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Chill with those V1 rumors........

Matt Hardy was scheduled to be taken off of the active roster following The Great American Bash, according to several WWE sources. The story spread across the internet like wildfire and people everywhere started assuming all sorts of things.

Is Matt another casualty of the Wellness program? Is he using performance enhancing substances? Is he joining 'Team Liver' along with Khali, Lashley and Crazy? Many sites went so far as to speculate an outbreak of Hepatitis C in the Smackdown locker room.

None of that has anything to do with Matt Hardy and his situation. The 'truth'(as is so often the case) is really not that fascinating or interesting.

The following comes directly from Matt's official website:

"Just a little update on Matt for the sake of killing any rumors and assumptions as to his status. Simply enough, when Matt was given the standard blood test, they found dormant trace elements of the Staph infection which plagued him many months ago.

After a light antibiotic treatment and a few weeks off to properly rest, Matt will be back..."

That being said, Hardy did work the Smackdown tapings last night facing 6'6" 350 pound newcomer - Sylvester Terkay. More on Terkay in tomorrow's Thursday's Thoughts column.

13 comments: on "Chill with those V1 rumors........"

Tim Haught said...

While the Liver Enzymes and WWE's Wellness policy has been the downfall of many a superstar over the past few weeks, let me go ahead and guess as to the REAL reason Matt Hardy is being taken off the road. Staph Infection? Bleh...

How about this...

Matt Hardy is still reeling from the effects of having NO SOUL...

It wasn't too long ago that Matt was out with an injury, and the love of his life Amy "Lita" Dumas shacked up with Adam "Edge" Copeland. The incident not only got Matt fired, it got him so unstable that the dude was pointing guns at his website visitors. What kind of weird ass family do Version 1 and the Charismatic Enigma come from anyways?

In a way, it breathed new life into Matt's career. He was the hottest free agent in wrestling.

Doors were opened and the red carpet was laid out. What did Matt do? He went back to dirty money.

Monday Night Raw, Summer of 05, Matt Hardy returns. After months of We Want Matt chants, he's here in the ring, and we aren't sure why we chanted it in the first place. Well, let's start him off with what he's worst at. Let's get that North Carolina twang on the microphone. What do you have to say Matt?

Matt Hardy: Wrestling is fake. Yeah, I went out to an injury during some bullshit sorta based on real life like story that Kane was raping my girlfriend, but in real life, she was always my girlfriend. She didn't really have sex without a rubber with Kane. Strangely enough, she did later start boning Edge though. So you can forget all that fake bullshit wrestling stuff. This is real, and I'm mad. I'm so mad, I hope Edge dies in a car accident.

(Crickets chirp)

Matt Hardy: So forget about all the pretend wrestling stuff. What's not gonna be fake is me kicking Edge's ass in a WWE ring for the next three months...

The audience has already essentially had enough of the return of Matt Hardy. But wait, Edge and Matt were both in the TLC's and shit. They can probably have good matches.

So Matt Hardy spends the rest of his summer working about as close as you can work with a former close friend who porked the love of his life. Everytime they work together, he must watch them kiss at the top of the ramp. He then proceeds to get his ass fake whooped by the person he hates more than anything in the world.

What for? Dirty money!

So now Matt is not having babies with Lita. He is watching her kiss his old friend and getting his ass handed to him weekly. But wait til you see where it goes pleads Hardy...

Edge vs. Matt Hardy. After a few weeks, Edge and Hardy have forgotten that they want to kill each other, and are instead just wrestling some matches. Hardy loses, and just leaves. He goes to Smackdown after basically conceeding that Edge is the better man, and he deserves to be porking Lita. I thought you wouldn't die Matt? Looks like you rolled over and died right there.

Well, here we go. A new lease on life. You didn't go to TNA. You decided to get fake beat up by your real life worst enemy all summer long, but you are on Smackdown now. Everyone knows you are finally going to be a big star.

Guess what: They killed off Muhammed Hassan, you are up a rung of the ladder.

Christian quit: Another rung.

Eddie died: Two rungs.

At this rate, you are going to be the champ by Wrestlemania.

Batista is hurt: Climb on Matt.

Yet somehow, even when Smackdown looked at it's bleakest, Matt Hardy was wrestling on Velocity. Was it the writing teams fault? The McMahon's fault? Who knows, and who cares.

Whether Matt Hardy gets the WWE Attitude residual pop for the rest of his life, Matt Hardy will never really be big money in professional wrestling.

Matt Hardy made his bed when he decided to return to Vince's dollars, and a year later, Edge is the WWE Heavyweight Champion and Matt Hardy is jobbing to the Cruiserweight Champion.

TNA would have probably put the freaking belt on him, as we see they have no foresight, and seem to mark as hard as their Orlando crowd.

Matt, I hope for you, that Ashley Massaro has sex with King Booker or Edge while you are gone, because that's about the only shot at main eventing you will ever have.

Lashley, Khali, and Crazy might have crazy enzymes. Kid Kash might have a bad attitude. But you sir, you have dirty money and no soul!

Anonymous said...

Damn....for once I have nothing to say in response. Very fucking well done.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Team Tom representing again. Another strong take...

Man, keep this up, and we're gonna have to promote you to staff!

Anonymous said...

The staph infection is what i've been hearing as well. I'm ready to read Tom's take tomorrow in Thursday's Thoughts.

Anonymous said...

matt hardy needs a push he is great he can have great matches with big guys small guys im a indy wrestler and i look up too this guy he carryied the best tag team in last 15 years he deserves a bigger push and i thought it was best match of the bash and his fued with edge great he can have great fueds thanks ~kc starr~

Anonymous said...

Man and I thought you hated shoot promos that tore down guys careers... That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Whoa whoa whoa! Cut that fucking comment off right where you say that Matt carried "the best tag team in last 15 years". The Hardy Boys can only be consider for such after you mention the following tag teams...

the Hart Foundation
the British Bulldogs
Strike Force
the Midnight Express
the Hollywood Blonds
the Dudley Boys
Lance Storm/Chris Candido
Barry Windham/Mike Rotunda
Eddie Guerrero/Art Barr
the Road Warriors
Masahiro Chono/the Great Muta
Masahiro Chono/Hiroyoshi Tenzan
the Powers of Pain
Money INC.
the Fabulous Ones
the Killer Bees
the Rock N' Roll Express
the New Age Outlaws
the Outsiders
the Brainbusters (Arn Anderson/Tully Blanchard for those of you who don't remember)
the Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn & Ole Anderson)

Even after all of those great fuckin tag teams, the Hardy's still don't come close. The Hardy's, when it comes to tag teams, are nothing but cheap pop getting spot monkeys that got their time in the sun because the fans (mostly pre-teen or early teen girls) cheered for them.

Hardy's being the best team in the last 15 years? My ass.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

I agree with your ass.

Anonymous said... I missed the boat on the Brain Busters (by one month, broke up in Dec 1989), Strike Force, Minnesota Wrecking Crew, British Bulldogs, the Killer Bees, the Fabulous Ones, and Barry Windham/Mike Rotunda.

I'd say getting 15 out of 22 teams in the correct era was pretty damn good. Maybe I should've thrown in the Freebirds in that mix.

Anonymous said...

To be honest I liked Edge and Christian and The Dudleys more than The Hardy boys, but I think thats more of a personal preference than anything

Anonymous said...

That's really cutting it close. I think you could've cut out the Hardy's and still have had a memorable match being that the Hardy's never won one. At least that's just me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the matches would have been memorable, though lets give these 6 wrestlers their dues. Without any side of the TLC, it wouldn't have been as good

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.