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Can DX 2006 work?

The spoilers are out. The countdown is on. At WWE Vengeance, Degeneration X's founding members will reunite and relaunch one of the great stables in WWE history.

My main question is - will it work? Not, will it get over, but will it work? We can all be sure that every wrestling fan (even the hardened, jaded smarks) will crack a little smile at the site of Shawn Michaels and Triple H standing shoulder to shoulder (instead of nose to nose) and crotch chopping everyone in site.

Retro and brand new DX merchandise will fly off the shelves quicker than a "Hulk Still Rules" tank top. The company will make a ton of money almost immediately. Buy rates will spike on ppv and Raw's rating will more than likely increase every quarter hour DX is on. But will it work? I say no.

Whatchu talkin bout Big Daddy? How's it not gonna work?

From a storyline perspective, the angle is fine. HBK and HHH put their years of heated rivalry on the backburner to battle their common enemy: Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Ok, I get that.

My initial issue is - this whole thing is going to finally come together at Vengence. NEXT MONTH'S pay per view. We've got to sit through for another whole month? Are you kidding? People are gonna be screamin at their screens like they did when Ross and Rachel denied they were supposed to hook up for like 10 years. GIMME A BREAK. Short attention span audience! We aren't interested in a slow burn on an extremely predictable angle!

The main problem is - you can't milk a long term feud against Vinnie Mac these days. Austin killed it for everyone!

Think about the money programs that just fizzeled. Rock-McMahon. Hogan-McMahon. McMahon (Shane)-McMahon. This current feud with Shawn has definately run it's course and a DX reunion is going to give us more of the same for the next few months, with Hunter playing the role of lead protagonist. This has short term success written all over it - but sounds like it will get very stale within a month and a PPV blowoff.

Here's the other major problem.....

Since the formation of the original DX, Shawn has gone from being "an Icon" to being a legend. Hunter has gone from being an underachieving understudy - to one of the top names and most recognizable faces in the history of this business. How can two super powers co-exist as a team?

Watching them crush everyone in site might be fun for a little while - but who can beat these guys? The Spirit Squad? C'mon....

More than likely a DX reunion will lead to a DX explosion within this same calendar year. Are you ready for another lengthy HBK versus HHH program?

There's a fine line between nostalgia and recycled crap that is as stale as a week old Boston Cream.

And if you're not down with that... I GOT TWOO WORDS FOR YA

2 comments: on "Can DX 2006 work?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well if they bring back DX, with it just being Shawn and Hunter, I'm hoping that they at least cut a couple of their legendary promos, ripping on McMahon.

If they do that, I actually would be fine with everything else.

I would rather them just have the Kliq re-form than actually DX or NWO. Just bring in Kevin, Scott, and Sean..and let the vets have a couple of months in the sun before you fire half of them again..and then have Hunter sledgehammer everyone.

I just don't want to see Cena be a part of whatever they do with Shawn or Hunter. Don't have Hunter rip on Cena like he did a while back only to have him join the little pissant.
