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A life on the brink

Kurt Angle has been released by the WWE. Those are eight words I never would have thought would be written together in that order.

Kurt Angle.

A six time World Champion, and arguably the best pure wrestler the WWE has ever had, has had his contract terminated.

I posted a column here on Tha O Show on Monday July 10th (Kurt Angle forced to face his demons). which foreshadowed this horrible situation.

Kurt is a drug addict.

It's been known within the business for the better part of a decade that the 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist has become addicted to performance enhancing substances, HGH and most tragically, pain medication.

The WWE's Wellness Program, instituted on the heels of Eddie Guerrero's drug induced death, is the reason Angle will no longer draw a paycheck from Vince McMahon.

One WWE superstar I spoke to this week (who wished to remain annoymous) stated, "Kurt is on the brink of becoming the next Eddie. He can't stop taking the pain pills. His thirty days to get clean was a joke."

Add to this the fact that Angle is now in the midst of a divorce with his pregnant wife. That same WWE superstar says 'people think Kurt might be on the brink of doing something drastic". Frightening words indeed.

Already there is speculation that TNA and organizations in Japan are salivating at the chance to lure Angle into their fold. Angle has stated many times that he wishes to pursue an acting career when his wrestling days are done. In truth, he should be financially set for life.

I'm hoping Angle decides to get serious professional help and take a year or more to get clean. Eddie was clean for a few years but the damage he did to his body eventually caught up to him.

Angle does have a history of heart disease in his family. His sister, among other family members have died as a result of heart complications. Now add years of HGH and unsupervised medication, and things are looking very dark for one of my all time favorites.

Kurt, your fans urge you. Get clean, and hang up your boots. Your body has taken enough abuse. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Thank you for years of unforgettable moments. We will try to live by the 3 I's - and right now, more than ever, we hope you do too.

God bless.

8 comments: on "A life on the brink"

Dan-e-o said...

Damn! I was about to post an article in praise of last night's SmackDown! That totally doesn't matter now. Kurt is easily one of the best wrestlers ever to enter the ring...he and Eddie were among my Top 3 at the time of Eddie's death. The LAST thing I want is for Kurt to join Eddie any time soon! This doesn't seem fair...I wish him the best. I hope his release from WWE is the worst news we hear about him.

Anonymous said...

kurt needs to leave wrestling forever and stay alive!

Anonymous said...

Much as I'de miss watching him work, his health is more important than our entertainment. I certainly hope for his sake he gets everything back in order.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Kurt's wellbeing is whats important now. God bless him for sacrificing so much of himself for our entertainment, but at the end of the day thats what this is-- entertainment. I'll hold out hope that he may do what HBK did, but he's really done enough already to cement his legacy as one of the greatest ever. Knowing just a little about the man's tenacity and inner strength, I have no doubt that with some time to heal, he will get over this addiction. I also am very optimistic that he wont be a repeat of Eddie, because while a pain pill addiction is terrible, it isn't as damaging as what I've heard Eddie was into during his wild days.

tsiakhyie said...

hey kurt, please giv it up.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree here, Kurt please give up for at least a little while, I was just telling my brothers tonight how out of all wrestlers that have died in the last few years I miss Eddie the most, please don't join in that list.. Get clean, Get healthy and God bless you and your family.

roflolololmao said...

it's good that Kurt realises his problem and has taken steps to take care of it. we need not another untimely death like the late Eddie Guerrero's in the professional wrestling world, especially not to a talented wrestler like Kurt.

all the best to you, Kurt. we're all always behind you.

Anonymous said...

You know Big Daddy, you really did say it all.