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Thursday's Thoughts

One of our loyal O-sters, 'jeter' wrote something up on Tha O Show message board a few days ago about Brock Lesnar joining the world of MMA. It has now been confirmed.

According to The St. Paul Pioneer Press Brock Lesnar is targeting October for his MMA debut.

"Former Gophers NCAA heavyweight wrestling champion Brock Lesnar has been vigorously training near his home in Independence for an "ultimate fighting" match in October in Las Vegas. Former heavyweight boxer Scott LeDoux is training Lesnar, a former professional wrestler, for boxing, and Lesnar also has a mentor to help him improve his kicking skills," the paper reads.

The paper does not specify which organization Lesnar wishes to fight for. The two bigies, UFC and PRIDE, both have events set for Las Vegas in October.

Dave Meltzer has reported that Lesnar spent some time with the Miletich camp in Iowa recently, and he is training actively in Minnesota at the same location as UFC's Sean Sherk.

He's already a world class wrestler, with a disgusting amount of power. A little ground game and he could be scary. Just for shits and giggles though, I think Lesnar should be a contestant on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter.

Former WWE talent (hell he was in the main event of a pay per view) Matt Morgan was backstage at the Impact taping this week as a guest of Jim Cornette. Cornette is said to be very high on Morgan and there has been some talk of bringing him in, but nothing has been worked out yet. I sitll say he should do a Val Venis type gimmick. He can spell his name, "little m, big ORGAN".

TNA is still hoping Spike TV will grant Impact an extra hour. They're not alone. I'm hoping too. The day of the one hour wrestling show is dead.

Did you see her? Francine, the Queen of Extreme was finally seen on Sci-Fi! Of course so were Vince McMahon and Sgt. Slaughter. The only thing is, Franny was SUPPOSED to be on camera! The other two just weren't paying attention.

I got a kick out of this. As you know the show was headlined by a title match between the Big Show and Batista. Many of the pro ECW, anti WWE fans booed BOTH men. It was kind of like watching Brock and Goldberg at Wrestlemania. At the end of the match, Batista and Show decided to be dicks and screw with the fans. They started hugging in the ring, and slapping high fives to people at ringside who were flipping them off. A fan who was in attendance, posted a video on YouTube of all this. it was at If you go there now, it reads "This video has been removed at the request of copyright owner World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. because its content was used without permission". C'mon Vince, don't get your panties in a bunch.

The other thing that really pissed off Vince lately was the fact that Khali being replaced by Show at the Bash had been leaked all over the Internet. Looks like the WWE may be going into supreme lockdown mode again. They did this a couple years ago and actually fired a couple of people for being "informants" to internet media. Of course, if they don't want things being spoiled, maybe they themselves should be more careful!

Just this week, had Triple H Arrested on their site 45 minutes BEFORE IT HAPPENED! Oy.

Where are all those people who were saying "Screw TSN, I can't wait till they lose Raw and it goes to the Score!". Even Edge proclaiming at the press conference that The Score will treat them the way they deserve to be treated. Well, starting next week, ON THE SCORE, Raw will air at 10PM in Canada. Not 9 as we've always known and loved, but 10. Also, don't count on TSN's customary midnight replay. You never know how good you had it until it's gone. *That's what Dan-e-o's tells his girls too*.

For anyone interested, the WWE will be holding open tryouts in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on September 19th, 2006. The application form is available online.

Tha O Show has merchandise coming! Sweet new t-shirts rockin our logo! Send me an email if you're like to reserve one of the first hot off the press. We are currently printing XL and XXL sizes on black shirts.

12 comments: on "Thursday's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

I loved that shit! The Hammerstein fans booing the hell out of Show and Batista. It was great to see those fans give it to them. But I loved CM Punk's debut it was great I just wish that it had been Brawler jobbing for him instead of Justin. By the way, is it just me or was Justin Credible in this position the last time he was with the WWE. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the idea of Brock in MMA one fucking bit. Infact, I would hope that Brock ends up in Pride. That way he would be going up against guys like Aleksander and Fedor Emelieneko, Mark Kerr, and Mirko "Cro Cop". If he goes to the UFC (which he probably will because of his affiliation with the Miletich camp), he'll enjoy a good level of success because the heavyweight division there isn't all that great. You have Tim Sylvia, Andrei Arlovski, Frank Mir and that's it. Either way, he better work on his Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or he'll be in a world of hurt once someone takes him to the ground. Maybe we can get someone to talk Kimbo Slice into taking a fight against Lesnar.

I don't see Matt Morgan having any kind of impact on the TNA roster if he is brought on board. You could push him with a world title reign and he'd still be as boring as he was the first two times he was in the WWE.

TNA and Spike TV would both benefit from a second hour of Impact. More viewers for Spike and better storyline & character developement for TNA. No one loses there.

Now onto ECW.

"Change the Channel", "Where's Our Refund", "You Both Suck", "Same Old Shit", "You Suck Dick", "RVD"

Hasn't Creative figured it out yet? Appearently not. But according to the calender and RVD's "suspension", he should be back on television any time week at the earliest. Of course they'll probably have it set-up where Batista gets another shot at the Big Slow for the title, except in a "extreme rules" match (what kind of shit is that).

As for the video, just wait for that person to make another account. I guarantee that will make it back to the internet if it's not already been copied by someone.

Vince's dot com crew is about as reliable as the same people who run MySpace. If he's worried about leaks, just fire everyone and hire new bodies. It isn't that hard.

