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Raw's Best Match: Foley VS. Flair

Okay, so the actual Ric Flair VS. Mick Foley wrestling match will finally take place at this year's SummerSlam event. But Monday night's edition of "Raw" displayed an incredible battle between these two kings of the ring (or in this case, the mic).

Recently, the article "Who's WWE's Best Promo Cutter Ever?" sparked a great debate among our top O-sters about the answer to that question. It seems, however, that almost all of us agree that Ric Flair and Mick Foley are among the best promo cutters and interview givers in the business ever.

So let's start up another debate. Who won Monday night's war of words? I have to admit, both superstars had me rolling with some choice disses.

Flair was at his high-energy, red-faced, sweaty-shirted, elbow-dropping best:

"You said something about imaginary bad-asses?!...Bruiser Brody...Stan Hansen...Harley Race, Terry Funk, the list goes on. Imaginary bad-asses? Imaginary? Those guys would walk over you on the way to the bathroom! And you wouldn't open your mouth for one second! Those are bad-asses!"

"I want Cactus Jack! I want Mick Foley! I want whatever you wanna be. Whatever you wanna be that day. Bring out Socko out there and I'll shove him up your ass!"

Foley, of course, displayed his humorous, scathingly true, sarcastic mastery and punished Flair with a nice low-blow finisher:

"I wanna bring you back, the flight from Manila...The only thing that you and I could agree on was family...When you picked up that phone and individually one by one dialed each of your four children and told them you loved touched me. Maybe I'm a little bit envious Ric...Deep down I know I'll never have the bonding experience with my children like you did. You see Ric, I will never know what it's like to look my children right in the eyes and say 'kids, your dad's just been arrested'."


Paying homage to some of wrestling's greats, resurrecting the historical accomplishments of both wrestlers and setting up what should be an incredible hardcore affair between two future Hall of Famers at SummerSlam. Together, Flair and Foley did it all. The most entertaining part of "Raw" this past Monday was Flair and Foley putting on a promo-cutting clinic.

But who won? Who out-dissed who? Who came out victorious on this week's best 'match' on "Raw"?

(Thumbs up). Yeah!!

8 comments: on "Raw's Best Match: Foley VS. Flair"

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Mick did the verbal J.O.B. this week and let Ric get over on him.

Mick has been dominating the verbal war, so it was time for Flair to fight back.

Tim Haught said...

I think that it's a telling sign for the current state of the product when last night's verbal showdown between Flair and Foley is so critically acclaimed.

Foley again flip-flops and puts under Flair. Flair is incoherent and babbly. I much prefer the limousine riding, jet flying cocky son of a bitch to this crazy heart attack having old man.

It seems when Flair and Foley and Funk for that matter are out there, they have a general outline, but ALWAYS forget where the hell they are going. Flair will start yelling and screaming just to make sure someone is saying something. Foley appears to be waiting for the cue that never comes. Finally Flair remembers, oh Melina.

That sets off the Foley family man comments 5 minutes after they should have originally come.

Don't get me wrong, they are two of the best. I mean that. I just don't see last night as the magic moment that many others seem to.

I think they are two men who believe their own hype. Foley is tearing down Flair's legacy, but Flair is doing business and actually building Foley's further.

I am happy that they are getting fans into their future encounter, but am worried when the talent that the WWE actually needs to propel them into the future is losing time to very long and often multiple promo segments between Flair and Foley.

These aren't classic promos by old standards. They are just way above the low bar set by current superstars.

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that there's a bar on cutting promos these days?

Tim Haught said...

The fact that Foley ever referred to anyone in the industry as an "imaginary badass" exposes the business. It was cool to hear Flair tout legends that normally don't get their due on WWE TV, but that a good promo does not make.

We all will have our differing opinions. My personal opinion is that if this promo is at any other time when the business is up, and if any of those other great talkers we mentioned are anywhere insight, we look at this as being long, unfocused, and probably a 6 or 7 out of 10.

At points, Flair seemed like a deer in the headlights. Luckily he has his crazy old man act to fall back on.

At one time, diamonds were forever, and so was Ric Flair. This program with Foley has shown that perhaps Flair's time is running short.

Anonymous said...

anyone heard of the rock or stone cold they were bad asses and great mic workers flair has been done for like 10 years

Anonymous said...

I dont know what some of you guys are talking about. Sure Flair tended to babble, and Foley didn't go the normal route of a promo... But in case you missed it, Flair made a career on babbling and Foley gets noticed because he doesn't say whats expected. This was a great back and forth and a contrast of two differing shoot promo styles. They're selling a match well that in my opinion doesn't even NEED to be sold. At any rate this is sure to be an amazing match from two preformers that despite years of road seasoning STILL put on a helluva show.

Tim Haught said...

Well put Baron...

Anonymous said...

Well the good Baron was tired of his heel turn on thaoshow's blog and said something we could all get behind!