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A True American Hero

If you read our Wrestlemania predictions, then you know that I'm smiling right now saying - I called it baby!

Yes, I said that JBL, the wrestling God, would in fact defeat that guy who used to call himself a Canadian - Chris Benoit for the U.S. Title. My colleagues (specifically my boy Dan-e-o) seemed to think this would a step down for my man JBL. A former World Champion taking a second tier title that's never held any prominence in the WWE.

Well, on Smackdown tonight, John Bradshaw Layfield put the U.S. Title over. He is making it look more legitmate and is even stealing a little shine from Rey.

His work on the mic tonight was unbelievable. Angle, who is no slouch when it comes to cutting a promo looked overmatched and had to fall back on "You Suck". JBL kept things flowing by catching heat for every which reason. The band kids who he wasn't happy with - firing Jillian - discrediting Mysterio and his fans who he called the "12 million illegals" - This guy generates more heat than the fiery pits of hell (which may be where he ends up after all his socially unacceptable comments - if you believe in that sort of thing).

In his blog, Mick Foley recently called Edge the top heel in the company. Sorry Mick. That job has been taken by the "True American Hero".

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