Check This Out...


Kingdom's Column

My wrestling viewing habits have become rather erratic and I don't think I'm alone in this at all. Now I must admit that I probably have a better excuse than most of you: I work evenings from 730pm until 3am. Sometimes I catch the start of Raw or Smackdown before work kicks into full swing, but unless its a holiday Monday or one of the increasingly rare times I don't have to cover for someone on a Saturday night, just about the only wrestling I know I'll get to see has been TSN's 3:30am Tuesday night/Wednesday morning replay of Raw... which I often fall asleep during.

Sure I could set my vcr and tape Raw and Smackdown and Impact. But I don't. Frankly there's just nothing going on on any of those shows that's inspired me to do anything more than catch them when I can and miss them the rest of the time.

There are only two things I've really made any effort to watch lately. The first is actually thanks to a kid on With his his diligence I've seen all the wwECW shows from SciFi despite the fact that it doesn't start on Canadian tv until next week. And let me tell you, kids... the Vince McMahon ECW revival is, as my boy Ron would say, an abortion of biblical proportions.

No one with any intelligence thought the new ECW would be an exact continuation of where the promotion left off or, even more far-fetched, a throwback to the promotion's early glory. What everyone prayed it would be though, is something different than the current WWE in both its style and its substance. It is neither. The current ECW does not fulfill the dream of a promotion carrying on in the manner of the original.

Instead it comes off like a psycho ex-girlfriend you had a One Night Stand with while your new girlfriend was away who's gotten into your closet, put on your new girlfriend's favorite outfit and is running around your bedroom screaming "I can be her! You still love me!" Think Meryl Streep. Stephanie McMahon is gonna boil your bunny.

Thank god CM Punk debuted this week. For a precious few minutes I watched wwECW and didn't want to claw my eyes out. Punk is fresh and new for this product and is the beacon that I think most fans will follow thru the darkness of the new ECW.

Test? Mike Knox? Big Show? Weekly main events featuring people I already don't want to watch on Raw and Smackdown? Strippers who don't know how to strip? And Joey Styles and Tazz shilling for the garbage like they can't smell the "suck" in the air. Who the hell has wanted any of that?

Here's the test for the WWE brain trust: will they learn anything from the massive positive reaction that CM Punk received in New York this week and the massively negative reaction that Show vs Batista were shown and start reworking things to spotlight talents like Punk, RVD, Stevie Richards, Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke and the like???


Will they ignore what the crowd did Tuesday and fight to swim against the currents of the Great Material Continuum (nerd alert: I just made a Star Trek reference about a Ferengi philosophical belief. The GMC is like a river the flows throughout the universe and if you sail upon it smartly, your boat will be ladden with riches. Oh shut the F up... If you knew anything about Star Trek you'd know how PERFECT that analogy is.) and continue to forcefeed us crap on toast like Show vs Kane and
Test run-ins and the Vampire because they know what's good for us???

Time will tell.

Oh yeah, there was a second thing I made the effort to watch recently and that's the Dusty Rhodes dvd set. Three discs full of Dusty is like a trip to Tha Pay Window, daddy! You must view this set. Not even the edits to commentary from older matches can steal the fun away from watching Stardust doin' his thang.

Watch each and every match. Savor each and every promo. Vince McMahon has made sure that a performer as talented and charismatic as Dusty will never rise to the top of the business again. (And yet Vince is the guy making the money off this set of dvds. Don't let the irony escape you folks.)

And while the documentary portion of the first disc is the kind of love letter one would fully expect from this sort of production (highlight the positives, hide the negatives unles they can be used for tear-jerking purposes), there's one thing that really pissed me off:

Dusty takes credit for putting the WCW World title on Ron Simmons.


Did I miss something? Apparently I did because the move to put the World title on a black wrestler for the first-ever time is something that I, for one, have always credited to "Cowboy" Bill Watts. Its nothing new for the WWE to engage in this particular kind of revisionist history. They do it now with practicaly everything they release. Its just sad that they feel they have to.

