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Thursday’s Thoughts

This Kurt Angle story has been raging since it broke on Sunday at 11PM. Tha O Show’s Darkside, and respected journalist Brian Alvarez both feel that this was a narrow sighted move by TNA and one that smacks of desperation.

There are those who feel TNA landed a major player, and the perfect person to carry them into their new Prime Time slot.

There are also a group that feel this would be the lesser of two evils. Kurt was seriously considering (and apparently still is) a career in the UFC. Where would he likely get hurt more – in TNA or in the UFC?

Respected hardcore wrestler Bloody Bill Skullion commented on Tha O Show that TNA isn’t supposed to babysit their wrestlers – and in this industry you most likely die young; everyone knows that going in. The problem with that is the marks fans that love their heroes and don’t want to see them die young.

I hate the fact that I can’t watch Brian Pillman on Raw anymore. I hate the fact that Davey Boy Smith was taken from us, and never got to be part of a storyline in the WWE with his kid. When it comes to issues like this, we hate seeing history repeat itself.

Also on the Angle story; several members of TNA have been openly upset about not being let in on ‘the big surprise’. Allegedly, only seven people were in on the fact that Angle had filmed a vignette and was being introduced. All seven of them apparently had to sign confidentiality agreements. Amongst them: Jeff Jarrett, Dixie Carter (who personally brokered the deal) and the production team. Mike Tenay was apparently very upset that he wasn’t trusted, and was worried about over hyping something that may end up being a major let down.

Switching gears now…..

Pete Polaco AKA Justin Credible has been fired from WWE. Dave Meltzer is reporting that he got a fax message earlier this week from John Laurinaitis stating just that. This comes following speculation on the weekend that Polaco was going to repackaged and pushed on ECW TV.

Congratulations go out to Trish and Ron who will be officially tying the knot on Saturday. It should be the Canadian version of The Royal Wedding. I’m hoping my old friend Trish will find some time to join us here on Tha O Show sometime after her honeymoon.

I know there are people complaining that we bash John Cena too much, so you know what, I’ll lay off him for a while. The next time he no-sells a truck hitting him between the eyes, I’ll turn my head and silently giggle.

Did you all see Tha O Show’s boy Joey Knight of indy tag team “The All Knighters” get punked by Cryme Time? Hopefully his real life wife Beth Phoenix will fare better when she makes her long awaited return.

Kid Kash was released yesterday. The reason: he’s a jerk. How did it take this long for them to realize that? So long Pitbulls V2.


Ok, fine. You’re still here. What the HELL did they have Sylvan Grenier defeat Jimmy Wang Yang on Smackdown? Jimmy is over like dollar bills at a titty bar. Why would they do this? The crowd apparently fell completely flat.

Also from the Smackdown tapings:

Apparently a fan tossed a full drink at Edge’s face (after Edge interfered in the main event). Edge tried going after the guy, who was then ejected by security. Here in Toronto, there’s a big story right now about a 12 year old girl who nearly lost her sight this week because a couple of teens threw an egg in her eye. People doing stupid shit should be tossed and barred. YOU’RE NOT PART OF THE SHOW. Something like that could have resulted in a real injury. FYI: He’s playing a character. Adam Copeland isn’t THAT much of a dick. Save the $5.50 you spent on your water down fountain drink and just yell at him and tell him he sucks. That’ll be much better.

Someone commented in one of our stories about loving the current mid card division on Raw. Jeff Hardy, Masters, Carlito, Super Crazy, Nitro, Orton, etc. That’s all fine and good, but the main event picture is paper thin. With DX busy doing their sophomoric shit, and Edge and Cena at the top – no one else seems poised to join that elite level. Time to start elevating some talent Vinnie! PLEASE make it someone who’s been in the business more than a year.

I’m outta time folks…

More interviews coming next week…. Buy our T-shirts so we can buy some dinner!

9 comments: on "Thursday’s Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

didn't the pitbulls win the #1 contendership match? how are they gonna wiggle out of this? just give jamie noble a new partner? jimmy wang yang? maybe bring nidia back

Anonymous said...

Actually the Pitbulls lost....

Anonymous said...

i think cena should go back to smackdown and make orton top guy and carlito "face" wrestle edge beat edge cuz of ortons interference or what abt trades have raw trade cena or his contract be ending and smackdown win bid then have cena vs mvp raw needs edge vs matt hardy aagin that was great or hardys back shelton should start an all black crew "nod " style or even mr kennedy can be a top guy if they let him he is improved so much thanks kc starr

Anonymous said...

I'm not sold on if TNA's acquisition of Kurt Angle is a desperation move or not. I'm not saying one way or the other. But it's a big time deal and you know Vince has the legal department looking at this.

I think the move is smart for Kurt. A significantly lighter workload and more time for him to spend with family and/or get healthy.

I still say he's one of the best ever and I definetly wish him nothing but the best...just as long as he doesn't seriously pursue MMA. As much as i'd like to see that, it would be retarded for him at this point.

Pete Polaco once again plays the Kliq member that gets the shaft. I swear, that guy gets shit on more than a toilet at the local Mexican food resturant.

Trish....what a lucky guy Mr. Stratus is.

What? People complaining that we bash Cena too much? I think they're mistaken. We're not bashing Cena hard enough. The next time he no-sells a Mack truck hitting him between the eyes, i'll make sure he gets caught on the flipside with the backside of said truck.

Cryme Time...why are we talking about them?

I'll go out on a limb right now and say that Beth Phoenix wins the women's title. I mean come on. Gail Kim got it on her first night in the WWE. Why shouldn't Beth get the longshot win?

Kid Kash, just another victim...of himself. I'm serious. This guy has been fired because of his shitty attitude from almost every promotion he's been in and still manages to find a job. Why can't that shit happen to us regular Joes? I didn't like the New Age Pitbulls to begin with. Fuck him.

Smackdown is still on the air? Edge is the best thing to happen to that show, well, since Angle left. Until a few hours ago, I had forgot about Benoit even being on the roster. He can't come back soon enough. I like the work he does with either Finaly or Regal.

For those of you who don't know why I say that, go back and watch some old WCW Monday Nitro tapes or you can search the WWE website for the archived Velocity matches and find the two Regal/Benoit matches...very solid work between the two. I have to say it again...Chris can't come back fast enough.

I agree with the mid-card statement. But yes, it is time to start picking the guys out of that bunch to elevate to main event status. Sadly enough, the best two to me look like Johnny "Please don't call me Monday" Nitro and Randy "I'm just here for the ladies" Orton.

Well, tomorrow is Friday and the beginning of my weekend and I plan to celebrate it by starting the drinking early and then setting up the "cheering section" at my buddy's college play. If you guys don't hear from me in a few days, someone get a hold of Dan-e-o...I might need some bail money.

Anonymous said...

you didn't know Orlando was gay????

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Orlando has pics of himself and his boyfriend on his MySpace page

Anonymous said...

Orlando was fired because he kept bringing his "male companion" backstage without telling anyone.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Kanyon came out in January...
It was shortly there after that OJ started bringing his boyfriend by.

Originally, rumors suggest, it was because he was trying to pitch a "bisexual" angle with his bf and a female valet.

Apparently the idea had legs until people realized it was a shoot.

Anonymous said...

I think you should even bash more on Cena... And for TNA hiring angle... for me that just prove they want to make competition with WWE.