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Massive Interview with Chris Kanyon (contains MAJOR Blockbuster News!)

Chris Kanyon



This is quite simply one of the most candid and informative wrestling interviews ever conducted!

Chris Kanyon made headlines in early 2006 by being the first pro wrestler to publicly out himself as a gay man.

Kanyon spoke at length about the incident last week in Tampa where he held signs up when standing ringside at a WWE house show. He held signs that read "HHH, Ask Vince why he really fired me" and "Shawn, please pray for my gay soul".

Many of Kanyon's closest friends admitted to Tha O Show that even they weren't sure if this story was a work... Kanyon said he currently has no deal with the WWE, but isn't sure if this is in fact a work. Could the WWE be allowing this to unfold much like the Matt Hardy revolution of 2005?

Since that time, stories have arisen about Kanyon having been fired by the WWE simply for that fact. He discusses all that at length...

And here's the BIG SCOOP: Kanyon blew the lid off of one of the biggest stories in the history of professional wrestling. For the first time ever, he publicly discussed a casual conversation he had with Bret Hart. You won't BELIEVE what Bret told Chris about the Montreal screwjob!

Bret Hart admitted the whole thing, WAS A WORK! Don't believe it? LISTEN TO THE


Why are you still reading? You should be listening! Alright fine. Want to know what ELSE is in this big two parter (as if they wasn't enough!) ......

Kanyon had spoken to TNA wrestling about a massive angle where he would out himself and talk about how the WWE wouldn't hire him back because of his preferences. What happened to that deal? Find out in this interview.


- Kanyon talks about his time in the original ECW

- He talks about his time in Memphis and Smokey Mountain before finally landing in WCW

- He discusses his time in WCW, including the Mortis gimmick and how the NWO killed that steam.

- He is very candid about his earnings in professional wrestling, revealing his salary for each year he worked in WCW and the WWE.

- We discuss the decision to come out to an audience that is largely homophobic. Has it helped or hindered his career?

- He talks about coming out to close friends, including friend of Tha O Show - L'Artiste (aka Referee Dave Linton) and their reactions.

- He also mentioned how another friend of Tha O Show, Canadian indy star Notorious T.I.D. had figured out pretty early that Kanyon was in fact gay. How did T.I.D. know? Find out.

- Did Kanyon get into wrestling simply because he's gay and wanted to be closer to half naked men? He answers that question quite candidly.

- Kanyon expresses his feelings on Eric Bischoff

- He ribs his good buddy Diamond Dallas Page

- He ribs Tha O Show's own Big Daddy Donnie through the entire interview.

- He talks about the hate mail he has received, and the internet wrestling media in general.

- Also ... Kanyon speaks openly and emotionally about his near death experiences and
suicide attempt. How is he doing now?

All this and SO MUCH MORE in this unbelievably candid and very real - two part conversation with Chris Kanyon.

Visit Kanyon on MySpace,

Visit Kanyon's Official Website,

And don't forget to peep out the official sponsor of Tha "O" Show interviews: the incredibly inventive alternative rock band, Secret Suburbia.

37 comments: on "Massive Interview with Chris Kanyon (contains MAJOR Blockbuster News!)"

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BRET WAS IN ON IT THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

thanks for sendin the bulletin on MySpace


bradyhicks said...

Huge news, but I believe it with the whole Bret/Screwjob.

Personally I was never into calling it a screwjob because I don't believe that's possible.

CJ Marsicano said...

What was that Jello Biafra lyric from "I Am The Owl"? "In ten years or so we'll leak the truth / but by then, it's only so much paper."

Tim Haught said...

I got my own take on this, but I'm going to let this simmer for a bit... Look out for my next column, however, as it will be a doozy.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

CJ Marsicano -- long time no speak. Welcome to Tha O Show...

Great reference with the lyric.

Anonymous said...

That's the best interview I've ever heard. Holy crap. Kanyon is the man.

--- Steve Rutgers

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great interview. I enjoyed the hell out of it and for a "f-cking faggot" as that agent called him, Chris Kanyon has alot of balls to do what he is doing. I respect him more now than ever and hope to see him with some big time success in the near future. You guys run a great site & keep up the excellent work.


Anonymous said...

Holy fuckin' shit!!! What a great interview. I loved the part when he said he was shocked to find out Phil Latio really is'nt gay or at least bi. You gotta hear what he says about the Brett Hart/ Montreal deal.

- Bloody Bill Skullion

Anonymous said...

Great interview. Chris'open kind personality really shined through.

Anonymous said...

This is CRAZY! Bigdaddy just did the best interview i ever heard!! i love tha o show!!

Anonymous said...

i just finished part one. ill listen to part two later! cant wait!

Dan-e-o said...

Here's the REAL blockbuster! We NOW KNOW Big Daddy's true sexual orientation!!

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Yo Dan-e-o ... why you hiding your own gay feelings by projectin on everyone else? C'mon guy ... we know

Jus tell the truth

Anonymous said...

wow great interview.... you guys are amazing

Anonymous said...

I thought Kanyon was a fuckin loser but now i kind of like him. Does that make me a homo?