Raw on "The Score". I'll say the same thing as I did a few weeks ago about this...If Edge is thinking that Raw going to "The Score" is going to get Raw the respect it deserves, then I suggest he look at the fact that the USA Network pre-empts Raw for the Westminster Dog Show. It's a fucking dog show for Christ sake! I just loved how J.R. and Lawler put over TSN this past Monday when you compare it to Edge opening his noise-hole.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeter - did you see the last Sylvia / Arlovski fight? Nothing but stand up... no ground required... hell Brock would do well there!

Anonymous said...

Yes I did see the fight. Arlovski didn't want to take it to the ground like he should have and Sylvia wasn't looking for the combo punches like he should have. It was a terrible fight in my view. Which is why I said, the UFC would be the best place for Brock's MMA career to flourish. With the level of skill in Pride's heavyweight division, Brock would just get steamrolled.

While i'm on the subject of MMA, the last good fight the UFC had on pay-per-view was Liddell/Couture 3.

As i'm typing this, i'm watching Impact. I want to like TNA more, but they drop the ball when it comes to character developement..which is why I said they should get the second hour. I'm just tired of hearing Sting spit out of his noise-hole "I'm going to cut out the cancer here in TNA, and it's Jeff Jarrett" Whoever said on here that TNA is nothing more than the "Jeff Jarrett & Friends Hour" is completely fucking right.

The only other guys in that company they do any justice to is A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe (to an extent).

Anonymous said...

I hate to leave multiple comments without someone else's point of view, but let it be known that there has been previous speculation that Brock may go compete in K-1 Hero's as he has made an appearence for them in the past.

Anonymous said...

I dont know why you dont think Lesnar can handle the ground well. He's got more power than most the heavyweights and a more illustrious amateur wrestling career than many of them as well. Trust me, what Lesnar knows is a lot more valuable in MMA than learning how to knee someone when theyre down. I think his ground game will be excellent, I just want to see how well he can take a few straight kicks.

Also on the Justin Credible note -- he's getting robbed again and I have no idea why. If they want to establish ECW they should boister its former champions (just a thought)

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Let's be honest...
They don't want to boister ECW...

They want another hour of inventory they can sell commercial time on.

Ever since Raw moved back to USA with the shitty deal on commercial content, they've been bleeding money. Stock value went down, pay per view buy rates have been falling, and mid-card - belt holding wrestlers are being released left and right.

Sci Fi has given WWE a very sweet deal in terms of commercial split.

That's what it's all about.

Anonymous said...

I wish Lance Storm would come back in a shocking moment to help his buddy and reform the impact players. But I know it's not going to happen. WWECW has made every mistake it could possibly make thus far. BUT.. I keep reading Joey Styles blog and he made a good point, global wrestling promotions aren't built in a day, even under the watchful big brother gaze of Vince McMahon. So I keep hopeful that with time the promotion will improve. In the interim however I have just a few suggestions:

1. Try to limit WWE wrestlers from fighting for titles. I have no problem them periodically trickeling in to bolster the roster for brief periods of time and add some more spontanaety to the promotion... Just don't give them shots at the belt EVERY week or EVERY OTHER week. All I ask is that ECW guys (other than Sabu) play a more prominent main-event role in ECW. (To be fair however, I have to retract my sentiments on Flair. Sure it's gotta piss off Shane Douglas, but the match was one of the few extreme matches put on by this promotion thus far.)

2. Now that we mention EXTREME... I could use a little more of it. I dont mind that every match is not a hardcore match, but it wasn't in the original ECW either. Benoit, and Guerrero rarely ever used that stuff. What I DO mind is that the style of hardcore this is starting to resemble is that of the now defunct hardcore division on RAW. Pie-tin style trash can lids? 1 cm thick street signs? COME ON! I'm not asking for CZW here, just a man whipping a chair at full tilt into another guys face once per show. I want to see TABLES. I want to see ladders. I want to see a man tossing a flaming table off of a ladder at a crowd of wrestlers. Without the crazy innovation and weird usage of everyday items, this isn't ECW... this is Raven in the WWE.

3. Establish ECW, not WWE's dominance of ECW. Look at the old ECW guys, if you drop Sabu from the name's list, give me one who wins against new ECW guys. Mike Knox beating Sandman. Test over Dreamer. A vampire over Guido. Big Show over everyone. COME ON! What is this? Is WWE so overrun by musclebound lumoxes punching one another into submission that they must send their excess baggage to ECW. In case they didn't notice, ECW was NEVER EVER EVER about gigantic titans pounding one another. ECW was about a few destinct types of wrestling

1. Hardcore (see above)
2. Technical Wrestling
3. Lucha Libre (almost non-existant in the new ECW)

Yet those types of wrestlers are the ones who consistantly lose to the only type of wrestling that the WWE seems to approve of consistantly

4. Big Man Slobberknocker (sound gay? it is)

Oh shieza did I go off on a rant.... Just to ECW, please put Credible over!

I just wish that in the interim they could just assume that Credible is over with the fans and give him a more meaningful role on the show.

Anonymous said...

The greatest part of the Credible/Punk match was when Credible went into a half Boston crab just like Lance Storm used to.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. It just seems like McMahon is running ECW not anyone else. Think about it, everything is playing to Vince's likes. The halfassed hardcore matches, the lack of high fly( which is a mixed blessing), the towers of boring(big slow muscle bound punching-for-the-sake-of-punching guys), and dumb 1980's gimmicks. ECW is Vince's retro playground for misfit ideas. And it's sad but I'll give it some time and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

Well now that Van Dam is back (starting this weekend), Kurt Angle is back, and CM Punk has made his debut, things can START to turn around. And I can't stress the word "start" enough.

Anonymous said...

By the way
Lesnar's chest tat is so gay