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Thursday's Thoughts

The top story of the week has to be that the WWE decided to release Marty Wright yesterday. Wright played the role of the wildly popular and completely enigmatic ‘Boogeyman’.

Wright was apparently released after showing signs of a horrible attitude towards management. He tore his bicep just prior to his WrestleMania match with Booker, and was taken off the active roster to heel the next day. The feeling is that he has milked his time off and not done very much to speed up his recovery.

Wright, who is 41 years of age, was the oldest rookie in the WWE’s modern history, but had the opportunity to make some waves. The persona he created in 2005 was infectious and really over. He couldn’t wrestle worth a damn – but, oh well.

The timing of his release is odd, since "SmackDown!" had been running vignettes promoting his return. Marty Wright leaves the WWE having never been beaten, with wins over the likes of Booker T, JBL and others. That should help his asking price on the indy scene or in TNA.

I'm curious: What's the WWE going to do with 50,000 Boogeyman Halloween masks they were hopin to sell??

So I pen this week’s edition of Thursday’s Thoughts on my 31st birthday. I am now XXXI. I’m starting to sound like a Superbowl.

I received a ton of really nice birthday messages on MySpace and I want to publicly thank all of you for that!

Speaking of MySpace… does anyone else find it funny that so many so-called ‘wrestling news’ sites are all over the story of ECW’s Kelly Kelly (Barbie Blank) moving Test (Andrew Martin) to number one on her top friends list? Is this news? So what? Good for Test if he’s banging her. He went from Stacey to Kelly. Nice move dude. To me, wrestler’s relationships are just not something I have any interest in.

I frequently get asked by wrestling fans (mainly female ones), if a particular wrestler is married, or if he’s dating someone in the company .. blah blah blah. Honestly, yes that kind of info does come to me – but I always feel like a high school kid gossiping. I’d rather talk about what they do in the ring and the actual individual portraying that character. But hey, that’s just me.

A year from now if this site fails, I might be hosting ‘Wrestling Blind Date’. We can set up Abdullah and Mae Young (imagine the size of the hand they’d produce!).

On to other news…

As was mentioned earlier this week, I had a great time with Dan-e-o & Brian at Unforgiven. After so many years working in and around this industry, it was so much fun to sit in the first row and mark out like silly little bitches.

We went decked out in our O Show t-shirts, rockin’ our replica world titles and carrying about a dozen signs (most suggested by our O-Sters). I ran into an old acquaintance from the local wrestling media who looked at me like I had three heads, and just called me a Mark. FYI: We’re ALL marks. Every single one of us. From the people in the cheap seats, to the boys working the match. If you’re in the building, it’s because you LOVE this business and can’t get enough. Hell ya I’m a mark. This isn’t the PGA! Don’t sit there, dressed like you’re going to a job interview, sitting on your hands and look down your nose at anyone who is having a blast! That’s just lame.

I read some people’s reviews that the pay per view was average at best. Not to sound like a shill, but I loved it. I was entertained by every match, including the "Hell In A Cell" – which many have called a disappointment. Maybe the excitement of sitting ringside, and not backstage really swept me up. I don’t know, but I thought it was the best WWE PPV of 2006.

Why are so many people so hesitant to believe the story Chris Kanyon broke on Tha O Show last week? He said Bret Hart was in on the whole Montreal screwjob. Step away from your life as a Canadian, or simply as a Bret lover – and look at the facts. Not to mention, that most people who are commenting are NOT in the industry and know nothing about Bret personally. I can completely believe it, because I’ve felt that way for years.

Skeptics ask: Why would Kanyon hold onto this info for so long? Maybe because he was in a major company until two years ago, and didn’t want any heat? Maybe because he never felt it was his story to tell? Maybe he felt some loyalty to Bret? Over the last two years he has dealt with depression, suicide attempts, public reaction to his coming out and more. Now, he was just having a casual chat with someone he’s known for a long time – me – and it came out in conversation. Doesn’t sound so WHACKY to me.

