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Dangerous Stories: A random story about Jake, Gertner and Sign Guy

November 1, 1998 - November to Remember at the U.N.O. Lakefront Arena in New Orleans.

Joel and I are milling around backstage. Jake "The Snake" Roberts is being flown in as a mystery tag partner for Tommy Dreamer in his match against Justin Credible and Jack Victory.

So Jake arrives and Joel and I go up to introduce ourselves, even though I think we met him in Florida when they did the Jake, Lawler, Dreamer angle, but I forget. Anyway, Joel and I intro and we get "SCOOOBY DOOO" back to us. I kind of nod my head having no idea what the hell is going on and Joel, who never will laugh continues to talk while I am shaking trying to contain myself because I believe Jake has just introduced himself as Scooby Doo.

Jake walks away and Joel looks at me and with the perfect timing only he has says "Wow, that was an outburst wasnt it" I am now dying and Joel rolls. I loved working with Joel, truly.

Jake Roberts is a legend, hands down so please dont take this story as me knocking him. Just the other night I was watching a DVD of just his matches trying to learn from it. Thats right learn. I may not be a wrestler, I may never manage again, but you can always learn something. He was/is a master of ring psychology. Just watching him, and his timing is incredible. Not everyone has that "thing" whatever that "thing" is - He does. Do yourself a favor and find a good Jake match. WWE has a great DVD out about his life that features matches and great promos - It's worth a look at for sure.

Thanks for sharing in my random story.


2 comments: on "Dangerous Stories: A random story about Jake, Gertner and Sign Guy"

Anonymous said...

great story Lou!!

good luck at One Night Stand!

Hope you bring us some good stories from there!!

Anonymous said...

All the love in the world for Jake Roberts but...Scooby Doo?