-Justin in etobicoke

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I went to Kanyon's site today!!! I saw an ad for this interview and it was really really good. TNX

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I went to Kanyon's site today!!! I saw an ad for this interview and it was really really good. TNX

Anonymous said...

i think it's funny how people can believe this. It's clearly a huge lie from kanyon, if anybody new the story of the montreal screwjob you would realize how bret couldnt of been involved. this guy is full of shit

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I not only know the story of the Montreal screwjob ... I was there.

I wasn't just in the building, I was also backstage with Notorious T.I.D.

I wasn't just there that night, I also co-hosted (along with Bret) the premieres of Wrestling With Shadows here in Toronto at the Elgin Theatre and at the Metro Convention Centre.

I have been closer to this story than the average fan for nine years.. and I fully believe it was a work.

That story made Vince the industry's top heel ever. It made the WWE a TON of money. Bret signed a huge contract, and if it weren't for horrible creative and booking choices in WCW, he would have been thrilled.

What reason does Kanyon have to lie about Bret Hart?

Anonymous said...

there's no way bret was in on the montreal screwjob. if people watch what happened afterwards they would realize that this is crap. bret got into a real fight with vince in the lockerroom afterwards. if bret did tell kanyon he was involved it was probably because he felt like lying to kanyon because he's a nobody and would believe it

Anonymous said...

Ya Bret got in a "fight"... it was one sucker punch ... just to work the boys...

Bret's the nobody. Stop believing evertyhing he says mark

Anonymous said...

people need to start thinking bret was in on the whole thing huh and 9 years later for no reason this fag chris kanyon decided to say he knows he was in on it haha, so everything since then was all bullshit, bret's dvd and all the stuff that ever mentioned the montreal screwjob....people are so stupid, get real

Anonymous said...

ya it was alllll bullshit ... cuz wrestling is a WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bret's DVD couldn't possibly be bullshit right mark? everyone'se thinkging logical except you mark

Anonymous said...

Give me a break!!! Like Bret Hart is gonna tell fuckin' Kanyon of all people this kind of info. Kanyon comes out with this bullshit at a time when he can't get a fuckin' job and is crying out for attention. Anyone who believes this shit is living in the dark. Mark, Mark, Mark shut the F up.

Anonymous said...

Big Daddy is full of shit. Bret never knew about any of that. I'm more inclined to believe Shawn Michaels. Everyone needs to read Shawn's book. It's ALL IN THERE. Kanyon's full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, to think that Bret would tell Kanyon such is utter crap. He is pathetic to make up crap like this when there is several evidence that proves otherwise. Besides the fact that he was not used for over year and many others were fired as well, he still believes he was fired because he was gay. Stop trying to get publicity through Myspace and online sites. No one will offer you anything.

Anonymous said...

bret would totally tell kanyon the truth cause they are super best friends. besides the fact that how stupid that kanyon, a no talent loser, would say this an it would be true is your forgetting one thing: the wwe isnt that smart. they dont think that far ahead, and some of their biggest successes are all based on their own luck (Austin's King of the Ring win, Rock's rise to being a superheel). the wwe isnt smart enough to come up with such an elaborate plan of a work as he claims. dont give them that much credit. whos better than kanyon? everyone else.

Anonymous said...

kanyon is dumb. he trying to get everyone to care about him, even though he has no talent. you're gay. fine. i don't care. you were fired because YOU HAVE NO SKILLS. bret would not tell crap like this to a loser like kanyon. maybe a respectable starlike benoit or something. not kanyon.

Anonymous said...

to compare himself to matt. no one is claomring for your return, unlike matt. hardy had people chanting "you screwed matt". no one is gonna chant "you fired him 2 years ago because he was gay and that was wrong". you were fied. GET OVER IT. its been a while since anyone even cared about you.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

whoah quite the reaction from the Hitman fans... I love it.


Oh and to say Kanyon has 'no skills' is just ignorant. The man is very talented in the ring. He's The Innovator Of Offence for cryin out loud!


I received word from no less than 4 other WCW wrestlers who said that Bret told them a similar story.

Anonymous said... says:Wait a second,if this is true then that means that the fans were screwed and Bret helped his former boss before leaving knowing that if WCW was going to go down later down the road that it wouldn't matter because he was going to be making 3 million a year.In his wrestling with shadows documentary that got released in mid 1999 Bret said that he and his former wife got a divorce but several months later I seen his wife and kids in the ring with him when he won the WCW world title at the Mayhem ppv on the November of the same year.Hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Kanyon said,and i quote,Bret PRETTY much confirmed it to me.So he didn't confirm anything in reality.The problem with seeing conspiracy's retro-spectivley,is that the passage of time blur's the facts.Anyway,Kanyon doesnt even know if he himself is in a work at the moment! are we then to believe that he would know about a work that he wasn't involved with himself? Nope,Vince screwed Bret,end of story.

Anonymous said...

Well done and good luck to him
A great exemple - that talent does not have sexuality. Hope he will find work soon.

L.... from U.K.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I knew it! 11/9/1997 was a work!

11/9 was an inside job!
11/9 was an inside job!
11/9 was an inside job!

Fake website BTW. It's nice to make fun of the 9/11 Twoof Movement. lol