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Jackass Number Two: Tha "O" Movie

O!!!!! If ever there was a reason to scream out "O" (other than during a dope wrestling match), it's probably most often heard during the viewing of a Jackass movie. While the crazy-ass dudes who make up the Jackass posse are no wrestlers, they take bumps better than anyone I've ever seen!

Steve-O could not possibly be more appropriately named. Straight up, if everyone...or for that matter, even half of professional wrestlers could bump like Johnny Knoxville and the rest of the gang, we'd never having anything to complain about.

I just checked out Jackass Number Two today (thanks to my boy pays to have the manager of a local Famous Players as one of your best friends). I won't reveal any spoilers for those who still wanna check it out...but damn, it was on some crazy shit.

It's no wonder TNA Wrestling has become a primary promotional tool for this new film. I'm sure it's already inspired some kind of lunatic high spots within the company that will be performed for years to come.

I just hope I don't see any shitting and vomiting in wrestling anytime soon. Trust me, some of the shit (literally) in the movie was straight up disturbing. Some scenes...totally uncalledfor. I fully almost got up and left the theatre during the scene involving horses. I'll just leave it at that.

I'm not generally into plugging films or reviewing them for that matter (hey, Tha "O" Show ain't seeing any cheese for advertising it) but if you're into O's as much as we are, you'll definitely wanna see some of the craziest muhfuggin' O-getters in history on the big screen soon.

4 comments: on "Jackass Number Two: Tha "O" Movie"

Anonymous said...

Jackass 2 was definetly funny and got the laughs that were expected...but Fearless was a far more dope movie and no, not because Nathan Jones is in it.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

you're a bitch for seein that O fest without me...

Imma hafta reach P-dawg on my own!

Dan-e-o said...


Is Nathan Jones in Fearless? Or did you mean The Protector with Tony Jaa...cuz I know Nathan Jones is in that.

The Protector, which I saw a long time ago on DVD, has plenty of O's itself! Jaa is incredible!

Anonymous said...

He's in both Dan-e-o.

In "Fearless", he plays the wrestler that wears the American flag trunks.