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TLC In Toronto

Sweet. The first two matches announced for Unforgiven are "specialty matches". A Tables/Ladders/Chairs Match between Edge and Cena (I swear WWE advertised this already, before Edge's "decision" Monday night) and a Hell In A Cell Match between the McMahons/The Big Show and DX. Donnie said I'd be disappointed by the latter (I watched "Raw" today, missing it last night) but I'm not.

As mentioned numerous times before on Tha "O" Show, both Vince and Shane McMahon are no strangers to receiving O's, especially on a pay-per-view scale. Although, they may have 'under-delivered' our chances to exclaim our favourite letter at SummerSlam, I'm sure having the McMahons and DX perform the climax to their feud in a huge cage at Unforgiven will be crazy!

Considering that Tha "O" Show will be front row, that means we will literally be face to face with the cell! We may even get our new "O" Show t-shirts spattered with somebody's blood. (Cheap plug: the shirts are on the way O-sters, here's hoping we may count on your continued support!).

In addition, Edge and Cena in a TLC match! Never one to pop for anything Cena does, I'm excited to see our hometown boy Edge perform in the match he made famous. Here's an idea for a sign I might bring: "If Cena wins, we REALLY riot!".

Speaking of which, let me take this opportunity to open up a contest, of sorts, to our loyal O-sters. If you won't be at Unforgiven yourself...send us some ideas for signs that YOU would like to see us bring. We'll do our best to get as many done as possible...and hopefully you'll see YOUR sign at the PPV! We're trying to be as inventive, funny and original as possible. We're sure you'll have some dope suggestions.

Kinda nice to know WWE is allowing Trish to retire on TV (as she is in real life) instead of concocting some lame storyline. Looks like she'll fittingly end her career in Toronto, where it all got started. I remember training for my "Corrida De Toros" video (which can be viewed at in 2000 with the now-defunct Apocolypse Wrestling Federation. At each training session, I kept hearing that "Trish" might be coming in to train before heading to WWE where she had just signed. I never did get to meet Trish until this past January. She is truly a sweetheart, and I wish her all of the happiness and success that she's worked so hard for.

According to Big Daddy Donnie, who once worked with Trish at Fan 590, Trish's next step is getting married and starting a family. It looks like Torontonians will be getting to see her more often.

Had to mention this: Jim Ross screwed up a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" reference on "Raw" last night before the Divas match. He mentioned that Jerry Lawler had to keep his Larry Flynt (Hustler magazine dude)-like ways in check during the bout between Torrie Wilson and Candice Michelle. Sounds like he was confusing Flynt with Larry David (Seinfeld co-creator and "Curb" star). By the way, if you have never seen "Curb Your Enthusiasm", you're missing one of the funniest shows on TV ever!

JR did make up for this gaf later on in the show by claiming that a referee's count was "slower than government aid to New Orleans". Nice.

And to touch on a recent hot topic...the tag division on "Raw" seems to be getting somewhat of an inkling of respect lately. I like how The Highlanders keep mentioning that they are in WWE for one thing: the tag titles. Also, looks as if they are attempting to establish certain tag teams again: Cade/Murdoch, Viscera/Haas, Duggan/Eugene.

The tag division is definitely more promising on "SmackDown!" evidenced by The Pitbulls run-in on Kendrick/London and James/Stevens last week. To paraphrase what JBL said about KC James and Idol Stevens being tag-team specialists, a tag match is not four separate guys involved in singles action. You need to be a 'specialist' to make tag matches work. Let's hope WWE is really running with this train of thought.

7 comments: on "TLC In Toronto"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Here's what scares me:

- The Cena Smackdown contract (smells like a fakeout)

- The fact that it is a TLC match (which Edge has never lost) ... All the easier to push Cena - he beat Edge at his own game.

- The fact that Edge made a big deal about facing Cena in HIS home town, but Cena just did the job in his home town at Summerslam.

I'll be really pissed If I'm celebrating my birthday with Tha O Show crew in the front row and have to witness the Rated R Superstar drop the damn BELT or STRAP (these words aren't banned on Tha O Show) to that pasty bitch.

Anonymous said...

Here's an Unforgiven sign:


Tim Haught said...

From the Artist Formerly Known as Team Tom:

At the Smackdown House Show we went to, we brought the following signs:

Finlay Shilleghlaghed my Dog

Khali Smells Like Pee

Bring Back Akeem

F Puppies, I Came to See Sharmellons

I know that Unforgiven is a Raw PPV, and most signs aren't usable. I just think the more absurd the sign the better...

Definetely based on our dialogue there should be a sign that deals with revitalizing Tag Team Wrestling as well.

Anonymous said...

Toronto is Rated R

Dan-e-o said...

I agree with Donnie...the set up for Edge to lose the belt is too great...that's why I'm hoping against all hope that Edge DOES win. It's time, as we all know, that he gets the true push (and accompanying props) he deserves. I also hope that no one in Toronto is gay enough to actually cheer Cena.

LOVIN' the "Toronto is Rated R" and "Welcome to Copeland Country" sign ideas. I think they're a go. ALSO (although it won't be applicable at Unforgiven) "F Puppies I Came To See Sharmellons" is gold!!

Anonymous said...

Well I'd like to see Cena face Orton, but im probably a glutton for punishment. I just would like to hear the promos theyd cut against one another.

As for the signs I agree with the sentiments of the former Mr. Team Tom: the more inane the better, here's some suggestions. (sharmellons are wonderful btw)

Drosey = Ratings

Methuselah tapped out to Ric Flair

I came to see Billy and Chuck

Im holding up this sign so that people behind me cannot see (I hold this one up at every wrestling event I attend)

THAOSHOW powerbombs normalcy

Four score and seven years ago our forefathers ventured onto this continent... TO WHIP SOME ASS!

The Hand has escaped, someone get a crucifex!

Evicerate the Proletariat

I rode Space Mountain and all I got was this lousy sign

Sign 3:16

Alliahhlaiallialia GO MOHAMMAD HASSAN! (out of date signs routing for people the fans hate are wonderful!)

Chutes and Ladders is THE GAME!

Cena, quit struggling back from adversity

I support new capital gains taxes

Talk your problems out, there's no need to fight!

Quit punching each other and wrestle


Im with stupid (with arrows pointing in all directions)


Edge schmedge, bring back Gangrel

This sign is brought to you by the AXE EFFECT. consider yourself warned.


Anonymous said...

Oh and start a "thank you kurt" chant for me