But don't let that deter you from watching the set. Its a decidedly enjoyable piece of viewing, from Dusty early days tagging with Dick Murdoch and working territories like Florida and the AWA, to his NWA title runs under the Crockett banner, to his lamentable WWF run more remembered for a polka dot outfit and a "fan-turned-manager" named Sapphire (Oh, the nightmares this brought back) to the Corino feud in ECW. Its the story of that little plumber's son from Austin, Texas who grew up to be soooo sweet...

And its hard to resist charm like that.

6 comments: on "Kingdom's Column"

Anonymous said...

god your shit is good i really injoyed this read snd the ecw was best yet"besides main event" last week cuz it was a smaller venue thats ecw not the wrestlers i mean i love ecw the wrestlers were not that great justin credible is so jobberish now dont get me wrong some were great but it was the venues pepoe bbring there own wepons

Anonymous said... ecw they way it sould be oh and do u think that punk will be able to do pepsi plunge

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again...please type it out in English Anonymous. Or at least take the time to think about what you're typing. Your grammar is worse than the person in the front row at the ECW Arena trying to get a word in edgewise while Shane Douglas was cutting a promo. With that said, i'll get on to the "meat" of the entry.

When I heard the announcement that Vince was bringing back ECW, I flipped out just like every other ECW fan did. I was thinking, "Thank fucking God! Now there's gonna be decent wrestling". God was I fucking wrong. The first few weeks were god awful. Then Van Dam got busted and later stripped of the titles...major let down. That was about the time all the ECW fans were pissed off about the Big Show getting the strap and about how shitty the tv shows are. Don't get me wrong now...the show still does suck ass like a cheap whore. You just have to learn to watch the show as a seperate brand of the WWE. Even then the show is about halfway decent.

Of course there are many things that could be done to change the direction of the show and how to make it better to the fans liking. And i'm not talking about the new "ECW" fans, i'm talking about the fans that were along for the ride during the infancy of ECW, especially when Eddie Gilbert (God bless his soul) was still booking the shows.

There haven't been many bright spots during ECW's run on Sci-Fi. CM Punk's debut is one of them, Kurt Angle's return is another one, Justin Credible (even though he jobbed to Punk) slapping on a half Boston crab just like Lance Storm used to. That's about it.

I would hope that WWE creative learned something from this past showing at the Hammerstein Ballroom. But in all reality, they probably didn't because if they learned something from every fuck up they have made, Mark Copani would still have a job (Mark Copani = Mohammad Hassan) and the Dudley's wouldn't be lost in the shuffle in TNA.

Best advice to those that are reading this...if an ECW show is coming to your area or nearby, throw down the $25 to attend. Do not throw down the $45-50 to attend the Smackdown taping/Live ECW show. The house shows are just soooo much better. Believe me, i've now made three of them, and my fourth is set for next month.

The Dusty Rhodes dvd is definetly a "must-see". The part where Dusty takes credit for putting the belt on Ron Simmons didn't really piss me off even though I can't stand "Cowboy" Bill Watts as much as Eric Bischoff. Dusty is still full of shit however when it comes to that. I guess when you own the rights to most of the wrestling footage in the world, you can get away with re-writing history. Dear Lord, I hope they don't butcher the World Class library that Vince just purchased from Kevin von Erich. That right there would be outright blasphemy on the highest level.

And for you Kingdom James....i'm sure Quark is proud of your Star Trek reference.

Anonymous said...

CM Punk is reluctant to use the "Pepsi Plunge" anymore for a few reasons...

Reason number one: It's done absolute hell to his knees over the years.

Reason number two: Triple H isn't a big fan of CM Punk using "his" move appearently.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, he's doing house shows. They are forcing him however to change his name to Christopher W. Anderson for some fucking douchebag of a reason.

Anonymous said...

Like Watch said...WWE fans do get confused.