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Creative brutality

"Sorry, but at this time we don't have anything for you creatively. We'd like to wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors."

How many WWE superstars have been told this over the past ten years? Countless. From Molly Holly to The Dudleys to Raven to Matt Morgan to Sean O'Haire. In every single instance, there was plenty that could have been done with those characters respectively.

It appears the WWE has in fact hit the wall once again with one of their stars. John Cena.

The song says his time is now, but "now" meant June 2005. In June 2006, he is a side dish on Raw's very full plate.

How many shows have been built around John Cena since "Backlash"? Even before that - they ran the whole post-Mania three-way schmoz with Cena, Edge and Triple H - but it ended up doing a lot more for Hunter and Edge.

Cena has stagnated. The fans aren't necessarily turning on him because they don't like his character - they are sick of the role his character has been cast into: A superhero who can take beating after beating, but always hold onto the title. That type of gimmick worked in the 80's with Hogan - but Hogan was over. And, it was the 80's! This is so different.

The shows right now revolve around ECW, Kane's ridiculous story, Triple H versus Vince (and before that HBK versus Vince) and the catapulting of the Spirit Squad.

Cena has been an afterthought. He wrestled Johnny freakin' Nitro last week! Are you kidding me?

His match with RVD for the WWE title at One Night Stand has been more rushed than a girl when Notorious T.I.D's done with her. They don't even have a compelling backstory for Cena. He continues to be booed and he acts like it doesn't bother him, because he still has his fans that are down.

Dammit - make him a cool heel and get on with it! I'm so sick of Cena's schtick and see so much potential for him to be a red-hot heel, but for whatever reason they are holding out.

Even when fans were chanting E-C-W at him, all he could say was, he was an ECW fan too. Weeeeak. For a guy who has allegedly won freestyle competitions, he's damn slow thinking on his feet. But, still - I don't blame him. I blame the company for throwing him out there without a compelling issue or any sense of direction.

I hope RVD does win the title on Sunday (and that's saying something because I haven't marked for Van Dam since before he broke his leg in ECW) and that it sends Cena into a ridiculously angry tailspin. Something intriguing, PLEASE.

His inability to sell, and poor workrate can be overlooked, if you just make him more compelling.

Fans aren't booing Cena because they hate him and he's getting great heat. They're booing him because they are bored to death of him.

Let's hope WWE either gets it right, or Cena gets a phone call from John Laurantis on Monday morning saying, "Sorry, but at this time we don't have anything for you creatively. We'd like to wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors."

Wishful thinking.

8 comments: on "Creative brutality"

Anonymous said...

Are you fucked?????
Big Daddy called it! Cena cant sell shit. His work is BRUTAL!

Anonymous said...

I'm so fucking sick of Cena. And there are many reasons why.

First, he came to the WWE with the whole open challenge thing to Angle..and he had his babyface run.

Then, they decide to make him heel after the Kidman match..and did the whole B-2 thing with Buchanon and then went after Lesnar, and started calling his finisher the F-U because Lesnar had the F-5, blah blah.

Then they started the rapper thing at some party. Next you know...he somehow becomes a fan favorite again.

Now, he's full out babyface to the point of sickening.

See, I don't think any self respecting wrestling fan likes Cena's direction what so ever. It's tired, it's worn out, and it's not even original.

On top of that, his ring work sucks big time. The guy is so goofy in the ring, so mechanical, it's painful to watch.

Not to mention he has about the same amount of moves as Hogan did in the 80's.

The only people that like Cena and cheer for him at the shows are the same people who probably listened to everything Edge had to say in his "shoot" on the "internet geeks". They are the same people who are like sheep and begin to boo ECW wrestlers cause Jerry Lawler is telling them they are trying to take over WWE.

They are the same fans who cheered for the WWF during the "WWF vs. WCW" war/invasion, whatever.

They are the same people who freaking cheered "USA, USA, USA" with Hacksaw Jim Duggan on a guy who is from the United States, and is playing up a teacher gimmick for fuck sake!

Cena, to me, embodies everything I can't stand about the WWE. I am a loyalist to the WWF because of it's production and because I do think..."big time" of wrestling, when watching WWE, but damn...I'm tired of them trying to use the same formula from 20 years ago and trying to apply it to now.

The Rock was more entertaining...every true wrestling fan knew that Steve Austin had a world of talent, so even when his Stone Cold gimmick would become so predictable, he still got a pass with most cause they knew he paid his dues in the business. Shawn Michaels was a hell of a performer before his back injury and at times, has been good as well.

I could go on and on with guys that have had similiar, almost unquestioned, followings from the "causal or general or maybe even kayfabe" fan that is still out there. BUT Cena is beyond able to watch now.

Cena either needs to change..or just freaking go away!


Anonymous said...

People argue that Cena's big saving grace is his mic skill and promo work.

But I think he sounds SOOOOO STIFF and forced. When he tries to do comedy, he is really really weak.

He wants so bad to be the Rock, but he not even a pebble.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

So split the difference
If he's underrated by some and overrated by others chances are he is somewhere in the middle. Which is just an average, mid carder - not deserving of his spot.

Anonymous said...

I'll give Cena this...he's a good athlete. A good wrestler, however, i'm not so sure about. As a babyface, his gimmick gets stale. As a heel, his character comes across a lot better. But there's one thing missing. If he wants to be the "Doctor of Thugonomics" he should get out of West Newbery (sp?) and move to South Boston. I've been to West Newbery and it's a uppity, white-collar town. Does that sound like the effin ghetto to you?

Then again, when the Undertaker takes a liking to you right after your first match, I guess your job is secured.

Brian G said...

Kids love fire.

Kids love lightning.

Kids love Cena.

Kids cry at heels.

Kids (or more specifically their parents) buy merch.

Cena = Kid friendly. Cena = Face.

Big Daddy Donnie said...

Sorry Darkside.

That dog don't hunt.

Cena has ONE ITEM in the WWE's top 10 best selling items list, and it's number 8.

Cena is not the merchandising machine you'd think he is.

If he was selling shirts at a Stone Cold clip, I could justify it.

This is just dumb.

Anonymous said...

Then again...most WWE fans are finicky when it comes to who they like and/or hate.

Cena is a lot like Batista, can get the fans, and that's about it. They can't sell merchandise at the rate like the Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, or Triple H. I see Cena as being more of a "utility face" helping to put over the heels and not much of anything else.

Cena fans are a lot like Batista fans. They'll cry when Cena loses the title just like when Batista had to drop his (that's another story for another day). They'll keep on cheering him until he turns heel again, boo him for a few months, and then, surprise, he turns face again and they start cheering for him.

I've been watching wrestling for damn near twenty years, and WWE fans, mainly the John Cena fans, have to be some of the most retarded fans on the face of the earth.