FYI: Even if he was lying and just lookin’ for attention: I STILL THINK it’s a great story!

We here at Tha O Show would like to make an announcement regarding another addition to our staff. Those who are on the indy scene here in Ontario will know the name Emanuel Melo. ‘Manny’ is a real champion of the indy scene, running He is also a former host of the OWR program and a damn fine photographer. Examples of his work can be found on his site. Manny joins Tha O Show as our official photographer, and hopefully will also be adding some depth to our blog with indy news, and some colour to our audio broadcasts that will be starting shortly.

Don’t forget to order our T-Shirts!! SUPPORT Tha O Show! We don’t ever want to go to pop ups or any crap like that like every other wrestling site – so help us out! Bandwidth, studio time, long distance, preparation time…. Dude’s needin a lil' extra cake!

Thanks again!

6 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...


bradyhicks said...

Hey, it's all good.
Because soon you'll get to see Marty Jannetty in some drug-abuser/drug-dealer storyline.

Dan-e-o said...

yes bro, happy b-day!

from one mark to another

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brew! And I thought Boogyman was an ok character. I can't see him holding a title tho.

Anonymous said...

The Boogeyman is gone? What ever am I going to do?

Not lose sleep is over it is what.

The Cryme Time adverts are slowly beginning to piss me off. Only way you could make them any better is to replace them with Mustafa Saed and New Jack then place them in ECW.

What's the 411 on the Women's Strap? Oh wait, I can't call it that anymore. Okay...what's going on with the Women's title? You gotta be shitting me? I can't call it that either? So what is going on with that piece of aluminum that Trish held 95% of the time she was on the roster? I said it then and i'll say it again. She was only as good as everyone else made her out to be because the level of talent in the women's division was almost nil. I mean how many times did she wrestle Molly Holly and Ivory? The last good run she had was against Mickie James. And before that it was against Victoria (that was a while ago). I hope they let the women's championship go the way of the last a trash can.

So now there's a possibility of seeing a Kurt Angle/Daniel Puder MMA fight. Puder has reportedly sent feelers out to the UFC about it and they seem to be interested to some extent. What's holding them back? Dana White isn't sold on the fact that Angle can pass their drug test. Other than that, he sees it as a way to bring more fans from wrestling into MMA. I'd like to see personally, but i'd be putting my money on Puder ever since he got Angle in that kimura on Smackdown a while back.

nWo vs DX....should've been done back when the nWo were brought in. I don't like it, I don't want to see it. Hell, I don't even want to fucking read about it. Cause this is how it's gonna play out. Hogan refuses to job to Hunter and/or Michaels, Hall goes on a drinking binge and falls off the face of the earth again, and Nash falls victim to the disease named after him..the "Kevin Nash Syndrome".

As i'm typing this, i'm reading a news bit talking about Vince Russo coming back to TNA to head up their creative team. Looks like more of the "Jeff Jarrett & Friends Power Hour"

I think now is the first time I find myself thinking..."Where's WCW when I need it?"

Anonymous said...

happy belated B-day Big Daddy

The Boogeyman was popular? Where?

I think, as a young black male, that the Cryme Tyme vignettes are funny. Especially with the overly white voice over guy speaking ebonics in the background makes it too stupid to be offensive. I mean do you really think somebody is gonna be like," Yo, dem n****'s(I don't know if it's right to drop the n-bomb in here so I'll censor myself) be makin us look soft lil dun."
No. They are just gonna say, " Damn and I'll bet they won't see a title till a negro gets into the white house."
Funny thing is they probably won't. It's a thing that wrestling has gone to many times before and many times afterwards and that's race. In my opinion K- Dogg is doing a good job of the racial profiling bit in TNA and I can't wait to see how the WWE will fuck it up with Cryme Tyme and Shelton Benjamin as their running mate.
I'll bet on that last one gents.

-Vince Del Negro