Check This Out...


Watch No Evil!

Well, that date has finally arrived wrestling fans! Yep, it's May 19th! And you ALL know what that means right?! Time to head out to your local movie theatre and check out the new blockbuster...The Da Vinci Code. Yep, can't wait to see that movie. I read the book, and if the movie is anything like the novel, it'll be dope!

Now, WWE of course, has been promoting the hell out of its debut feature film, See No Evil. But I gotta say, I take issue with this on a number of levels. First of all, it has forced the movie's star Kane to be part of one of the dumbest storylines ever: "Don't say that date!". Secondly, and most importantly, WWE has ripped off the title of one of the greatest hip-hop albums ever: my very own, See No Evil, Hear No Evil. Yep, that's right...Dan-e-o and WWE got heat!!

Why would WWE try to punk me out like that? Over twenty solid years of non-stop support of the company and this is the thanks I get? I own more WWE merchandise, have tuned in to more WWE shows and have been to more WWE events than most wrestling fans in the world...and yet they STILL try to mooch off of your favourite MC! Here's proof:

Other than the titles, there are WAY too many similarities between the two projects. The movie apparently contains a lot of sick scenes. The album, of course, contains a lot of sick lyrics. The movie stars WWE superstar Kane. My music is most greatly influenced by hip-hop icon, Big Daddy Kane. The movie also stars a really hot foxy lady named Christina Vidal. The album includes the hot single, "Foxy Lady". Apparently, Kane's character kills a lot of people. I've killed a lot of MC's. What more do you want?

So this May 19th, you should pick up a copy of See No Evil, Hear No Evil INSTEAD of watching the movie, See No Evil. Or else I just might go crazy if you mention today's date!

2 comments: on "Watch No Evil!"

Anonymous said...

yo dan-e-o
i met you at acc one time durin smackdown when you were with big daddy donnie and i bought speak no evil but now i have to get this album too. i dont have a valid credit card to order online. can i get it at the store??


Anonymous said...

What up Matt,

Yeah definitely, "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" is in stores so you can buy it that way too...thanks bro.