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Pig Farmer To Return?

Mark Cantabury fell on hard times at the end of the Attitude era in the old WWF. He was never a marquee talent or a main eventer, but Cantabury was a solid member of the roster - liked by most, respected by all. Cantabury played the role of Henry O. Godwinn.

The hard times I speak of came when Catanbury and his long time tag partner Dennis Knight (Phinias I. Godwinn) were in a match with the Legion Of Doom. A botched Doomsday Device on Cantabury broke his neck.

A man who had been such a valuable member of the roster for so long, was apparently done with professional wrestling. Until now.

Cantabury picked up a win (obviously non-title) against Crusierweight Champion Gregory Helms at a Smackdown house show this past weekend. Helms is not on the WWE's shit list and isn't being used to enhance returning veterans. A win of this magnitude (even on a house show) says that someone (either John Lauraintis or one of the agents) is really pulling for this guy.

Catanbury also defeated a Deep South wrestler in a Raw dark match on Monday.

Having apparently fully recovered from his neck surgery, Cantabury had a try out with the company several months ago, but didn't hear back from them. This time, things appear to be different. The paper thin and greener than grass Smackdown roster could certainly use a big vet in the locker room.

I always liked Cantabury. In several interviews I conducted with him, I always found him to be frank and to the point. No pointless double talk, cliche or kayfabe. No, he was never as good as Bam Bam Bigelow or Big Van Vader - but he was a rock solid big man with plenty of wind. I remember he had Hunter Hearst Helmsley sucking air during their feud.

Good luck Hank! Hope to see you on Friday Night TV shortly.

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