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Bigelow Arrested

Credit PWInsider: Bam Bam (Scott) Bigelow was arrested yesterday in Brooksville, FL. He appeared in the Hernando County court to contest a traffic citation related to a motorcycle accident he was involved in.

Bigelow lost control of his bike and crashed, injuring himself and his girlfriend. He was charged with a number of infractions including three different charges involving DUI since his blood alcohol at the time of the wreck was over .20.

Bigelow was handcuffed and taken from the court room and is held on $5,000 bail as of last night.

This is not Bigelow's first such offence. He also had a serious bike accident in October 2005 where he was over the legal limit for alcohol. Bigelow also has warrants for his arrest in New Jersey for failed alimony payments.

1 comments: on "Bigelow Arrested"

Tim Haught said...

Bigelow's program with Tazz was probably his best work since the 80's.

Bam Bam never really got the right push in WWE or WCW in the 90's. And he did get pushed. Remember, this guy main evented Wrestlemania XI.

However, feuds with Doink, LT, and the Corporation weren't going to show what Bigelow could do, and he looked well past his prime.

One of the first names that comes to mind when bringing back a name from the past to me is Bam Bam, because he showed in ECW that he could still work.

Then again, I was dying for Vader too, and he is certainly not in the shape he was years ago.

I hope Bam Bam serves his time, gets the Fed's eye, and is brought back in the Mark Henry spot on Smackdown, assuming he is able to get into the shape and work the way he did during that ECW run.

Bam Bam at least deserves a US title run before he's done entirely.