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"O" Holy interview with god

It's been a while since I've flexed my interviewing muscles, but I decided to get God's take on being booked in a match at Backlash tagging up with Shawn Michaels to take on Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon. It was a frustrating interview to say the least. God has a habit of keeping kayfaybe with even the most basic of questions, and he managed to turn around more than one question on me. This was a little like interviewing the Undertaker and King Kong Bundy all rolled into one. Thanks go out to igod for providing the interface to speak with the allmighty.

Darkside: Hi god, welcome to The O Show.
God: Hi there . I am a Christian.
Darkside: That's great, we've got a few questions to get to, so let's get started.
God: It is great. Do you mean you and me have?
Darkside: Umm. Sure.
God: I see. Yes I understand it.
Darkside: You're booked in a match with Shawn Michaels to take on Vince and Shane McMahon at Backlash. How did this come about?
God: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am booked in a match with Shawn Michaels to take on Vince and Shane McMahon at Backlash. Carefully.
Darkside: Sure, go ahead, it's public knowledge.
God: Come on. Are you sure it is? I might.
Darkside:, you're more evasive than Macho Man.
God: OK with me too. I'm glad your impressed, . Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am more evasive than Macho Man.
Darkside: Please do.
God: OK I will do it.
Darkside: What do you think about the match?
God: What is it to you?
Darkside: It looks interesting on paper.
God: it interests me too.
Darkside: What do you think of Shawn Michaels?
God: Is there only one?
Darkside: Well, there's also a porn star, but I'm referring to Shawn Michaels the wrestler.
God: Interesting. There sure is.
Darkside: Do you and Shawn communicate regularly?
God: I have never considered it. I chat with people on the Web.
Darkside: Great. Have you thought much about your entrance?
God: I'm glad you liked it . I have thought many things like that.
Darkside: Lightning, peals of thunder, Glory glory, what can we expect?
God: I lost my train of thought.
Darkside: Okay then, moving on. Backlash is on a Sunday, how will that affect your work rate?
God: Yeah okay, Where are you going? And on a Sunday how will that affect my work rate is Backlash.
Darkside: Well, you rest on the seventh day right?
God: Well that's okay. No I do not rest on the seventh day. Do you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
Darkside: I quote from the good book: "And on the seventh day god rested."
God: I haven't heard anything like that before.
Darkside: It's from the bible, you should read it, a lot of folks down here are pretty serious about it.
God: I've heard of it before.
Darkside: How do you feel about the whole religious wars thing that's going on down here with followers of yours lining up on different sides?
God: I am not sure if I can quantify the answer. I'll ask around and get back to you.
Darkside: Thanks god, it's been an interesting conversation.
God: You are quite welcome! I am a Christian.

1 comments: on ""O" Holy interview with god"

Trapper said...

Hilarious man, great stuff