on. Especially considering that there in no General Manager on "Raw". Now since both Vince and Shane were carted out of the ACC on stretchers...and have only busied themselves worrying about DX for weeks...who is really making the 'decisions' on "Raw"? Storyline wise, of course.

Okay,, I admit that the RKO finish was decent. But it was all Carlito...who was at his high-flying, babyface-working best. I'm surprised he took the defeat and I hope this doesn't kill him momentum for what I thought would be a near-future title chase. It's also too bad that Randy Orton refused to look at our sign:

Knows He's NOT

And I don't care how many matches he wins. That sign will remain in our hearts forever.

Now to Cena and Edge's credit, they packed the TLC with O's. (We came prepared with cut-out O's that we held up anytime we deemed it worthy. We also handed a few out to some brand new O Show heads sitting directly behind King and JR - thanks guys! - hope you got on!). There were plenty of opportunities to raise 'em in this one.

But as we continue to say...Edge is the man. He easily took the worst (or I suppose, best) bumps. I mean, what a sick finish!

I always wonder how people can give props to the competitor performing the finaly O-inspiring move when it's not HIM taking the sick bump. Mick Foley didn't get over by throwing other wrestlers through tables and cell ceilings...why should Cena?

And yes, I know Cena also went through a table in the match. But from my vantage point, Cena use his foot to kinda cushion his landing onto the table. He didn't take the bump flush to the back. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not here saying I could take the bump better than he could. I'm just saying Edge could, has and always will take bumps better than Cena. Edge deserves a longer run with the strap, plain and simple.

In the replay of this "O" (Cena's first-ever by my calculations), I could see my "Cena Fears Dan-e-o" sign. I'm sure it was at that very moment that John knew it was true. (Tongue in cheek).

After a spectacular match, however, John Cena was crowned with his third WWE championship. Sorry folks, I am not DDP and I will NOT be putting Cena over. And I'll tell that to his papa!...who was sitting ringside. (I actually did, but over the noise of the crowd, he didn't hear me...unless he fears me like his son does and just didn't want to dare look my way!).

Well, at least we got to leave the Air Canada Centre with our specially designed Unforgiven seats. With John Cena's screaming image on it. How fitting.

Cena winning the title in Toronto. Now that's unforgivable!

10 comments: on "The Unforgiven Experience"

Anonymous said...

coool slideshow!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

trust me, we ALREADY talked about that...

Dan-e-o said...

Big Daddy...big up on the slideshow...I was wondering how we were gonna post all of those pics.

And yeah...I take back what I said about Shane...his version of the Van-Shane-inator, always deserves a big "O"...I guess we've just all seen it before.

Dope event though...if we don't sit ringside for a future event, it just won't be the same!

And yes, many a fart will be ripped on Cena's mug. It's perfect...his mouth is open!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I'll never sit anywhere else again..
front row only

Tim Haught said...

You guys brought replica belts?


Anonymous said...

what's up guys! I saw tha O Show reppin all night...and yeah you guys were screamin your asses off all night (as was I)...i think I even saw security tell you guys to put the O's down early on haha...

Anyways...Cena winning the belt sucks...amazing match but they really should have kept the belt on Edge...wicked hot spot though with Edge going through the 2 tables...

Hell in The Cell for the most part was a waste of time...the new cell didn't allow for many cool spots...

Trish match was amazing and daaaaaaaaaamn those pants haha...

Keep doing ya thing guys...

Peace - Adam -

Anonymous said...

oh yeah...and best sign of the night:

"The Marine - Rated R For Rental"

Anonymous said...

i love the booker t sign, that your brother was holding and my wife were 8 rows behind you guys and it was a pretty awesome view except for the 6 foot 8 biker in front of us....i am going for front row next time


Big Daddy Donnie said...

Yo Tim... don't act like yer all cool...
the replica belts are hype...

besides ..... marks come up and ask to see them... then we go -- YO check out .... LOL it all worked out well...

Hey Adam..

Security was mad cool but they wanted us to pull down the sign that said Umaga is Caca.

My fav sign last night was "THE ONLY BIG SHOW SIGN"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

How about:

Edge blames Lita....
Matt Hardy comes to her rescue....
Matt gets his ass handed to him by Edge, Jeff saves Matt - Hardys are back together...

Oh - just say Matt's contract expired, and Teddy missed another one...