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Examining Impact!

After watching last night's edition of Impact I have a few comments. Some nice, some not so nice.

I'll start off gently. TNA is really using Jim Cornette the right way. He has more background in this industry than Jeff Jarrett and all his boys combined. That makes him a believable 'general manager' / face of management. I still cringe when I think of Eric Watts in that role.

The promo Cornette cut last night was awesome. I loved how he ribbed Bischoff and Teddy Long. He doesn't feel the need to be on TV all the time, taking away from the wrestlers. Gold.

My one beef that came from his promo actually had nothing to do with Cornette, but the creative powers in TNA. Who's idea was it to have a Christian Cage versus Scott Steiner match next week with that HORRIBLE stipulation? Did you miss it? The winner, gets to be in his man's corner (Sting or Jarrett) at the Hard Justicee pay per view.

That's your prize? Work your ass off so you can be manager for a day? Geez that sounds like a prize you offer to a couple of fans who wrestle in inflatable sumo suits at a fan fest. It demeans Christian as a main event and cements him in the shadows of these old timers.

Samoa Joe's match with Rhino at Hard Justice has been turned into a three way with Monty Brown. That of course means, Joe will lose. In case you haven't noticed, he hasn't won anything in TNA that wasn't of a one on one type affair.

The elevation of the Naturals is great. I really like Shane Douglas on the mic as the tough as nails, take-no-shit ex-wrestler who knows what it takes to get to the top. Are you like me though? Are you wishing Douglas had another run in him? Damn TNA could use him in the main event picture.

I might be the only one who isn't Latino and is seriously digging the LAX, but I am. Sure Homicide has his issues, and our boy Steve Corino's got plenty of heat with him, but I like where this angle is going. Konnan is good on the mic, brutal in the ring. They are hiding his weaknesses, showcasing his strengths. I'm not one of those who says "Well he's doing the same shit he did in WCW so I hate him". Say what you will, but he was always over in WCW. As a face in TNA he was always over. Now he's plugged into a hot button issue that we've seen taken away from guys like Ron Killings and Muhammad Hassan.

2 comments: on "Examining Impact!"

Anonymous said...

So this is how Hard Justice is going to play out.

Gail Kim defeats that Amazon bitch.
Abyss defeats Brother Runt
The Naturals defeats AMW, NAO, and that other team.
Chris Sabin defeats Kevin Nash.
Rhino defeats Samoa Joe and Monty Brown.
Senshi defeats Petey Williams (probably be the best match on the card).
Styles/Daniels defeat LAX.
Jeff Jarrett defeats Sting and retains the title...again.

Anonymous said...

wow i think im the only one left in the biz who likes jerret he is entertaining yes i dont beliuve he should hold the title foreva but he isnt that bad. and lax is hot right now i like how t'n'a has stables the thing that wwe is missing BAD ~KC STARR~