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E-C-Dub! E-C-Dub! - Welcome Back!

You know, come to think of's kinda weird that Tha "O" Show hasn't really posted any articles on the resurgence of ECW...until now. Shame on us. I mean, seriously, if ever there was a reason to scream out "OOOHHHH" during a wrestling match, it came during an ECW event. An ECW highlight reel, is quite simply a mini-collection of "O" after "O". So here it is...the official "Welcome Back ECW" on behalf my crew here at Tha "O" Show. Now...

Let's just hope WWE doesn't screw this up. I mean bringing back ECW isn't going to be as easy as it sounds. On one hand, you want to stay "true" to ECW history and have part of the "new" brand some mainstays such as Sandman, Terry Funk and Sabu. However, the combined ages of these guys is definitely over 100! I mean Funk was diagnosed as someone who shouldn't have been able to walk due to ridiculous damage to his knees years ago!

On the other hand, you want ECW to be a "fresh" new product. However, to do so it seems that WWE is simply going to utilize their own proven stars to take this "new" brand to the next level. But how is having John Cena, Jerry Lawler, Edge, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton being part of ECW's "One Night Stand" pay-per-view this coming Sunday making anything new? How is having these WWE superstars take part in this PPV in any way...ECW?

So far, the card reads like a weak remix of last year's PPV, where legitmate ECW superstars reappeared and put on a crazy show. Remember Mike Awesome VS. Masato Tanaka? Sick!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I EXPECT this year's event to be good. I mean damn, an ECW event without an "O" is like a Mark Henry match with one. It just doesn't happen. (Author's note: Okay, I know Henry has put dudes on tables and crashed through them - somewhat "O"-worthy - but you should know how I feel about his guy already, anyways...). I'm just hoping that this new brand doesn't pull punches (literally) and really provides WRESTLING fans with what we're thirsting for. Sick matches, high spots, intense action and of course...plenty of O's!!

For the record, months ago, Tha "O" Show became privy to some information about the ECW pay-per-view and the future of the brand that involved some new talent from the Toronto area. We were strictly SWORN to secrecy about it and to date cannot 100% confirm that the information we received will prove to be true. HOWEVER, just to prove that we've been given this info, I'll provide a code (Da Vinci style!) that will represent the first letters of each word in a sentence that will reveal this secret info. Again, due to our loyal commitment to not leak this story, we will ONLY publish the sentence AFTER the ECW "One Night Stand" PPV and ONLY if the information is proven to be correct...sorry! Here it is: WhsS,aTn,whbtfeSctaw,tbpotnEb. Mitc.

5 comments: on "E-C-Dub! E-C-Dub! - Welcome Back!"

Anonymous said...

Good points...agreed on all of 'em...I guess that's what I'm saying the less WWE-like this "new" product is, the better.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure this is just a hype thing to get ECW fans who hate WWE to watch it, and I'm also pretty sure that its going to be VERY watered down.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Don't have too much faith in Heyman.
Remeber he's not the boss. He may have creative control, but ultimately it's still Vince's company.

Heyman was given the book on Smackdown and was blocked at every turn.

Brian G said...

ECW = Idea who's time was 10 years ago.

ECWlite = WWE's 2006 ECW implementation.

Therefore: ECW = WCW.

Dan-e-o said...

You're such a hater Darkside. So how was yesterday's episode of "Ellen" anyway?